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How do you primarily get your news?
Created: 10/29/2003 | Last Vote: 14 years ago | Comment: 17 years ago
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Survey1/21/07 12:37 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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"We in the executive branch"........

Well, I sure got my laugh this morning. Thanks!

Survey1/21/07 11:39 AM
President George Bush  Find all comments by President George Bush
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Cindy...we in the executive branch don't refer to them as "BM's"...we call them "BC's" instead (Bill Clinton).

Survey1/21/07 11:33 AM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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I didn't realize that Pres. Bush has time to comment on a discussion forum.

So Mr. President, did you have a good BM this morning?

Survey1/21/07 11:24 AM
President George Bush  Find all comments by President George Bush
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I read the bumps on Senator Kennedy's bald head.

Survey1/21/07 2:17 AM
Newsreader | Southern California  Find all comments by Newsreader
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There is a great weekly magazine out called World Magazine that gives news from a Christian perspective. IT has cartoons and quotes and also reviews books, music, and films, both the good and the bad. It has opinions and letters to the editor as well as feature articles. It has news articles of interest to Christians as well as general world happenings and perspectives. It is put out by reformed Presbyterians I believe. It is a great place to read about the news of the week without spending hours watching TV.

Survey1/20/07 9:32 AM
John Lawrence | Jonesboro, Arkansas  Find all comments by John Lawrence
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I learned to distrust the news because I kept seeing worldview problems in what they were presenting - even as far back as the Reagan years. This was also the time when I received Christ - so my worldview was changing radically as well. First I turned to radio with people like Rush Limbaugh - but I struggled with the lack of moral restraint they had on some issues. Now I use the internet. I have "My Yahoo" set with RSS feeds to several conservative and Christian news sites. I also follow biblical prophecy and events that may fit into its fulfillment in our day. this has been far better than any newspaper or TV outlet. In fact, when I do rarely listen to TV news (usually for local coverage of sports or weather) I am blown away at the liberal, anti-God slant in what is reported. Oh, well, we were warned by Paul in 2 Timothy 3 that in the last days "difficult times will come." Only hope my heart and the heart of my brothers and sisters are ready.

Survey7/23/05 2:33 PM
Christian Raas | Switzerland  
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I actually get my news primarily from this website! Sermonaudio.com. This website is so full of sound Protestant uncompromising biblical truth that I just have more confidence in getting the truth about current events here than any other website.

Survey3/25/05 11:48 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  
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In Canada. A Catholic School was taken to court by a Homosexual student was wanting to come to graduation, with his "partner." The student won through the Courts the right to come to The Catholic School graduation with his "partner." The story had huge media coverage in Canada, and was portrayed as a victory.

A Christian publisher in Canada was targeted because he was not willing to publish "gay rights" material. He had to go to Court. He ended up winning, but he had lost business time and legal bills.

The article in the newpaper said, to the effect that such things had not or would happen in Canada.

So for myself I see that if I was not aware of the previous examples, I may have believed the reporters false witness.

"Thou shalt not bear false witness"

As true today as ever! If we receive false witness, we end up spreading false witness!

I get some of my news now from prayer chains I belong to. Now most news I recieve I compare, with many news reports from American Broadcasters and compare truths and inconsistencies. As a Christian and political activist, it is important that I get the truth.

And of course now! I primarily get my news from Sermonaudio.com!

Praise The Lord! Jesus is Lord!

Survey3/25/05 11:28 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  
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The news broadcast portrayed Terri as being in a vegitative state, her parents were some sort of dreamers for thinking that she could be rehabilated in any way, that politicians who were trying to save her life, were some sort of savages want to wanting to keep her alive for the sake of torment, only wanting to satisfy thier own selfish political agendas.

When I watched video clip of Terri schiavo on her website. I was in horror as I watched a woman who was coherant, struggling to speak. Laughing when hearing silly music. Smiling in response to her mother's love. I was horrified of the false testamony I had beheld on the news!


Further..... In the same broadcast. The media was protraying two politicians who are not in favor of same sex marriage, as divisive heretics. As if they were people breaking up the Conservative Party and dividing the Country. News in Canada is very much controlled by the homosexual community.

