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835 total votes have been cast on this survey | 32 user comments  ( edit survey )

False Christian Profession: How Prevalent?
Created: 6/22/2006 | Last Vote: 8 years ago | Comment: 16 years ago
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 •   There are many false professors who have never been born again

 •   There is a small minority of false Christian professors.
  3% | 21 votes

 •   Most professing Christians know their true eternal state
  3% | 25 votes

 •   Many are Christian without knowing or professing it.
  1% | 10 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  4% | 31 votes


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Survey6/7/08 3:05 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Glad that it was found meaningful. This period of my life I found my apt ability for saying things that was not much appreciated by both the church I attended and the Bible Collage I attended. Putting my foot in the mouth of truth was my forte 14 years ago.
It made me a lonely person though as I became a political liability for "friends" who were climbing the ladder of Church Government.
It became a lot easier to hang me out to dry.
Besides I prefer wafting in the Ruach these days anyhow. :-)

Survey6/7/08 1:32 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Nathan wrote:
This question reminds me of the time I was at a Bible Collage (a terrible apostate one that goes unnamed thus I left after 1 term.) The one decent lecturer who focused everything upon Christ asked the question as to what we thought required the greatest effort in the field of evangelism.
People said "Ahh the 20/40 window" (round the equator and 20 degrees either side). Others said other things.
I sat there my heart pumping knowing that I had to say it.
Responding I said "Didn't Jesus say that narrow is the way to life and few that be who find it. And Wide is the way that lead to death and many travel on it." (My Paraphrase) There was agreement.
"So" I said ......
Thank you so much for your post. It is a horrible thing but I have to think you are so right as so few professing to be Christians have any idea of the absolute necessity of and what it really means to be born again of the Holy Spirit.

Survey6/7/08 12:22 AM
Observation Post  Find all comments by Observation Post
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Nathan wrote:
Responding I said "Didn't Jesus say that narrow is the way to life and few that be who find it. And Wide is the way that lead to death and many travel on it." (My Paraphrase) There was agreement.
"So" I said "Isn't Christendom the worlds largest religion?"
It went unchallenged. The lecture looked concerned.
I continued "Thus would not Christianity constitute the greatest field of evangelism since it is the widest road we can find in the world."
You could have heard a pin drop.
And probably some jaws as well. AMEN!!!

Survey6/7/08 12:05 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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This question reminds me of the time I was at a Bible Collage (a terrible apostate one that goes unnamed thus I left after 1 term.) The one decent lecturer who focused everything upon Christ asked the question as to what we thought required the greatest effort in the field of evangelism.
People said "Ahh the 20/40 window" (round the equator and 20 degrees either side). Others said other things.
I sat there my heart pumping knowing that I had to say it.
Responding I said "Didn't Jesus say that narrow is the way to life and few that be who find it. And Wide is the way that lead to death and many travel on it." (My Paraphrase) There was agreement.
"So" I said "Isn't Christendom the worlds largest religion?"
It went unchallenged. The lecture looked concerned.
I continued "Thus would not Christianity constitute the greatest field of evangelism since it is the widest road we can find in the world."
You could have heard a pin drop.
The guy next to me said "Are you trying to start a fight."
The Lecturer (bless him) freaked and called and end to class for a coffee and tea break.

Many will come saying Lord Lord and be sent away very very vexed.

Survey4/26/07 8:44 AM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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This is a description of "Molinism," a doctrine of the Roman Church.
Thus does it display that Arminianism comes from the Popish dogmas.

"In spite of original sin and concupiscence man is still free, not only with reference to ethical good and evil in his natural actions, but also in his supernatural salutary works in which Divine grace co-operates with his will. Molinism escaped every suspicion of Pelagianism by laying down at the outset that the soul with its faculties (the intellect and will) must be first constituted by prevenient grace a supernatural principle of operation in actu primo, before it can, in conjunction with the help of the supernatural concursus of God, elicit a salutary act in actu secundo. Thus, the salutary act is itself an act of grace rather than of the will; it is the common work of God and man, because and in so far as the supernatural element of the act is due to God and its vitality and freedom to man. It must not be imagined, however, that the will has such an influence on grace that its consent conditions or strengthens the power of grace; the fact is rather that the supernatural power of grace is first transformed into the vital energy of the will, and then, as a supernatural concursus, excites and accompanies the free and salutary act."

