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Does your Pastor believe that God Created Everything in 6 Literal Days just as He said in Genesis?
Created: 4/26/2008 | Last Vote: 10 years ago | Comment: 14 years ago
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  Yes! He has made it very clear in his preaching and teaching.

  Yes. But publically he avoids telling people to avoid ridicule.

  I am not sure I will have to ask him.

  No! He holds both to believing in God and believing in evolution

  No! He believes in evolution and has made this clear in his preaching and teaching.

  No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.


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Survey1/24/10 12:35 PM
english | NC  Find all comments by english
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If someone does not believe the world was created in 6 days, or thinks that the animals, or certain ones ate meat, is that no doubting what God can do? God, the creator of all things, can do anything, he is not limited to what we can imagine.

Second, we have to understand that the bodies that Adam/Eve, and the animals had back then were FAR superior to our bodies. The plants back then which they would of eaten (as is recorded, God gave them fruit to eat) would of had many more nutrients etc. in it that would of sustained life much more beyond what plants can do now. Look at how long they lived back then, they died of accidents or old age. AFTER the flood the whole earth changed and the atmosphere did to, making the earth a much harsher environment to live in.

So, keep in mind and make sure you are not doubting what God can do. If God wanted us to think it was more then a day maybe he would of used a different term?

Survey7/5/09 9:04 AM
eoghan | Scotland  Find all comments by eoghan
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What Pastor?

Survey1/31/09 6:34 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Mike wrote:
Indeed, we all know how those other versions limit the Holy Spirit's ability to make God's will clear. God is an Englishman, someone once said.
Then *Someone* is in urgent need of proper pyschological evaluation, as *Someone Else* on these forums would say.

Survey1/31/09 6:21 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Indeed, we all know how those other versions limit the Holy Spirit's ability to make God's will clear. God is an Englishman, someone once said.

Survey1/31/09 6:05 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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I agree with DJC49. If you don't know where to look for a real Bible, look up the website of the [URL=http://www.trinitarianbiblesociety.org/]]]Trinitarian Bible Society[/URL] and you'll not only find good Bibles at a good price, but much info about why the modern versions are per versions, corrupted, inaccurate, and deadly to a lively faith. No wonder you're having difficulty believing.

Survey1/31/09 5:41 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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chmch wrote:
I find much much easier to understand the word "day" in Genesis meaning "millions of years" than the word "father" in Luke's genealogy of Christ meaning "mother"
You need to get yourself another Bible -- a REAL one -- as there is NO mention of "father" (or "mother" for that matter) in the Lucan account of Christ's genealogy. [Luke 3:23-38]

Also, after EVERY accounting of the creation which happened during a specific "day" in Genesis 1, we find:


Gen 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

Gen 1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Gen 1:13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.

Gen 1:19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

Gen 1:23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

Gen 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, [it was] very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Does that make it any EASIER for you to understand?

Survey1/31/09 5:26 PM
chmch  Find all comments by chmch
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I find much much easier to understand the word "day" in Genesis meaning "millions of years" than the word "father" in Luke's genealogy of Christ meaning "mother"

Survey11/8/08 4:12 PM
St Jeremiah | Salt Lake City, UT  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by St Jeremiah
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I am a member of Jordan Valley Baptist Church and Pastor Johnson takes the book of Genesis literally.

Survey10/22/08 8:04 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Matt wrote:
If one does not believe in the literal 6 day approach they are essentially disregarding Biblical truth to place God and His works within human comprehension.
You CANNOT say that the "Word was God" (John 1) and say therefore that the Word is Truth (for God is Truth) if you beleive in a longer creation period than 6 days. Either all in the Bible is true or all is not (and to claim that 6 days is not in fact 6 days is dispensational rubbish.)
But Matt, it doesn't seem to be the dispensationalists that have the most difficulty with literal interpretation. Have you been following the posts here?

Survey10/22/08 7:40 PM
Matt | Australia  Find all comments by Matt
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If one does not believe in the literal 6 day approach they are essentially disregarding Biblical truth to place God and His works within human comprehension.
You CANNOT say that the "Word was God" (John 1) and say therefore that the Word is Truth (for God is Truth) if you beleive in a longer creation period than 6 days. Either all in the Bible is true or all is not (and to claim that 6 days is not in fact 6 days is dispensational rubbish.)

Survey9/7/08 4:27 PM
Doug | eastern Virginia  Go to homepageFind all comments by Doug
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ICR was first to teach me 7-day creation as truth, followed by Answers in Genesis, with Ken Ham being the common denominator to both groups. When enlightened by God, this makes incredible sense!

