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839 total votes have been cast on this survey | 76 user comments  ( edit survey )

Do you think having so many modern translations of the English Bible has had a positive or negative affect?
Created: 8/22/2008 | Last Vote: 6 years ago | Comment: 14 years ago
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 •   The effect has been very negative.
  53% | 442 votes

 •   There has been both positive and negative effects.
  32% | 265 votes

 •   The effect has been very positive.
  8% | 70 votes

 •   There has been little if any effect at all.
  3% | 22 votes

 •   I don't know.
  3% | 25 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  2% | 15 votes


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Survey4/23/10 3:08 PM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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SBS wrote:

[URL=http://denitza.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/blindfolded.jpg]]]Pastor-what is the Trinitarian Bible Society[/URL]

[URL=http://rlv.zcache.com/follow_blindly_tshirt-p235528169486166535qmbd_400.jpg ]]]Don't buy the T-shirt[/URL]

[URL=http://www.trinitarianbiblesociety.org/]]]This way to the articles-open thou mine eyes![/URL]

Studying both side
Ha! Good 'un!

Survey4/23/10 2:05 PM
SBS  Find all comments by SBS
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John UK wrote:
but blindly follows where most others are going.

[URL=http://denitza.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/blindfolded.jpg]]]Pastor-what is the Trinitarian Bible Society[/URL]

[URL=http://rlv.zcache.com/follow_blindly_tshirt-p235528169486166535qmbd_400.jpg ]]]Don't buy the T-shirt[/URL]

[URL=http://www.trinitarianbiblesociety.org/]]]This way to the articles-open thou mine eyes![/URL]

Studying both side

Survey4/23/10 11:04 AM
Positively Negative  Find all comments by Positively Negative
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Mike wrote:
"Do you think having so many modern translations of the English Bible has had a positive or negative affect?"
I certainly do.
Zat because of the theory of relativity Mike?

Survey4/22/10 6:18 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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"Do you think having so many modern translations of the English Bible has had a positive or negative affect?"

I certainly do.

Survey4/22/10 6:18 PM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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study both sides wrote:
Biased study leads to confusion, don't read books attacking the KJV without also studying the Trinitarian Bible Society articles re: modern versions.
Good post SBS!

Thou art on the button, and I've not met one church leader yet who is willing to study and research this subject, but blindly follows where most others are going.

Thankfully, there are others in increasing numbers, who having changed versions unwittingly, are being led by the Spirit of God to go back to the most accurate version of the Bible, namely the AV 1611, which currently has NO RIVAL. What is more, the filthy lucreists are unwilling or unable (correct) to produce a Bible which according to them has no errors. Och now that would never do - BAD FOR BUSINESS! And they would never be able to afford that extra yacht or swimming pool. Poor, deluded dabs.

I'm right glad to see that the nationwide John's Gospel project makes use of the heavily subsidised gospels published by.....guess who.....THE TRINITARIAN BIBLE SOCIETY! May the Lord bless their continuance in the RECEIVED TEXT translation projects around the world.

Survey4/22/10 5:36 PM
study both sides  Find all comments by study both sides
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Seeing most modern versions are indeed very modern one would have expected say the NIV to develop into the ONE new version for the church, even with some updating and not a multitude of even more newer versions? Ah, only those who hold to the KJV are 'divisive'-even though it is the ONE version proven and used continuously for 400 years prior! So we have new evangelicals and new calvinists tossing aside the NIV following a Dr James White preferring the NASB, others saying it is 'wooden' so prefer the ESV; some prefer the NKJV. Why such a division amongst these modern versionists, surely ONE MUST be is better than the rest, but they dare not critique other modern versions lest they are accused of a lack of charity? Strange that they all agree the KJV is now to be rejected and often attack it, but they can't agree on a replacement yet! Preference is not conviction. Biased study leads to confusion, don't read books attacking the KJV without also studying the Trinitarian Bible Society articles re: modern versions. Too many forget KJVONLISM only arrived on the planet in the 80's. What version did the church use by conviction from 1611 until the 1980's,...see if you grasp the point.
Why reject the KJV because of arminian errorists like Ripplinger's writings?

Survey4/22/10 4:49 PM
watch and pray  Find all comments by watch and pray
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"Do you think having so many modern translations of the English Bible has had a positive or negative affect?"

A NEGATIVE effect. Definitely!!

But that is precisely what Satan had in mind as the master of confusion.

Thus we must trust in the Lord to set us free by the truth and the work of the Holy Spirit. God certainly did NOT wait till the 20th century to produce HIS Bible.

Just as you will find them in the churches, reprobates and heretics have been involved in translation and production of bibles. Since the Bible is so important as the Word of God, it was bound to be attacked by Satan and his forces.

"Modern versions" strictly speaking relates to versions produced in the 20th century, but "other" versions of Greek text and bible's have emerged before this.

Modern versions have used other various Greek texts, (and textual criticisms) which have been recovered/discovered in the last couple of centuries. Whereas the KJV specifically used the [URL=http://www.trinitarianbiblesociety.org/site/articles/tr-art.asp]]]TEXTUS RECEPTUS[/URL]

Men fought and died to bring an english language Bible to the people of God. The best copy of this Sword of the Spirit was the KING JAMES BIBLE. "OTHER" versions have been produced to compete with the KJB, one must wonder why???

Survey2/28/10 2:19 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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It has made the Bible publishers an ENORMOUS amount of money. That is the beginning and the end of the matter. Nothing positive about it...unless you're the publisher.

