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689 total votes have been cast on this survey | 21 user comments  ( edit survey )

Bible Books Most Neglected: Which Ones?
Created: 2/12/2008 | Last Vote: 4 years ago | Comment: 15 years ago
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 •   Genesis to Deuteronomy, Job
  9% | 64 votes

 •   Joshua to 2 Chronicles
  27% | 186 votes

 •   Isaiah to Malachi
  30% | 209 votes

 •   Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
  2% | 17 votes

 •   Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Philemon, 2 John, 3 John, Jude
  23% | 158 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  8% | 55 votes


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Survey1/6/09 7:03 AM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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I would say The Canticles. Here is an Old Testament book full of Christ, and his relationship with his people.

I suppose that some might avoid it because of the mysticism and spiritualising, but surely Christianity by definition is mysticism in its purest form. That is, we are indwelt by a Spirit, the invisible Spirit of Christ. It is this Spirit which reveals all we know about God and Christ, firstly by direct revelation, without which we would never desire to flee from the wrath to come, nor desire Christ to be Lord over us, nor trust in Christ as our Saviour. And secondly, through our study of God's word, through which he reveals objective truth necessary for true doctrine, and subjective intimate conversation (A.V. definition) with Christ himself.

The Song adequately shows how fellowship with God (which is the whole purpose of Christianity) can be marred or even lost for a while. But because of the continually indwelling Spirit, and the matchless grace of God, no believer can be happy, in the true spiritual sense, until a renewal of fellowship is brought about.

It is interesting in the Song, that those in such a predicament find it hard to get good advice from those who should be their shepherds, on how to find again their lost beloved.

Survey9/12/08 3:52 PM
Jay Miklovic | Toledo, Ohio  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Jay Miklovic
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Very true Jake

Survey4/7/08 12:53 PM
Jakob Virgil | The faroes  Find all comments by Jakob Virgil
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The answer is James. regardless of Mr. Luthers view. The job of a christian is to do the work of Christ not to focus on his salvation.
show me the work of faith without works.

Survey3/19/08 3:37 PM
michelangelo | US  Find all comments by michelangelo
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..and Tobit, and Judith and.....

Survey3/10/08 7:54 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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David Marshall wrote:
Leviticus would have to be the most neglected single book, then all of the Prophets, then all of the Old Testament.
Most of the OT is ignored in these Dispensational days, apart from relevant prophecies (most of which have already been fulfilled). Because we now sing insipid subjective songs in church we no longer know the Psalms. Because we are becoming more and more antinomian, we no longer study the law of God. So many like to call themselves "NT Christians", not even knowing how inane that statement is. But this is the price for refusing to see the Bible as covenantally structured because of Dispy double vision.

Survey3/10/08 7:46 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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From my observation it depends on your ministry team. Some folk preach mainly OT while others concentrate on the letters or the gospels. At the moment we're sitting under a very balanced ministry that spends time in the OT and in the NT often showing how they fit together. We've recently had a series on ecclesiastes and are now in Matthew's gospel.

Survey3/10/08 7:01 PM
David Marshall | New Zealand  Contact via emailFind all comments by David Marshall
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Leviticus would have to be the most neglected single book, then all of the Prophets, then all of the Old Testament.

Survey2/25/08 11:13 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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Discerning Believer wrote:
Independent Fundamental Baptist.
Ah, I see. Thank you! By the way, have you ever seen the Baptist Confession? It is very short. In Phillip Schaff's three volumes on the confessions, the Baptists rate 1 page. This is because it is identical with the WCF, except for two points - being Baptism (obviously, or else the whole denomination ceases to exist) and Church Government.

Survey2/25/08 11:08 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Independent Fundamental Baptist.

Survey2/25/08 11:00 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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Discerning Believer wrote:
Romans and Ephesians. Those in the IFB who do teach from Romans conveniently skip over the verses that pertain to election and predestination.
Yes - or say that Romans 9 has nothing to do with election of NT believers, but with choosing of a whole nation. It does mean a lot of Scripture has to be ignored or explained away. But tell me, and please excuse my ignorance, what is the IFB?

