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How many junk e-mails (SPAM) do you receive in an average day?
Created: 2/10/2004 | Last Vote: 13 years ago | Comment: 15 years ago
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  None. Spam is not a problem for me.

  Less than 10.




  No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.


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Survey6/6/09 12:43 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Pastor Mike wrote:
Moat of the SPAM I receive is from Sermon Audio!
You keep SPAM in your moat?

Survey3/6/08 11:31 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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gmail offers a very good spam filter. If you do get spam (I get less than 5 a week), you tag it as spam and it tunes the filter for everyone. It also provides about 5GB of space.

Survey5/15/07 11:02 PM
Sattamander | So Cal  Find all comments by Sattamander
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TRY THIS! I created a separate email address just for giving out to websites and non-friends and family. That keeps the spam on my regular mail down to almost nothing. Most Internet companies offer free email addresses.

Survey8/6/06 8:30 AM
Jesse | High in Coastal Mountains in BC Canada  Contact via email
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I personally probably get between six and ten daily, but I know how to work the delete button. It doesn't bother me much - I just delete them as they appear. I think of them as I think of traffic jams - they just take a little patience to sort out. - Jesse.

Survey4/6/06 1:43 AM
Will | Vancouver WA  Contact via email
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Jeff, every opportunity that GOD gives you to hear the truth and be convicted of your wicked sinfullness that you reject, mock and scorn will be examined on the day that GOD judges the whole world by His Son Jesus Christ. Then He who would gladly have saved you will sentence you to eternal torments in everlasting conscious darkness, if you do not repent and seek His gracious face in the time of grace. You have no idea which heartbeat will be your last and you scorn those whom GOD uses to extend His mercy of which He owes you none? Don't be a fool!

Survey4/6/06 1:20 AM
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[removed by editor]

Survey11/22/05 6:41 PM
TB | Canada  
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The longer you use a given email address, the more spam will be targetted to it. Period. Of course, submitting your email address on publically accessible web pages, blogs, etc., will just make matters worse.

When someone says "I used to use service provider X and now that I've switched to Y I get no spam" that does not have anything to do with the relative quality of spam filtering on the two providers. All it means for certain is that the new email address is not yet harvested/targetted.

Survey10/13/05 2:14 PM
Jim | Nebraska  
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Mozilla does an excellent job of sorting out the spam for me. It’s getting to the place where I
don’t have to check the junked mail anymore.

Survey7/23/05 2:36 PM
Christian Raas | Switzerland  
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I got a lot of junk-mail when I used hotmail.com. But since I started using a Christian webmail service I don't get hardly any spam anymore. Most importantly no sleazy pornographic or blasphemous stuff is even getting into my web-mailbox anymore. They are deleted right away by the provider.

Survey7/15/05 12:45 PM
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Much less than before...less than ten now (sometimes none in a day), but it was at least ten or more a day previously...thanks to my ISP's filtering, Hotmail's increased protection, and whatever else caused the drop.

Survey7/15/05 11:06 AM
Judith G | South Jersey  
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I also like Zone Alarm Pro very much. When I have had the settings to block all spam it has sometimes blocked personal email UNLESS I remembered to put acceptable addresses on the "ok" list. Have you had that happen? Is there an easier way to avoid that happening?

Survey7/15/05 10:23 AM
Bill Ely | USA  
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Since I started using Zone Alarm Pro I have not been bothered with spam. I am not trying to sell this product but it has been such a success for me that I wanted to share my story.

Survey1/4/05 9:39 PM
Jim | Virginia  
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Spammers (or those who sell spammers address lists) dredge the internet for e-mail addresses. If you post on a message board (e.g. yahoo groups), and your e-mail address is visible, you will see a lot more spam. Probably a new account is not known until you let it out, and so there is less spam, for a while....

Survey7/5/04 11:42 PM
John | Sask.  
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I get between 60 and 70 junk emails a day at work. I have just discovered that Mozilla Mail's built-in email filter does an excellent job at filtering out SPAM. It learns over time, and after a while becomes very accurate.

Survey7/5/04 8:17 PM
John | Louisiana  
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I used to get 20-30 spam emails a day when I was using Earthlink. I changed ISP's and started using Yahoo Mail. Now I get maybe 1-2 a month. Yahoo has really improved its spam filters. And it's free!

Survey6/16/04 10:34 AM
James Shakour | New Hampshire  
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I get the exact same amount of spam by the exact same sources every day.

Survey2/19/04 5:22 PM
John Markoulis | Queanbeyan,Australia.  
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I don't get much SPAM but every now and then a lady from Africa offers to deposit $2,500,000 US into my bank account!

Survey2/19/04 3:06 PM
Andrew Hall | United Kingdom  Contact via email
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Strangely enough, I used to get very little spam at all until I gave my details to EIPS website which is linked to Sermon Audio. A co-member of Christian Watch reported the same problem. How do you explain that??

Survey2/10/04 9:34 AM
Thomas | Pennsylvania  
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I'm thankful for SermonAudio's filtered e-mail. Every once in a while I log on to the web mail version and "empty out" the intercepted Junk Mail folder. It's incredible how quickly it accumulates.

On my business account I easily receive over 200 SPAM messages per day. Each Saturday night before going to bed I check and clear out my e-mail. When I turn the computer back on again on Monday morning I usually have between 240 and 260 e-mails waiting. All but a handful are SPAM.

I, for one, am willing to pay to send or receive e-mail if it will help cut down on the garbage. The time has come!

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