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474 total votes have been cast on this survey | 8 user comments  ( edit survey )

Exercise Unto Godliness: What's Your Pattern? (1Ti 4:7)
Created: 4/16/2004 | Last Vote: 14 years ago | Comment: 18 years ago
Disclaimer: These surveys are created by PLUS or FULL Members of the site and, unless specified, are not created by the SermonAudio staff nor do they necessarily reflect the site's position on any topic.

 •   I have regular personal, family, and/or public devotions and prayer at least twice per day.
  26% | 122 votes

 •   I have regular personal, family, and/or public devotions and prayer at least once per day.
  44% | 210 votes

 •   My spiritual exercise is mostly on Sunday and sometimes on other days.
  13% | 60 votes

 •   I know I should but I mostly don't exercise myself unto godliness too much.
  6% | 27 votes

 •   Other.
  7% | 31 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  5% | 24 votes


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Survey9/10/06 1:21 AM
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Usually once a day: Old and/or New Testament, some Psalms, Proverbs, concluding my devotions with the Lord's Prayer and a Psalm.

Survey9/9/06 11:16 PM
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Instead of ordering a hymnal cd order a Psalms cd, like this one.


Then you can sing scripture and get scripture memorized in your head. Luther called the Psalter (another name for the book of Psalms) a "little bible." In the New Testament alone, the book of Psalms is quoted 127 times, more than any other book in the Old Testament.

There is tons of wonderful theology in the Psalms. They are a wonderful comfort for all types of human emotions an situations. They are full of prayers to God and praise to God, that are the inspired Word of God.

Survey9/9/06 5:41 PM
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I am sorry spell checker but Reformed Covenanter is not a commercial website so I thought this was okay. However, I will cease from advertising until you confirm whether or not this is legitimate.

Survey9/8/06 8:51 AM
spell checker  
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Now there was me thinking that promoting another website through SA without the specific permission of the editors is not only discourteous and rude but also against the spirit of the code of conduct

Survey9/8/06 7:41 AM
D.R. | N.I.  
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A new blog http://reformedcovenanter.blogspot.com/ has a number of posts of personal godliness that readers may be interested in.

Survey7/23/05 2:21 PM
Christian Raas | Switzerland  
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I usually start my day with one hour of Biblereading and prayer. In the evening I usually listen to at least two sermons from a good Bible Protestant website like this one.

Survey5/18/04 10:38 AM
Jenn | PA  Contact via email
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Here's an idea (it worked for my husband)

If you need spiritual exercise as well as physical exercise...get a copy of the Bible on cassette or CD and get to stepping ) MAKE time every day to walk at least 30 minutes and while you are taking care of your physical body you spiritual body is getting a "shot in the arm" so to speak )

You said "I am hoping to order a Hymnal with the older songs which are theology and that the Lord would strengthen me with these songs and encourage me to get more serious since I need the Word of God to be more of a part of my life as to show myself approved of the Lord." The book of Psalms is filled with songs )

I will pray that God will fill you with the desire for Him as well as the discipline to follow through!

In His Service!

Survey4/23/04 4:34 AM
Vernon | Sulphur  
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I find when a friend comes to mind and needs encouragement, I am encouraged to spend time with the Word of God through my computer Bible program to search for the scriptures applying, but outside of this, I am lacking in this although I am made stronger with the Word of God when I am at church and reading the Word of God with the rest of the people although he is fast, so you have to look them up very fast too.

I am ashamed how much I need the Word of God in my life and take his grace of getting to know the Lord better through his word so lightly, which I don't brag of.

I am hoping to order a Hymnal with the older songs which are theology and that the Lord would strengthen me with these songs and encourage me to get more serious since I need the Word of God to be more of a part of my life as to show myself approved of the Lord.

Pray for me to get this taken care of as soon as possible, plus some physical exercise for me would be a very good thing too.

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