Survey6/30/08 1:35 AM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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San Jose John wrote:
You sound like you're allowing your own limited
life experiences to limit your own capacity
to visualize possible pre-fall conditions.
Maybe Spiders didn't spin webs before the fall.
Maybe frogs didn't have those tongues before the fall.
May God be pleased to grant you the wisdom to see
beyond your limited experiences, lest you unintentionally
"lock yourself out" of learning more Biblical truth.
To be fair, Preacher is not being limited by his own "limited life experiences" - he is being limited by observation of the created order combined with an acceptance that God created the world in six days.

Your point of view requires a creation of greater than six days.

Firstly, the well-documented six pre-fall creation days.

Secondly, the post-fall re-creation day, when God re-created spiders with webs, frogs with tongues, eagles with talons, et cetera. You are essentially arguing that there was no eco-system before the fall, apart from the parallel processing of vegetable matter by all creatures great and small.

Survey6/29/08 9:55 PM
Byran Boyle | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Byran Boyle
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If you believe blood shed and suffering and cancer before the fall you do not believe the Word of God and its hard for me to believe that you would not twist any other part of scripture to fit your view istead of just believing Gods Holy Word.

Survey6/28/08 12:18 PM
21st Century Puritan | Orange County, California  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by 21st Century Puritan
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I know my pastor does not believe in a literal six days, but six ages where God created then let things grow. (He was a geologist before a pastor) He claims the fossil record supports a longer period than 6000 years. He also makes the claim for the hebrew word for day means several things.

I disagree.

First, If there are fossils from before the fall, then that would mean there was death before the fall. Romans 5 disputes this along with many other scriptures.

Second, The Sabbath principle, which predates the ten commandments back to creation. In the decalogue, God says "Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy" Exodus 20:11 "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."
I find it difficult to believe that the same hebrew word in the same passage means two different periods of time.

Lastly, I do believe in the reliability of certain bible versions over others. I prefer the ESV go to esv.org. I use the NKJV. I will not used a paraphrased version or one that does not translate word for word the original. I also prefer to study the greek original which is more descriptive (tense, action, etc) It clears up a lot of confusion in some passages.

Survey5/12/08 1:34 AM
WSG | Earth  Find all comments by WSG
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Susanna wrote:
i dont have a pastor.
I don't have one either! We use the Bible's example of fellowshipping and meet in each other's homes from week to week. We have elders to guide us, though there is not a "service" so to speak. We are lead by the Holy Spirit and when He prompts us, then we do. 1 Corinthians 14:26 is a great example.

Anyway, as a result of my not having a pastor over me, I was unable to answer this pole...

Survey5/11/08 5:37 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Preacher wrote:
Yes, imagine; spiders spun webs to catch leaves, frogs had long sticky tongues to catch fast-moving seeds, birds of prey had incredible eyesight to see the cabbage and strong talons to stop it from escaping, wolves hunted treebark in packs and fish only ate seaweed.
You sound like you're allowing your own limited
life experiences to limit your own capacity
to visualize possible pre-fall conditions.

Maybe Spiders didn't spin webs before the fall.
Maybe frogs didn't have those tongues before the fall.

May God be pleased to grant you the wisdom to see
beyond your limited experiences, lest you unintentionally
"lock yourself out" of learning more Biblical truth.

Survey5/7/08 2:50 PM
Susanna | Northampton, England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Susanna
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Michael Hranek wrote:
What a heartbreaking thing to hear. You will be in our prayers and hopefully of others on SermonAudio as well.
Personally I know times in my life when I did not have a pastor (it is increasingly hard to find a faithful pastor in these days) and I so appreciate the Lord that His grace was more than sufficient then and now. And I am so thankful that He kept me out of the hands of the multiple wolves in sheep's clothing.
Sorry, i didnt mean it quite like that. i dont have a pastor because my church is shepherded by a group of 4 elders, not one single man. I belong to a Gospel Hall in England. Thankyou for your concern.

Survey5/5/08 4:44 AM
Preacher  Find all comments by Preacher
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San Jose John wrote:
I agree. The curse which accompanied
the fall must have had many miraculous
(if negative) effects on the original
creation to explain what we see today
vs. what the creation was like prior
to the fall.
Yes, imagine; spiders spun webs to catch leaves, frogs had long sticky tongues to catch fast-moving seeds, birds of prey had incredible eyesight to see the cabbage and strong talons to stop it from escaping, wolves hunted treebark in packs and fish only ate seaweed.

Survey5/5/08 1:50 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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DJC49 wrote:
Seems to me that either some extraordinary things happened in the animal world due to the Fall...
I agree. The curse which accompanied
the fall must have had many miraculous
(if negative) effects on the original
creation to explain what we see today
vs. what the creation was like prior
to the fall.

Survey5/3/08 10:59 AM
Observation Post  Find all comments by Observation Post
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May God continue to bless your spirit dear sister Jessica. Indeed He is strong when we are weak.

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