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1,122 total votes have been cast on this survey | 92 user comments  ( edit survey )

2008 Presidential Election: Who will you vote for?
Created: 7/22/2007 | Last Vote: 4 years ago | Comment: 14 years ago
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 •   Rudy Guliani
  2% | 21 votes

 •   Mitt Romney
  3% | 32 votes

 •   Ron Paul
  25% | 283 votes

 •   Other Republican
  41% | 463 votes

 •   Other
  15% | 170 votes

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  14% | 153 votes


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Survey3/28/10 9:07 PM
eds777 | Eastern Virginia  Find all comments by eds777
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I have supported the Constitution Party (www.constitutionparty.com) for five years now. Unlike Republicans and Democrats, the Constitution Party is the ONLY American political party that actively supports both our Constitution and Biblical Christianity.

Survey10/28/08 5:31 AM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I seriously find it hard to swallow the notion that people in "democratic" countries actually believe they are participating in a non preplanned outcome.

The same sinister elements running Bush are the same sinister elements running both Mac and Obama. Just do some research on who are their advisers and backers.

Just look at "democracy" in Canada, Australia, England and the US.

They are only two horse races of which both horses are trained and bred with those who hate God and the scriptures.
But then us "christian" nations have thumbed our noses at God and we are beginning to reap the whirlwind of judgment.
We have spat in the face of the advances of the protestant reformation, and we are well on our way back to Rome, and all our political options are controlled from there.
For example the whole Australian Republic idea is up again only 9 years from being voted down to destroy our constitution. Are not Americans find the same forces operating towards the same goal. What about England and Sharia Law.

I think casting ourselves before a merciful God seeking national repentance and a spiritual awakening instead of a trusting man is the only hope we have in turning our nations back to honourable, decent, law abiding, respectful societies blessed by God.

Survey10/28/08 5:06 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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2008 Presidential Election: Who will you vote for?

Libertarian Bob Barr.

Survey10/28/08 12:19 AM
pedro | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by pedro
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Survey10/12/08 9:13 AM
A believer  Protected NameFind all comments by A believer
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Mike wrote:
Paris Hilton has at least as much executive experience as B. Obama.
Maybe so. That's why I'm voting for her in November.

Survey10/11/08 7:43 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Little Boo wrote:
You americas should vote for Paris hilton. what else have you got to lose..he he he..
Paris Hilton has at least as much executive experience as B. Obama.

Survey10/11/08 7:19 PM
Little Boo | Merrylands  Find all comments by Little Boo
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You americas should vote for Paris hilton. what else have you got to lose..he he he..

Survey10/11/08 6:28 PM
Elkin M. Kaufman | Walker, La.  Go to homepageFind all comments by Elkin M. Kaufman
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Attn. Sermon Audio:
Don't you think you should change this survey, since none of those listed is running?

Survey10/10/08 5:22 PM
Hugh M. Olson | IDAHO  Contact via emailFind all comments by Hugh M. Olson
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Obamo has practically assured his presidency. What a great change from the miserable conditions that Bush & the Republicans have imposed on our country. It will literally take generations to undue the harm that they have brought to America. Never in history have we had an administration that has produced so much harm in so many ways as has Bush & his cohorts. In negative rateings Bush rates second only to the criminal Richard Nixon,

Survey10/1/08 11:10 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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If Chuck Baldwin really loved America he would pull himself out of the Presidential race ------- at this point in the process he will do more harm than good !!!

Veritas Vincit !!!

"IN" Christ (Ever A Work In Progress), KK

Survey9/30/08 7:41 PM
Obama-Change is good  Find all comments by Obama-Change is good
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Survey9/30/08 3:57 PM
Pastor Doug | Maine  Find all comments by Pastor Doug
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Chuck Baldwin
Constitution Party candidate


Survey9/30/08 1:43 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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"... McCain is the only choice."

