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What Foreign Travel Have You Done?
Created: 5/26/2003 | Last Vote: 13 years ago | Comment: 15 years ago
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Survey6/9/09 11:32 PM
Far Coconut Myopia  Find all comments by Far Coconut Myopia
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Afghanistan, Chile, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, Haiti, Iraq, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Panama, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Vietnam.

Survey6/9/09 4:54 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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2 years ago my wife and I went to Italy.

Never saw so much ART in my whole life as I did when we went to that country.

Survey8/30/06 11:26 AM
Mike | New York  
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England, Canada, and Massachusetts.

Survey12/12/05 12:52 AM
David | TX  
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I've been to about 70 or so different countries. This is because I was in the US Navy. I know what it's like to be the foreigner and I'm continually embarassed at how Americans act overseas. WE are the visitor and they really don't care that we're Americans. Most like to do business with us, and might listen to us talk about Christianity (except for some Islamic countries - which will jail you). I've found that most are friendly if you act like a Christian - being humble. I have had a couple of favorite countries I've visited...Thailand because of the beauty of the country, and Scotland because of the same and thats where my family is originally from. It is sad to see the churches empty in most European countries, but then, God does what He wills. Then again, the mega-churches here don't preach worth a grain of salt either. My sister lives in Korea and they are seeing the Presbyterian church explode there.
Africa is beautiful too, just brutal in some respects. One of my fondest memories is actually not on land anywhere, just in the middle of the Pacific. We were past Guam and the seas were (realtively) calm and the moon was out, 20 of us squids were talking about the storm we had just gone through and how God had blessed us. It seemed we could see forever in that night sky.

Survey11/13/05 6:39 PM
Kenny | South Carolina  
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I went to Ecuador with my family to visit my some relatives who live there. I've also been to Colombia, Canada, and Costa Rica.

Survey4/18/05 11:43 AM
Leon | Atlanta  
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My wife and I have been to Canada and the Republic of Kiribati (pronounced Kiriboss).

Survey3/30/05 10:34 PM
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One thing is for sure, most of the early church believed in the Orthodox view of Jesus. This Jesus is the one from the canonicity of God's Word.

yes msc appreciate your imput and God Bless

Survey3/29/05 10:16 PM
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DJ, I'm not too sure on all of the details of Greek Christian art. However, it seems the Orthodox are not so "crucified-minded" as the Catholics. Where the Catholics put a lot of emphasis on Christ's death, I think the Orthodox are more balanced with more inclusion of his resurrection. Sounds like you had an interesting voyage.

Survey3/29/05 9:23 PM
DJfan88 | Hyde Park Ma  
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Maybe the round halo over the head shows that he is dead physically and not spiritually, but obviously the resurrection included Him in His physical appearance. No doubt Jesus didn't appear to His disciples in spiritual form because doubting Thomas saw the prints of the nails in hands and what spear did.

I learned this circle around head meaning from my professor who has been studying Baptist History and has about every book he knows of. He lectured one time on the structures of the Byzantine and Middle Age paintings.

Once you visit Greece, you'll understand what happened where w/ the tour guides. They are pretty accurate. If you have that privilege take it.

Survey3/29/05 11:20 AM
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I've only visited one Orthodox service, so I can't say too much. The orthodox have a very good understanding of the resurrection from what I know...when they celebrate it, they say "Christ is risen, indeed He is risen!" Seems also there is more direct prayer to Jesus instead of saints; less emphasis on law and works....Roman Catholicism seems more "law" while Orthodox emphasize more grace and faith. I'm not saying they are perfect or infallible and even the Orthodox acknowledge that...more emphasis is put on the layity and what they believe also, so they have a greater voice in matters instead of just taking a pope's words as infallible divine revelation. Greece would be a neat country to visit, especially the sites where the Apostle Paul visited.

Survey3/28/05 11:04 PM
DJfan88 | Hyde Park  
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true, I should mention that they do believe in immersion, and that term related back to 4th century B.C. with the battle at Marathon where the Greek sleek ships outhandled that bulky huge ships that were of the Persians. Greeks were able to sink them and associated Baptize with the sinking. That is where the 1st use of that word in its form came.

