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581 total votes have been cast on this survey | 9 user comments  ( edit survey )

What health insurance do you have?
Created: 10/19/2007 | Last Vote: 13 years ago | Comment: 16 years ago
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 •   Commercial health care (ie: Blue Cross, etc)
  50% | 292 votes

 •   Christian health care (ie: Medi-Share, etc) -- please comment
  3% | 19 votes

 •   Other
  13% | 77 votes

 •   None
  29% | 166 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  5% | 27 votes


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Survey6/23/08 3:05 PM
pew view  Find all comments by pew view
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Mike wrote:
Next time you visit your doctor, tell him you are elect and God will take care of it. Calvs into name-it-and-claim-it now?
Your just jealous Mike.

Survey6/23/08 3:03 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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pew view wrote:
"What health insurance do you have?"
God is sovereign and takes care of His Elect.
Of course
This is a different insurance doctrine than the arminian free willers use, who apparently insure themselves unto salvation.
Next time you visit your doctor, tell him you are elect and God will take care of it. Calvs into name-it-and-claim-it now?

Survey6/23/08 2:48 PM
pew view  Find all comments by pew view
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"What health insurance do you have?"

God is sovereign and takes care of His Elect.

Of course

This is a different insurance doctrine than the arminian free willers use, who apparently insure themselves unto salvation.

Survey12/22/07 7:26 AM
lynnpaulus  Find all comments by lynnpaulus
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samaratin ministries since 1997

Survey12/1/07 10:56 PM
Dr. Yamil Luciano | Curing Theological Diseases  Go to homepageFind all comments by Dr. Yamil Luciano
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I use God.

I here some Presby's use a little wine for the stomach.

Survey11/26/07 2:39 AM
Tim Heule | Sweden  Contact via emailFind all comments by Tim Heule
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I am a Dutchman living i Sweden. That means that I don't need a private health insurance, health care i "for free" - it is paid for by taxmoney.

This system has always been working very well, but the new liberal goverment is breaking it down because it is against their value system. They want to privatise health care, so that capitalist can make a provite on sick people.

Survey11/10/07 9:44 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I have friends who use Medi-Sare and other similar programs. I've never heard anything bad about them.

David Cloud has a real good article about medical sharing plans on his website (www.wayoflife.org). You might want to check that.

Check with Blue Cross. They have a plan that covers catastrophic stuff (you pay for doctor visits, etc.) that's priced pretty reasonably.

Survey11/10/07 7:28 PM
susanne | missouri  Find all comments by susanne
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All I know is you have to be healthy to join........... My husband had kidney stones once quite a few years ago, and that ruled him out. I have age onset diabetes that is well-controlled and doing fine, and that ruled me out......
I mean, you can join the get healthy program and if you make it get the insurance, but.......... we needed insurance regardless of our illnesses.

Survey10/19/07 7:26 PM
Web Visitor  Protected NameFind all comments by Web Visitor
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We're looking into using Medi-Share. Does anyone have any experience with them? Any suggestions? We currently use a commerical provider and are looking to switch to something more economical. Thank you.

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