......................... You said it Cristiana !!! ---

Far too many over spiritualize their position concerning politics --- it is their DUTY and it is a PRIVILEGE to participate in the American process !!!



At this juncture the only logical choice is McCain !!! -- Yes, he is far from perfect, and is by no means the ideal candidate, but the thought of the alternative sends chills up my spine !!!

Each and every one of "Us" must pay attention to the affairs of "Our" Nation ... and "We" must be involved in the process to see America is turned around and headed in THE RIGHT DIRECTION !!!

It's time to waken from the selfish slumber of the past and STAND FOR THAT WHICH IS RIGHT AND GOOD FOR THE SOCIAL FABRIC OF AMERICA !!!

IN THE NAME OF GOD AND COUNTRY "We The People" can turn America around and stand Her back up STRAIGHT AND TALL -- that is, if "We" will stop electing fools who know nothing of the true meaning of "SERVING THE GOOD OF AMERICA" AND NOT THEMSELVES !!!

____________ E N O U G H ... IS ... E N O U G H

Veritas Vincit !!!

"IN" Christ (A Work In Progress), KK

Survey9/29/08 8:37 PM
Son of Oak | USA  Find all comments by Son of Oak
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I think it is high time for the church to stop patronizing the political arena. This country is not the Kingdom of God. Far from it. It looks more and more like the last empire before Christ's return. Whoever gets the unenviable job of running this ship, undoubtedly they have a terrible job ahead. I cannot vote for McCain as he has been like minded with Bush over 90% of the time and Bush is an evil king who has done great harm to this country and the world. However, I don't know that I can vote for Obama either. Either choice is wrought with compromise. Maybe for this reason alone Jesus remained conspicuously distant from politics. God remember your people in the US and the world.

Survey7/27/08 2:34 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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If it is between McCain and Obama, McCain is the only choice.

Obama is the most liberal left-leaning senator ever. He supports the gay agenda, voted against the ban on partial birth abortion . . .He is for every left leaning group out there. His supposed "Christianity" is unrecognizable to the true Believer. He is a brilliant politician. He is stunning in his utter lack of conviction, and, contending for the most powerful position in the world. He has accomplished nothing of significance. Apparently, knees buckle, and worshipers swoon when they are in his presence.

Surely, Barack Obama will be a devastating judgment of God on America, if he gets the office.

If I did not know the "goodness of the Lord in the land of the living," "I would despair." His Sovereignty, alone, allows me to be at peace.

May He remember mercy in His wrath.

Survey7/10/08 8:26 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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I plan on voting for MCCAIN instead of OBAMA and thus this will be the first time that I have voted Republican. The reason that I am not voting Democrat for president this year is that OBAMA is way to extreme.

Survey7/10/08 10:54 AM
Annette from TN | Middle TN  Find all comments by Annette from TN
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Yes Doug, I agree! I am standing on the Lords side during this election.
My vote goes to Pastor Chuck Baldwin also.

Survey5/1/08 10:58 PM
Doug | eastern Virginia  Go to homepageFind all comments by Doug
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Since the completion of the nominating convention of the Constitution Party this month (April, 2008), my support goes to Pastor Chuck Baldwin, their presidential nominee!

Survey2/8/08 1:22 PM
Liz | Uk  Find all comments by Liz
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Interesting artical (im not sure whether the writer is in a cult-Ezines??? so you are pre-warned)-Regarding european non-election 2008, for the non Americans amonsgt us...[URL=http://ezinearticles.com/?Has-Her-Majesty-Queen-Elizabeth-II-Broken-Her-Coronation-Oath-to-God-and-Her-People?&id=963232]]]http://ezinearticles.com/?Has-Her-Majesty-Queen-El..[/URL]

Survey2/5/08 10:40 PM
Howard King | Memphis area  Find all comments by Howard King
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I'm grateful to have an opportunity to support a fine Christian man and proven leader, Mike Huckabee.

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