Survey2/15/07 8:21 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Ponder this ---

1 Peter 1:6a, 7
6a) ...now for a little while you may be distressed *by* trials and suffer temptations,

7) So That [*THE GENUINENESS*] Of your FAITH May Be *TESTED*, [your FAITH] Which Is INFINITELY MORE PRECIOUS Than the perishable gold which is tested and purified by fire. [This *PROVING* Of your FAITH Is Intended] To REDOUND To [your] PRAISE And GLORY When Jesus Christ, THE MASSIAH, THE ANOINTED ONE, IS REVEALED.

THE GENUINENESS Of our FAITH Will Be **TESTED** in this life, and we will experience distress through the course of our lives as a result of the diverse trials and temptations we will suffer.

GENUINE FAITH Is Revealed From Within The Heart Of man --- The Inner man Revealed And Exposed In The Outer man [In Words And Deeds].

When **TESTED**, Isn’t The GENUINENESS Of our FAITH Founded When we Are Found To Be IMMOVABLY ROOTED In GOD'S LOVE, In All HUMILITY At The Foot Of THE CROSS, *IN* Christ --- Partaking Of THE DIVINE DELIVERANCE Of GOD'S SALVATION *BY* GRACE, *THROUGH* FAITH (*That Which Has Been Extended Toward us *BY* The Indwelling Presence Of GOD'S SPIRIT GUIDING us *Through* THE FAITH *BUILDING* *WORD Of GOD*) That we Might LIVE With A Clear Conscience Before our FATHER And our fellow man (*as much as is within our control*) ???

Survey2/14/07 5:34 PM
Dessie | WV  Contact via emailFind all comments by Dessie
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"Lime Green"

Excellent God is in complete control. It is always a real
blessing to read such precious comments.
God Bless

Survey2/14/07 5:16 PM
Earl Grey  Find all comments by Earl Grey
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There is all to much false profession on this site - mainly by Yamil, and yes you could say his arminian, "I can save myself" theory is very prevalent amongst his religions followers.

Lets hope and pray Yamil, one day is provided with the grace, to grasp the truth of Biblical Calvinism.

Survey10/30/06 12:26 AM
St Jeremiah  Contact via emailFind all comments by St Jeremiah
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"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'

Profession does not automatically mean acceptance. Acceptance comes from God who knows the heart of the one who professes Him as "Lord" and means to serve Him with all his heart, mind, body and soul.
By transformation and regeneration of the will formerly held in bondage to self pleasure the saints is now in bondage to the will of God to do righteousness.
None of this is true for one who professes that Jesus is "Lord" but their heart is far from Him. They are more interested in morality, religiosity and praise from men that will advance them in the world...but have no vested interest in the King, His kingdom or His will. Their heart, mind, body and soul is still their own to command as they please.

Survey9/1/06 11:12 AM
Lime Green  
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"Adam was created with a positive righteousness, not a simple
“moral neutrality” (Genesis 1:31), whereas every person descended from him is “dead in trespasses and sin” and has no capacity (though he has the “choice”) to do anything except what is consistent with his nature (Jeremiah 13:23),

a nature which is
defined by God as being completely, thoroughly, and indelibly corrupted by sin, which is, at its core, self-idolatry (Genesis 6:5; Romans 1:18-32, 3:10-19).

Thus, Adam’s sin was avoidable in that
he was not bound by a positive bondage to sin or compelled by any outside factor or influence; he was under no compulsion to rebel against God.

In this sense he and Eve were unique; none of his descendants has the same capacity (Psalm 51:5; John 8:31-44).

Nonetheless, what Adam did freely he did in complete accordance with the eternal decree of God.

To believe otherwise is to destroy
the revealed nature and purpose of God as the One who has created and is ordering all things toward an eternally
predetermined goal (cf. Romans 8:18-25; Ephesians 1:3-10; also 2Timothy 1:9-10; Revelation 13:8, 17:8)."
(Sov. Grace Church Littleton)

Survey9/1/06 11:06 AM
Lime Green  
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"Finally, it is impossible for God to know with certainty that which is
inherently uncertain in that it depends on the entirely free choice of

Therefore, this view cannot stand the weight of God’s attribute of omniscience. While some argue that this seeming impossibility is resolved by the fact that God is “timeless,” meaning that there is no past or future with Him but only an eternal
“present,” so that the free acts of men are eternally before Him, this
argument still denies fundamental biblical truth.

