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Does the Bible Permit Christians to Drink Alcohol?
Created: 3/13/2005 | Last Vote: 9 years ago | Comment: 16 years ago
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 •   Yes
  13% | 327 votes

 •   No, never
  24% | 589 votes

 •   Yes, provided it's in moderation
  57% | 1,379 votes

 •   Not in front of children
  0% | 1 vote

 •   Yes, but only in private
  1% | 24 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  5% | 112 votes


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Survey5/27/08 6:08 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Again, the entire transcript by John MacArthur is available at www.gty.org/Resources/Transcripts/1937
MacArthur explains his findings much better than I can in giving bits and pieces here, it would be well worth anyone's time to read the entire transcript for themselves.

Survey5/26/08 9:36 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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If the wine is not fermented why were there rules about putting new wine in new wineskins? If it did not ferment it would not break the old wineskins.

Survey5/26/08 5:10 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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My apologies, I meant to type 'alcohol enhanced drink'.

Survey5/26/08 5:07 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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enough already wrote:
Rogerant- If you choose to drink, that's your business. Dr. MacArthur never says we should not drink, however, he points out the significant difference between biblical wine and today's alcohol enhanced wine. This is the gist of the transcript, and then we as believers choose what we should do in light of this knowledge. God's word warns more against drinking, so to me that is an indication not to partake.
I believe God's word warns about drunkenous, physical and spiritual. I don't see where it warns about or forbids having a drink of wine, beer or distilled spirits. Drunkenous unveils the evil condition within us. Just as Noah's sinful condition (nakedness) was revealed when he grew grapes, made wine, drank and got drunk. Gluttony is a sin as well, as well as chruch gossip and condemning those based upon their apparent sins. All sins are sins with a high hand.

Alchohol enhanced wine? Wine is not alchohol enhanced. It sits in a barrel and ferments. No alcohol is added to it. Wine is grape juice that has fermented. Otherwise it would not be wine, it would be grape juice. If anyone loses control or loses their ability to glorify Christ, they should abstain. That is a personal conviction.

Survey5/26/08 4:58 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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enough already wrote:
Rogerant- If you choose to drink, that's your business. Dr. MacArthur never says we should not drink, however, he points out the significant difference between biblical wine and today's alcohol enhanced wine. This is the gist of the transcript, and then we as believers choose what we should do in light of this knowledge. God's word warns more against drinking, so to me that is an indication not to partake. If you choose to do otherwise, that certainly is your business.
The Biblical warnings and admonitions are against drunkenness; excess; abuse; debauchery. Temperate use of wine, such as a little with a meal or at times of celebration, is fine and even welcomed.

Right Noah?

Survey5/26/08 4:36 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Rogerant- If you choose to drink, that's your business. Dr. MacArthur never says we should not drink, however, he points out the significant difference between biblical wine and today's alcohol enhanced wine. This is the gist of the transcript, and then we as believers choose what we should do in light of this knowledge. God's word warns more against drinking, so to me that is an indication not to partake. If you choose to do otherwise, that certainly is your business.

Survey5/26/08 3:05 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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Thou Shalt Not Drink Fermented Drink!!!!

Please find me where in the ten commandments, O.T. or N.T. precepts, precedents, ordinances or any other commandments that forbid the drinking of fermented or distilled beverages. I respect John MacAurthur but he has gone through the same type of labourous and extensive work as the Pharisees in Jesus's day to add leaven to the law and gifts of God into forbidden fruit. This type of legalism is "LEAVEN" plain and simple.

Proverbs 31:4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink: Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted. Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.

And this must mean that Josheph and his brothers drank grape juice and were merry with him!

Gen 43:33 And they sat before him, the firstborn according to his birthright, and the youngest according to his youth: and the men marvelled one at another. And he took and sent messes unto them from before him: but Benjamin's mess was five times so much as any of theirs. And they drank, and were merry with him.

Survey5/26/08 1:59 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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djc, again, read the entire transcript by Dr. MacArthur, he has done the research on the hebrew greek meanings of wine and new wine, this does clarify the drinking of wine by the Lord, however the wine He drank was NOT fermented. The level of alcohol content in today's wine is significant, the transcript by Dr. MacArthur brings to light all these facts, statistics, and more. I highly recommend this read, he has researched the subject in depth, and, as usual, clarifies a much debated subject.
We are called to be holy, and I just cannot piece together alcohol and holiness in a believer's life, it seems to be a great contradiction. How could the bible warn against strong drink, then turn around and condone it? It would then make scripture contradictory, which it isn't.
The alcohol content in today's drink is the key factor here, the difference between biblical wine and today's concoction is the whole key of Dr. MacArthur's transcript. This is the point that many overlook, the wine Christ drank was not fermented and did not cause Him to be dull in His senses, so by comparison, is not the same as today's much stronger drink.
God bless you DJC, and Micheal, let's not forget to proclaim the gospel first and foremost to the lost.