Further.... I have been an avid newpaper reader for most of my life. I am tired of this here too, of all the homosexaul agendas. recently I read an article in the local paper, saying that gay marriage would not cause legal action against Religious groups. FALSE TESTAMONY! It already happens in Canada!


Survey3/25/05 11:13 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  
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Because of my ignorance I was involved in bearing false witness. There was a news lead, that this could be an occult based group. Because of my ignorance, perhaps the news was reported falsely.

I knew a man once who lied to a news camera, that he had come all the way from Russia for a certain event. Because he had a Russian accent they believe him and put him on the news.

Many factors come together in New Broadcasts bearing false witness. Such as in British Columbia. All of our news is filtered through a "pro gay" slant. I have stopped watching my favorite news broadcasts for the fact that the "gay lifestyle," is continually glorified.

We also have many right to die activists and I believe that the news is here is also filtered through this slant. I watched the news recently because my son was at Mountie training camp and there was media coverage at the graduation. As I watch the news, I beheld the story about Terri Schiavo.


Survey3/25/05 10:55 PM
Jessica Dawson | Canada  
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I used to be an avid news nut since I was six years old. Some years ago I was able to meet my all time favorite news anchor persons, Pamela Martin and Tony Parsons.

About twelve years ago, I spent time at the controversial Clayquot Sound peace camp. Where enviromentalists from all over the world gathered to protect old growth forests. The place was in the news every day, I went there three times that summer and spent time camping there. What I noticed from my travels back and forth, then watching news items. That there were many false reports and inconsistencies. The reports of how many people were actually arrested, who had placed themselves in front of logging trucks, was always incorrect drastically.

The first morning after I had arrived, I was interviewed by a TV reporter. I was asked if it was true that many poeple who were at the camp and in charge, were in the occult. I told him along the lines that he was out of his mind and should not make these accusations. After spending more time at the camp, I found out I was in the wrong. There were people from all over the world there who cared about God's creation. But the core group were occultists and yes witches!

The core group were trying to control the hundreds of people there into occult practices.


Survey12/15/04 7:26 AM
Paul H Messenger | South Carolina  Contact via email
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Here are two excellent news sources: for Christian news go to agapepress.org. For world/national/business news go to wnd.com (World Net Daily).

Survey12/13/04 8:47 PM
Renee Miller | St Louis, MO  
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This is a great link for alternative news source:


May God Bless You!

Survey9/26/04 9:07 PM
Walt | Michigan  
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Hi Dag,

How do you integrate Firefox as your full browser if you are using Mozilla mail and Mozilla 1.7.2? Do you load Firefox each day independently as I do not think Firefox comes with an email client the last time I checked?


Survey9/26/04 7:51 PM
Dag R. Calafell, III | Kalamazoo, MI  Contact via email
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I recieve two RSS feeds from Slashdot and BBC News. These feeds integrate right into Mozilla Firefox - a much better browser than Microsoft Internet Explorer. You can get it at www.mozilla.org

Survey7/16/04 5:57 PM
Peter Kwiatkowski | Haviland KS  Contact via email
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I like google news and BBC news on internet. Fox news is no good on the internet because they like to show the cleavage (hollywood) girls

Survey6/6/04 9:51 AM
ken welsch | Iowa  Contact via email
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When I read the Washington
Post or listen to NPR, I know I'm getting a more liberal ideology. With Fox News or worldmag.com or sermonaudio.com, I get conservative views.

To me it's a matter of taking the source into account, and not relying on just one viewpoint.

Survey5/22/04 4:27 PM
DJFan88 | Hyde Park MA.  
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Usually, I get my news from online sources like infowars.com and sermonaudio.com I like news stations that lean neither to the right nor the left, but stay in the middle. Truth can be obtained from looking at both sides of the issue.

Survey5/18/04 11:25 PM
James Shakour | New Hampshire  
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I like the BBC.

Survey4/23/04 6:27 AM
Vernon | Sulphur  
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I get my most reliable news on the Fox News Channel since I can trust them more than other media. I am sure that CBN is good, but I don't watch them very often. I get news on my yahoo too.

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