Survey10/1/09 2:38 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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[URL=http://www.bible.org/page.php?page_id=663]]]Why So Many Versions?[/URL] really did start after the controversy over the RSV, but really people were really becoming restless over the obvious faults of the KJV, [URL=http://www.bible.org/page.php?page_id=665]]]Why I Do Not Think the King James Bible Is the Best Translation Available Today[/URL] even in the 19th century. I think such articles as, [URL=http://web.archive.org/web/20071021065646/http://faith.propadeutic.com/questions.html]]]Comparing Bible Translations[/URL] will help you find the right Bible version(s) for you.

Survey7/24/09 11:04 PM
Alan H | Washington State  Protected NameFind all comments by Alan H
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Mike wrote:
That is likely the intent. My answer is somewhat silly, for I purposely read it more literally than the questioner meant. Yet it is true that all of us think so many translations has has a positive or negative effect, right?
I for one can't think of any real positive benefit of having so many versions. What may "seem" like a good thing may in reality be very damaging in the long run. A forsaking of God's truth is always wicked and the consequences are plainly evident by the current state of our society. It is simply confusion at its worst and the masterpiece effort of that old Serpent.

It reminds me of someone else, who pulls all the strings, but doesn't get blamed when things go bad. It will and it has!

Ultimately though, I think the fault really lies in the fact that people don't want the truth. They'd rather believe a lie... It's always been that way. It's the broad way...

Survey7/17/09 9:05 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Alan H wrote:
Positive? Negative? Or Both? That question seems to ask for either the one or the other.
That is likely the intent. My answer is somewhat silly, for I purposely read it more literally than the questioner meant. Yet it is true that all of us think so many translations has has a positive or negative effect, right?

Survey7/16/09 10:34 PM
Alan H | Washington State  Protected NameFind all comments by Alan H
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Mike wrote:
I was just answering the survey question:

"Do you think having so many modern translations of the English Bible has had a positive or negative effect?"


Positive? Negative? Or Both? That question seems to ask for either the one or the other.

Survey7/16/09 11:03 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Alan H wrote:
Yes, you do what?
I was just answering the survey question:

"Do you think having so many modern translations of the English Bible has had a positive or negative effect?"

Survey7/15/09 10:23 PM
Alan H | Washington State  Protected NameFind all comments by Alan H
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Mike wrote:
Yes I do.
Yes, you do what?

Survey7/15/09 12:35 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Yes I do.

Survey7/8/09 11:04 PM
Paul S. | NZ  Find all comments by Paul S.
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Sounds like 'Pastor Jim' is one of those Bible correctors that hasn't done his homework.
The AV is taken from the Majority Text i.e. 95-98% of all manuscripts ever found. It agrees with the Pershitta (AD 150) of which 350 copies exist. These far out date the so-called "oldest manuscripts" which you think are the most reliable, namely the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus which are so corrupt and unreliable that John W Burgon (who has studied these documents in person, said "the Codex B(Vatican) leaves out words and whole clauses no less than 1491 times" and "it bears traces of careless transcriptions on every page.."
The Sinaticus is "covered with such alterations ... brought in by at least ten different revisers".
These are the manuscripts that underlie the New Versions and Pastor Jim ignorantly put his faith in.

The Devil is having a field day at the Christian's expense.

Survey5/21/09 12:24 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Pastor Jim you are correct. The whole "BIBLE" has never been discovered complete.
What you have failed to completely reveal though is that your assumption that oldest is more reliable is equally dishonest as any dishonesty which you claim resides in some of the posts.
(Maybe you can be more specific and list which quotes are dishonest? Maybe you have seen something I have not.)

Oldest does not mean most reliable, or at least in any dictionary I know of.
It means oldest.
You neglect to ask vital questions like, when was it written, where did it originate, who penned it, are there corrections and why, and the big one, why does it still exsist if it was reliable?
It is not so simple as finding the oldest and there you have the correct rendering. That was Tichendorff's incorrect assumption.
This is also Westcott and Horts thinking. Two occultists who would do anything to take the church back to Rome.

You also claim the AV/KJV was translated into archaic english which no one speaks anymore.
I am bemuzed. I know people who have english as their non native language and have no trouble reading and understand the AV/KJV.
What are you trying to say? Please be more specific unless of course this is just subterfuge?

Survey5/10/09 9:14 PM
Pastor Jim | Metro Detroit  Find all comments by Pastor Jim
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[/Apparently many don't get it. There are no whole manuscripts of the Bible that were laying around an excavation site or in a library somewhere. The fragments have been reassambled with the oldest, therefore most reliable,fragments to make a transcript. The AV/
KJV is translated from very late, therefore less reliable, transcripts that were put together in Medievel times, rather than including the ancient manuscripts that date within 100 years of the originals. Then they were translated, not inspired, into English; archaic English, which no one speaks anymore. Some of these posts also have intentional misquotes of the translations. How honest is that?]

Survey2/22/09 9:23 AM
Jim spannagel | New Hampton, New York  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Jim spannagel
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With so many "Versions" and the adding and subtracting of words and verses, I guess we should concede there can be versions of truth?
It seems we ignore Rev. 22:18,19 and then state we have an "inerrant word"
How foolish!
If the word "versions" or "translations" themselves, regarding the truth of scripture, isn't negative I don't know what is.

Survey11/2/08 12:05 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Hi Jessica, you will also find the messages rendering of Matthew 6:7

Our Father in heaven, Reveal who you are. Set the world right; Do what's best— AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. Keep us alive with three square meals. Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. You're in charge! You can do anything you want! You're ablaze in beauty! Yes. Yes. Yes.

This is the most atrocious translation of any passage I have come across apart from the NIV making Jesus Christ Lucifer.

This AS ABOVE SO BELOW is a total witchcraft concept and a direct quote.
If you wanted an image you would have an upright triangle and an upside down triangle.
Does this not look like the star of David?

That is how as above so below is presented. This is a very dangerous inclusion in scripture. Very devilish and it is not accident, this is design.

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