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1,606 total votes have been cast on this survey | 24 user comments  ( edit survey )

What type of connection to the Internet do you have?
Created: 5/28/2003 | Last Vote: 7 years ago | Comment: 15 years ago
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 •   Cable.
  38% | 614 votes

 •   DSL.
  32% | 518 votes

 •   Dialup Modem.
  19% | 306 votes

 •   Highspeed T1 or Greater.
  6% | 95 votes

 •   Other or None. Including Satellite, Wireless, WebTV, and any other.
  4% | 59 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  1% | 14 votes


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Survey8/9/09 6:13 AM
John UK | Wales  Go to homepageFind all comments by John UK
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Morning all

I use a laptop dongle on monthly contract, but in my area I can only get GPRS signal which is very slow. I may move back to England where I could get a 3G signal - much faster.

I'm getting by at the moment by using a separate old CRT monitor, and would be glad of any advice. As far as I can tell, there are two major components to a laptop LCD display: the inverter and the screeen itself. But how can I tell which is the faulty part? Any ideas, brethren?

A blessed Lord's Day to all.

Survey12/20/08 8:47 PM
Help Me | Massachuesetts  Find all comments by Help Me
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gnsagen wrote:
switchisp is a total rip off company. WARNING: DO NOT USE THESE BANDITS.
They will seal your money and when you try too cancel they will just keep billing you.
how did you get them to stop? I need help.

Survey5/26/08 1:15 PM
WCB | California, USA  Find all comments by WCB
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I have a 5m/sec fiber optics connection from Verizon.

Survey4/10/08 10:37 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Well, David and Gabriela, sounds like you need to do some fruit growing...especially the one called patience Though I admit, the high-speed connection is an instant spoiler. But then again, I could live without the internet and computer quite comfortably. I have a "wireless" connection. Why it's called wireless is beyond me because there are still too many wires .

Survey4/10/08 10:18 PM
David and Gabriela Buzulak | Newville, Pennsylvania  Go to homepageFind all comments by David and Gabriela Buzulak
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We have dsl now, and I wouldn't even consider going back to dial up! If dsl wasn't available, I wouldn't even go on the internet. dial up is such a headache. we would wait for like 10 min. for one page to load. now i wait about 2 secs.

Survey4/30/07 1:32 PM
gnsagen | California  Contact via emailFind all comments by gnsagen
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switchisp is a total rip off company. WARNING: DO NOT USE THESE BANDITS.

They will seal your money and when you try too cancel they will just keep billing you.

Survey8/6/06 8:37 AM
Jesse | High in Coastal Mountains in BC Canada  Contact via email
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We live in a remote location and have dial up service at the moment. We hope to switch to Satellite in the new year - for numerous personal reasons. - Jesse.

Survey5/2/06 4:18 AM
Michael Schoerrig | Massa  Contact via email
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A really great ISP:

Switchisp.com® Launches a New Age of Internet Service Providers Who Pay Subscribers to Distribute Product and Business Opportunity.

Send me an email if you have a question about it.

Have a great day

Michael Schoerrig
[email protected]

Survey12/31/05 2:05 PM
Neil | Tucson  
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I'm with the frugal Canadian here, though he gets a better dialup rate than I do (US $20/mo.)

Survey12/31/05 1:47 PM
John Crerar | Cambridge Ontario Canada  
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I find dial up adequate for what I need.
I pay c$10/month. I like to keep my monthly bills low.

Survey11/24/05 3:29 AM
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Wow! Pastor Most makes money just by telling people about his service?

Wonder how much he made by telling me?

Even though I did nt suscribe, nor did I go to his site or email him.

Survey6/17/05 9:25 PM
Bryan Moore | Southern California  Contact via email
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I presently have cable but will probably switch to DSL. The cable's a bit faster than DSL but not worth twice the price unless I were at the machine more hours per day.

Survey5/9/05 1:28 PM
Pastor David Most | Sherwood, Arkansas  Contact via email
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I use High-Speed Dial-up and this is my personal ISP company too. http://dlmost.switchISP.com

I am a Distribution Partner with my ISP and so instead of paying for my service now, I am actually making money from it, simply by telling others about my service. Plus there are many more freebies included too like Free anti-virus protection and much more.

I also have people who have DSL and Cable, who also utilize this service too, as it also provides a successful work at home type business. As a pastor, I'm all for parents staying at home with their kids if they can!

Give me a call or send me an email if you have a question about it.

[email protected]
501 835 5180
Sherwood, Arkansas

Survey3/15/05 10:31 AM
Arthur | Scotland  
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Survey3/15/05 7:02 AM
Kevin | NC  
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I stick with dialup as I pay only $6.50/mo for it and when I do the math the cost of broadband doesn't seem worth it to me. I load another page while reading another and plan my big downloads for early morning or late at night.

Survey3/14/05 6:58 AM
Noel | Bridgend, S Wales, UK  
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I have an ADSL Broadband connection with BT (British Telecom) with a speed of 2.2Mbps. I'm delighted with the BT service and with the ministry provided by SermonAudio.com. Incidentally I've just booked myself online to listen to some ministry while I get on with some painting.

Survey3/12/05 11:46 PM
Fred | NY  
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We have cable (Road Runner) here and find it almost mandatory for updates, etc. I use ONLY SUSE Linux because of security, stability, and that Microsoft is such an immoral company.

Survey3/11/05 5:36 AM
Alvie L. Davidson | Lakeland, Florida  Contact via email
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I am using Bright House cable for my home television and my internet connection. The current incoming speed has just been increased to 5Mbits of data. That is many times faster than any other source. I download lots of the sermons from the web and put them onto my IPod so I can listen to them in my vehicle as I drive.

Survey9/29/04 2:01 AM
Lyle P Logan | Arizona  Contact via email
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Hi Charles!! Cable-modem here. Once you've experienced high-speed connection, you can never go back to dial-up.

Survey9/25/04 10:53 AM
C K Peterson  
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I guess I am just an impatient man, cause if I had to use dial up all the time, I just wouldn't be on the internet. I have dsl and I love it...

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