Even if it were granted that everything that will ever freely occur is eternally set before His sight, under this scheme God would have
nonetheless “learned by observation” and would not therefore be
eternally perfect inasmuch as He has grown in knowledge through
His eternal perception of what is yet to occur through the free
agency of men."
(Sov. Grace Church Littleton)

Survey9/1/06 11:02 AM
Lime Green  
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"Most argue that God “looks down through the corridor of time” and merely sees in advance what people will do of their own free choice.

While this view has a semblance of credibility, it fails at a minimum of three points.

- First, this view denies the biblical definition of the foreknowledge of
God. In biblical use foreknowledge never refers to a mere cognitive
knowledge of future events. Throughout the Bible this concept is represented by the idea of God’s knowledge, which is shown to embrace his eternal determination as well as His advance
knowledge of future occurrences.

- Secondly, and for the above reason, this argument involves
circular reasoning in that it places God in the position of
predestining that which He “sees” men doing of their own free will.

If God is merely observing beforehand what men determine to do,
in what sense does He predestinate or predetermine anything?"
(Sov. Grace Church Littleton)

Survey8/30/06 7:10 AM
John | UK  
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Lime Green

You said: [VERY Prevalent
For Example

1]There are Millions of Roman Catholics.
2]There are Millions of Liberals.
3]There are Millions of Arminians.
4]There are millions of Free Willers.

Because of this False Profession is Very Prevalent in our societies.

Thank God for the Remnant; - The True Protestant Reformed Church.]

While I agree with your bold statement, I must say that I believe there are a great number of fellow Christians, whom we would class as either Arminian or Free-Willer, who are nevertheless true believers and therefore children of God, as much beloved of God as others who hold to the truth of "why" we became Christian. In fact, I would say that because Arminians are so much the more evangelistically minded, it is likely that God will make use of these to draw in his elect.

Survey8/11/06 10:08 PM
Christina E | VA  
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to Greg in CO, i was about to post this verse. My thoughts exactly. Sums in up nicely, and sadly.

When I was a CPC counselor, I almost never asked for a prayer of committment; rather presented the Gospel clearly & concisely, and asked her to go home and consider it privately and SOON. Also gave literature to accompany and refresh her memory.

Survey7/18/06 9:07 AM
Lime Green  
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VERY Prevalent

For Example

1]There are Millions of Roman Catholics.
2]There are Millions of Liberals.
3]There are Millions of Arminians.
4]There are millions of Free Willers.

Because of this False Profession is Very Prevalent in our societies.

Thank God for the Remnant; - The True Protestant Reformed Church.

Survey7/17/06 9:09 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  
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2 Peter 2:1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction.

1 Timothy 4:1-3 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.

1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Survey7/17/06 8:53 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  
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Matthew 24:23-25 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.

Mark 13:21-23 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘Look, He is there!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. But take heed; see, I have told you all things beforehand.

Luke 6:26 Woe to you when all men speak well of you, For so did their fathers to the false prophets.

2 Corinthians 11:12-14 But what I do, I will also continue to do, that I may cut off the opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the things of which they boast. For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.

Survey7/17/06 8:35 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  
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Acts 20:28-30 Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.

Matthew 10:16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.

Survey7/17/06 8:25 PM
Virtue Al | Australia  Contact via email
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Hi Wayne

Concerning Dr Alberto Rivera, I would like to say that my investigations proove his claims at least in regards to his much of what he said.
In regards to him being and actual Jesuit Preist you may wish to read a book far from Rome Near to God (see Amazon.com). This book conatins 50 tesimonies by ex preists. A number of testimonies make it clear that many of their claims of being priests and education by the Catholic Univerities was aggresively denied.
Let it be known the Vatican spent upwards of $80 milion dollars (in Europe alone)to combat Albertos claims back in the 1980's. That is a lot of money for some Charlatan.

But in regards to that One clear example that I remember was a Christian comedian called Mike Warnke. Does any one remember him?

Survey6/25/06 1:21 PM
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'Alberto Rivera: "Alberto" Comic book con man.'

An interesting study for interested parties.

This false jesuit pretender is championed by Jack chick in his tracts and comic books and especially promoted by many fundamental independant baptists. The links below should wet the appetite for a true spiritual discernment of truth or rathr deception?




As the title at commencement then contact the author Roy Livesey [email protected] and ask for a copy of his exposure of Alberto Rivera...and see if you discern a false brother-Mr Alberto...yet one championed by 'evangelicals'!

One of the great evangelical frauds of modern times...take heed that no man deceive you.

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