I'm not familiar with Greek Orthodox religion except what I've heard from those involved and observed.

See, when I walked into some churches, I have seen pictures of Mary holding Jesus on lap as child. It seemed they put her on a higher scale than most humans. Unfortuneatly, I noticed a round shape over the head of Jesus and that symbolizes that one is dead. The square means alive. So, do they believe in the resurrection of Jesus?

Glad they are not controlled by a single ruler like say the Pope for Roman Catholism. Not sure how their government structure stands.
They are very symbolic. Thankyou for the other info.
I do not understand my observance of the circles around head of Jesus though.

Survey3/28/05 6:22 PM
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Seems to me from what I've read and learned of the Greek Orthodox is that they have a more evangelical understanding of God's grace. They also reject Pope, are not under one supreme infallible ruler (the bishop of Constantinople is only representative over the independent national churches), baptize by immmersion without exception (it's obvious they know the Greek meaning), and deny other Roman Catholic inventions such as Mary's immaculate conception and the double procession of the Holy Ghost. This is the way I've understood them from the literature I picked up at a local Orthodox church and also from investigating this from other sources via the Web.

Survey3/28/05 5:18 PM
DJfan88 | Hyde Park Ma  
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...water was gathered from the top and came down via aquaduct. The Acrocorinth mountain took 20 min to hike up and we had to hurry to spend 5 min. up there. Then we had to rush down, but the top must have been a little more than a mile. We were a little more than halfway to the snowcaps if the level we were at on the top was transfered to another mountain about 5 miles away. This mountain has no safety precautions at all, and if you didn't watch out, you could slip 200 ft off certain edges. Barracks and structures that reminded me of a castle stood, but mostly in ruins. People of Corinth may have used these as refuge. The notable ruins in Corinth was the Agora, but the city was much bigger and may have occupied much of the landscape from Acrocorinth to where modern Korinthos is, but am not sure the perimeters.

Safety precautions are more emphasized here in the US than anywhere else I've been. That just makes the adventure more exciting.

Proof in the pudding took over 2 hrs to type all this and think it through. Enjoy it while it lasts. I do not do this often, but the places travelled have important evidences that prove the Bible is true and makes it come alive. The Word doesn't need proof to those who believe it. John 14:6 w/ John 1:1 and 1:14. Thankyo

Survey3/28/05 5:06 PM
DJfan88 | Thankyou to those who were patient enough  Contact via email
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I have placed plenty of thought into what I have said and since I said it still having human nature, but saved by the Grace of God, I am accountable to God for any errors done in my typing. Thank God we have the privilege to speak of genuine salvation.

A couple more points on the Greece trip. One of the last things our group did was travelling to Corinth to see the place where idols like that of Aphrodite was worshipped. Just a note that the Temples were always the buildings standing above all other buildings in the area as if the belief of that day was for that particular god to watch over them. Five or more pillars still stand where a Temple in Corinth overlooked the Agora (marketplace)

The modern city is by the Aegean Sea and Ionic while the ancient city was at the summit of AcroCorinth.

Now, the bema seat is right midst the ruins in the Agora where Paul was judged due to the Jews turning him in and found guiltless. (Acts 18:13-15) Judgment seat is interpreted Bema Seat and we saw proof.

Also, the place where the Jewish Synagogue was is not documented w/ signs, but our guide told us. It is where a notable 3 windowed house was, the only place where the windows were still seen intact. It is only a few yards from the Bema Seat.
AcroCorinth is where the..

Survey3/28/05 4:47 PM
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One last verse to leave those who believe works can save and then faith.

Hebrews 11:6 "But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

Anything that man does that has no faith in Christ is not pleasing to Him. There must be a basic understanding that Jesus is the way, truth, and the life. Only He is capable of saving a poor lost sinner to those who believe. Believe means "truth in accepting in doing what is or is not seen"

A lost sinner 99% of the time has never seen what Jesus' sacrifice meant, so it takes faith unseen because no one in the 21st century has witnessed Jesus dying on the cross. The only source is God's Word, perserved through history.

To sum it up, faith is only good through what you do through acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Savior. If growth does not take place, he or she may never have had that faith pleasing to the Lord.

