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103 total votes have been cast on this survey | 6 user comments  ( edit survey )

Do you currently feel more or less safe than you did a year ago as regards terrorism?
Created: 9/21/2009 | Last Vote: 13 years ago | Comment: 14 years ago
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 •   I feel more safe now than I did a year ago.
  3% | 3 votes

 •   I feel less safe now than I did a year ago.
  30% | 31 votes

 •   I don't believe we will be attacked again by terrorists within our country.
  1% | 1 vote

 •   I believe we will eventually be attacked again by terrorists within our country.
  29% | 30 votes

 •   I don't even worry about it.
  35% | 36 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  2% | 2 votes


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Survey1/3/10 10:12 AM
Riaan Meyer | south africa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Riaan Meyer
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In our country crime and killimg is very high and the individual life means nothing.

we also lives in a country where the teaching of other beleives are forced by goverment and schools are not allowed to read bible anymore in South Africa.

Therefore it is important to teach our children the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Survey12/5/09 10:58 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Socrates wrote:
I feel more safe because as I grow in knowledge of God and my salvation in Christ, I fear not the world. I do not trust in chariots, horses, or man, I trust in God the sovereign LORD of all.
Good thing you don't trust in chariots, they're hard to find these days.

Survey12/5/09 10:48 AM
Socrates | Iowa  Find all comments by Socrates
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I feel more safe because as I grow in knowledge of God and my salvation in Christ, I fear not the world. I do not trust in chariots, horses, or man, I trust in God the sovereign LORD of all.

Survey10/27/09 5:43 AM
Beth Oleander | Canada  Go to homepageFind all comments by Beth Oleander
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Terrorism has been with us since Cain slew Abel - IOW it's nothing new, we've simply invented more creative and powerfully destructive ways of slaughtering one another - unfortunately.

I live in a *very* remote location in the mountains and it's peaceful here, idyllic, irenic, and spectacularly beautiful, and while we do have our share of forest fires, nature's violence is not nearly as disturbing as that which proceeds from humankind.

It's sad to contemplate that a virtue as simple as LOVE would solve all of the problems between us, and it is so easy to love - so why do you think we don't do it? It is the second commandment Christ gave us, after all....

Survey9/24/09 12:00 AM
Alan H | Washington State  Protected NameFind all comments by Alan H
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Nathan wrote:
Terrorists are not our problem, we are.
You got that right.

Survey9/23/09 8:01 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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Why worry about the deeds of the wicked.

If you believe the word of God it is clear that the wicked will get more wicked and the righteous will be more righteous.

I look in the sky and see chemtrails scar the beautiful sky God created.
But these things will not be stopped. People will not listen to you anyhow, they are zombies stuck inside their TV's.

If we can get through, what's more important, community action or the saving of souls.

What in the long term will turn the tide?
The only thing that will ever stop bad things from happening wether it is real terrorists of pretended ones aka(our Governments seeking greater powers) is people being liberated by Christ, the curse from our land being lifted by national repentance and thus the judgement of God through the "Kings of the East" being averted for now.

If people do not come to Christ, they go to hell, the family unit will continue to implode, the nation will go on like an ox to the slaughter and we will be punished for turning our back on the grace of God.

Terrorists are not our problem, we are.

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