Survey2/25/08 10:37 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Romans and Ephesians. Those in the IFB who do teach from Romans conveniently skip over the verses that pertain to election and predestination.

Survey2/25/08 7:11 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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I think we have lost a lot of understanding of the whole OT. We no longer sing the Psalms, and prophecy is being misused more and more to bolster Dispy double vision. Even Revelation, which parallels Ezekiel is misreprented to the point of distortion because no one sees the Bible covenantally anymore. Revelation is given as a covenantal document in the style of a covenantal document. Even the seven churches, which clearly parallel the Old Testament church, are misused and misquoted. So it is not so much of a concern as to what Book is neglected, but how are they used? I personally know next to nothing of the Song of Solomon. I derive nothing from it, and it is nowhere quoted in the NT. Sometimes I wonder why it is in the canon. But that is my own personal view, so please don't shoot me down over it.

Survey2/25/08 6:28 PM
YoungCalvinist | London  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by YoungCalvinist
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Gotta be the Minor Prophets. I have only heard one good thorough exposition of the Minor Prophets and that was done by J. Vernon McGee. I've read great commentaries, but haven't heard much expository preaching on it

Survey2/25/08 5:56 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Probably Jeremiah.

Especially places like chapter 51, verses
20 to the end of the chapter.

NOT exactly what you might expect to see on
one of those fluffy daily-Bible-verse calendars
sold in most Bible bookstores that try to show
what a "loving God" God is.

We must read and listen to the WHOLE Bible.
Even the parts that sound unpleasant to us
if we are ever to know God for who He truely
is in ALL His aspects.

Survey2/22/08 4:46 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Norman Smith
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DJC 49

...good point...most interesting !

Survey2/22/08 2:12 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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Norman Smith wrote:
My guess is Nahum and the other *minor prophets*, excepting Jonah, are the most neglected.

The first six verses of Nahum chapter one are quite staggering...we cannot start at verse 7, but so glad it is there ! Phew !


The first six verses indeed!

Now here's a thought ...
IF the number of sermons available per Book on Sermonaudio.com is any indication as to what Book(s) of the Bible are the most neglected, we find that:
NAHUM has 108 sermons
3 JOHN has 97 sermons
OBADIAH has 71 sermons

It's by no means definitive, but it might be illustrative.

Survey2/22/08 1:14 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Norman Smith
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My guess is Nahum and the other *minor prophets*,excepting Jonah, are the most neglected.

The first six verses of Nahum chapter one are quite staggering...we cannot start at verse 7, but so glad it is there ! Phew !

Survey2/12/08 5:10 PM
Lisa | Wales  Find all comments by Lisa
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[URL=http://reluctant-messenger.com/1enoch01-60.htm]]]http://reluctant-messenger.com/1enoch01-60.htm[/URL] I came to real faith whilst reading Galatians-no idea why i had never heard it before (o you foolish galatians who has betwitched you...).
Deuteronomy-this is a nuclear bomb of a book and makes the traditional view of God as a nice fluffy old man on a cloud seam a bit ridiculous.
Also neglected is 1 Enoch (which is referenced in both Jude and 1 Peter), but excluded from canon. Amazing Messianic prophecy, read it and get a Jew to read it...Phenomenal.

Survey2/12/08 2:13 PM
doulos-christou-iesou | Spokane, WA USA  Go to homepageFind all comments by doulos-christou-iesou
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I think it's Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 2 Timothy, and Philemon.

Of course, those aren't listed as options, so, it would seem that what I think doesn't really matter.

Survey2/12/08 1:21 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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It's got to be ***No answer*** as *Bel and the Dragon* wasn't included among the choices.

Another extremely neglected Book of the Bible would have to be *Tobit*. I have no idea why it goes unappreciated as the story of someone blinded by bird droppings that fell in his eyes is tremendously inspiring!

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