Survey3/28/05 4:31 PM
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Does this mean that faith alone is enough and we shouldn't do anything for the Lord? God forbid
James 2:2 "Faith w/o works is dead"

This is where a new Christian, after accepting Jesus as Savior, would experience growth throught the words of the Lord. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Matt. 4:4

That ties in perfectly to what the Bible is saying in John 1:14 w/ the Word being made flesh and dwelling among us. John knew this because he saw Jesus and knew that Jesus was the Word and proof of His incarnation being set apart in all His glory.

We are to eat every word that the Word gives to us for that is how man should live in emotions and intellect.

I see Greece as a place just needing another Paul w/ the will to trust God 1st, then the works.

Matthew mentions the results of faith or how to identify it in the lives of others.
Mat 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Mat 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them

This is certainly important to remember because why else would Christ have died for us. *thinking of Easter* The cross of Christ would be made of none effect if we think we can be saved by our deeds w/o faith.

Survey3/28/05 4:12 PM
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Greek Ortho. is byproduct of hungry power lovers and ultimately branched away from the Catholic Church to establish in Constatinople and elsewhere.

Met some Greek Orthodox people and they are nice and very religious, but being nice and religious will not save. Only the grace of God and what Jesus did upon the cross does.

Ephesians. 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; Not by works lest any man should bost.

The job for the one who accepts the Word and has faith in Jesus is the works that come due to faith in His death and resurrection to take away our sins. The Bible shows that we should not do works in order to be accepted or to gain faith. Ecc. 7:15, Romans 4:6, Isa. 64:6. Point is that works w/o the Lord leads to unrighteousness even if a man says hes doing it for the Lord.

I think of this verse Matt. 7:22 which Jesus spoke of: "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?"

and the Lord's reply in the next verse

"And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Why would Jesus say this? False hope due to their own motivations.

Survey3/28/05 3:52 PM
DJfan88 | Hyde Park Ma  
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Like I was saying, I do not try to bargain them down unless someone voluntarily came up w/ a product I'm not interested. I won't feel as bad then.
The country of Greece is 95% Greek Orthodox. That religion is a branch off of Roman Catholism back when Constantinople and Rome were at a power fight w/ each other. Constantine founded both the "Papas" which later became known as the title "Pope" and founded the city of Constantinople known as Istanbol today.

A tour guide mentioned how Paul was the one who introduced Greek Orthodox religion, but Greek Orthodox developed after Constantine 320 A.D. and therefore, major changes since Paul has occurred, where some beliefs are even against what Paul stood for like works before faith.
Some of the Greek Ortho. churches visited had candle vigils and portraits of Mary and Jesus. Key places for placing of these building are on top of Olympus Hill, higher than Acropolis, at a cave in Patmos, where it is believed John stayed, and next to an 11th century monastery at top of what looked to be the highest point of the island. They certainly try to pick highlighted places and emphasize their findings. There is always a collection box as you walk in.
I just want to say that Paul did start churches, but not Greek Orthodox.

Survey3/23/05 5:19 PM
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France once and Canada twice. Next destinations: Finland and Sweden.

Survey3/23/05 5:16 PM
DJfan88 | Hyde Park Ma  
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I promised to give a report on Greece and here it is. Our study group from Boston Baptist College of 95 people went and spent time in Greece, Turkey, and England. (March 9-18)

I never thought Greece to be a poor country, but is the poorest member in the European Union. The Lord blessed each day with mostly sun, except for the day in Ephesus in Turkey where some rain came. Only spent 1 day there seeing ruins high up on the hills. Misquitos were in the low-lying places, coincidently where the 2nd church of Ephesus was located.
The Jewish Synogogue, where Paul's 1st stop usually was in every city, is said to be behind ancient library. The amphitheater was a little ways down from there where Paul may have preached.

Athens: spent 3 days there and saw the condition of the lost. Most are scraping to get by and usually through income of the tourists. In our group or by self, I could easily be recognized as a tourist. Poverty is known, especially when a lady tries to sell me a white cloth for 30 euro = 50 American dollars. I hear phrases like, "I will make you good deal, no?" or "best offer I do"

I hear some of my group talked prices down, which I do not feel very comfortable doing, but its everyday life to them.

I will leave more info later. Thankyou

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