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1,261 total votes have been cast on this survey | 7 user comments  ( edit survey )

What's your primary method of listening to MP3 audio sermons?
Created: 4/15/2003 | Last Vote: 10 years ago | Comment: 14 years ago
Disclaimer: These surveys are created by PLUS or FULL Members of the site and, unless specified, are not created by the SermonAudio staff nor do they necessarily reflect the site's position on any topic.

 •   Computer. Using my MP3 player software such as Windows Media Player, WinAmp, or any other compatible MP3 player.

 •   Portable MP3 Player. This would include players like the Rio, iPod, Nomad, or any other portable MP3 player you may have.
  23% | 285 votes

 •   Audio CD Stereo. Burning the MP3 sermon on to an audio CD and listening to the sermon in a regular CD player at home.
  4% | 50 votes

 •   Audio CD Car. Burning the MP3 sermon on to an audio CD and listening to the sermon in a regular CD player in the car.
  5% | 68 votes

 •   Other
  3% | 38 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  2% | 25 votes


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Survey1/12/10 8:47 PM
miller37 | kentucky  Go to homepageFind all comments by miller37
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i thank the Lord for this website, i have learned so much i never knew from some the very knowledgable men here, and have enjoyed the classical speakers such as spurgeon, edwards, pink, and more. i listen at wrok everyday and have listened to probably ten thousand sermons altogether, many of them more than a few times. it is wonderful way to study the bible all the time!

Survey9/12/06 9:01 AM
Hank | Blacksburg  Contact via email
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I purchased a device that enables me to play the contents of my flash drive (512M) to my car radio. I got tired of the heaps of CD's lying about. Now I just copy the sermons to the flash drive and off I go. The device costs about $35. It is not a perfect solution as the device can be annoying at times. But it works perfectly for what I do. These devices are sold in most big stores or you can buy one at newegg.com which is where I got mine. Look around the car audio section.

Survey7/24/05 10:18 PM
Douglas Price,Jr. | Chattanooga, Tennessee  Contact via email
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I listen on my computer's CD rom/player.
If Christian Rass is reading this, I would like to talk to him about preaching at his church from the KJV.
We need Revival in all of our churches around the world. Jesus said to the seven churches;"You have left your first Love!" (Revelation 2:4)
Please contact me by e-mail if you feel lead by the Lord to do so.

May God richly bless you!

Survey7/22/05 3:40 PM
Christian Raas | Switzerland  
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Thanks be to God for Audio Sermons.com!!! I would hardly get any sound Biblical Protestant Christian teaching in other places. I don't know of one single evangelical Church in Switzerland that uses the uncorrupted German Lutherbible anymore. Some few individuals may still use it but they are scattered all over the place. Dear Free Presbyterian Brothers would you please send some of your people to Switzerland! We are in desperate need of courageous Gospel preachers. Most of our Swiss preachers have gone completely ecumenist and use the modern corrupted junk"bibles." I am possibly the only person in the church I currently attend that uses the Textus Receptus based Lutherbible. Most people don't dare to use the Reformationbibles anymore because they are afraid of being ridiculed from the pulpit!

Survey7/9/05 12:17 AM
john p tuttle | western mass usa  Contact via email
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lay on couch in middle of night when upset with life or not feeling well or just can,t sleep.....i seldom listen but when i do the sermons are a real gift from God. Please keep up the good work. I live alone and appreciate the company of audio Bible intrepretations.

Survey7/8/05 4:29 PM
Rob | New Zealand  Contact via email
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I use an iPaq PDA but would rather use an iPod mini because of its size. i listen mainly to www.greatbibleteaching.com material.

Survey7/16/04 11:26 AM
Dave | Austin, TX  Contact via email
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I have an MP3/CD stereo in my car. I burn hours of sermons, teaching & music on a single CD and listen during my commute (~40 min). This has been a great blessing. I have had the stereo a year. Its a JVC I got for ~$160 installed.

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