Survey5/26/08 1:53 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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DJC49 wrote:

"Then there's this:
Rom 14:21 "[It is] good neither to eat flesh, nor to DRINK WINE, nor [any thing] whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak."

"Obviously, the "weaker brother" is offended by wine drinking of the alcoholic kind. Does this not imply that the "stronger brother" in the faith sees no offense, has liberty to drink, but abstains for the sake of the weaker brother?"

Well, what do you know, DJ, we agree on this! It's hard to cause someone to be offended over drinking grape juice or eating jam. I'm happy to see you didn't "spiritualize" the verse.

Survey5/26/08 1:12 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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enough already - It's nice to hear what Dr. John MacArthur has to say on most (not all) Biblical subjects. I respect him immensely. And I'm sure that Professor Samuel Lee of Cambridge University is to be respected as well.

But here's what Jesus Himself stated in Scripture:

Luk 7:33,34 "For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor DRINKING WINE; and ye say, He hath a devil. The Son of man is come eating and DRINKING; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a WINEBIBBER, a friend of publicans and sinners!"

It's quite obvious to me that the Lord Himself drank the wine of his day -- his enemies even accused Him of EXCESS. They couldn't have so accused Him if all the sinners and publicans drank only grape juice.

Then there's that wedding feast at Cana ... Someone happened to make better wine than what was served the guests initially. Better "grape juice?"

Then there's this:
Rom 14:21 "[It is] good neither to eat flesh, nor to DRINK WINE, nor [any thing] whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak."

Obviously, the "weaker brother" is offended by wine drinking of the alcoholic kind. Does this not imply that the "stronger brother" in the faith sees no offense, has liberty to drink, but abstains for the sake of the weaker brother?

Survey5/26/08 1:05 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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enough already wrote:
Alcohol is a drug; let's ask this, is it okay to smoke pot, crack, crystal meth, shoot up heroin, smoke cigarettes, etc. as long as it is done in moderation?
enough already
I've got to run but those drugs you've mentioned often have valid medical counterparts and are used in surgery excetera. Things which God has created, desigen, do have good purpose when used righteously.

btw I'm a baptist and we don't drink that said however if I was in a country with poluted water I would thankfully drink wine in moderation rather than poluted water.

With the Love of Christ

Survey5/26/08 12:14 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Dr. John MacArthur has this to say, 'first of all some of the wine of bible times was absolutely unintoxicating, it was not fermented. Professor Samuel Lee of Cambridge University says this, "that yayin, mixed wine, or oinos does not refer only to intoxicating liquor made by fermentation but more often refers to a thick unintoxicating syrup or jam produced by boiling to make it storable". MacArthur goes on, 'If you want to defend the fact that you can drink wine today on the basis of the fact that they drank it in the bible then you need to re-examine whether what we drink today is the same as what they drank then'.
The entire transcript is available at www.gty.org/Resources/Transcripts/1937.
It is a worthy read.

Survey5/26/08 11:04 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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My reference to the fruit of the vine was made to point out that the wine Jesus referred to was not intoxicating drink, but rather, fruit of the vine, the juice of that fruit.
Alcohol is a drug; let's ask this, is it okay to smoke pot, crack, crystal meth, shoot up heroin, smoke cigarettes, etc. as long as it is done in moderation? What if a weak believer, or an unbeliever would see 'Joe Christian' having a glass of wine at a restuarant with his meal,think 'it's okay to drink', partake in strong drink, then in turn, become addicted?
I personally prefer to not drink any type of alcohol, whether in moderation or not. The bible strongly speaks out AGAINST strong drink; that tells me I'd better be wary. Why even try and defend alcohol, when so many lives are ruined and lost because of it's powerful hold?
Just because the bible doesn't specifically say, 'don't do it' doesn't mean it is condoned. Common sense and the conscience comes into play here, for those who like to drink, that's a personal choice. I prefer not to love the world or anything that comes from this world, and strong drink is from this world, this is my personal belief. For those who disagree, so be it.

Survey5/26/08 10:10 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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enough already wrote:
Friend, to your comment, I say AMEN.
This verse is of importance, "For I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes" Luke 22:18
This is a reference to offspring, what was brought forth on the vine, the fruit, thus, it's juice. This obviously was not fermented drink. Why do so many insist the bible contradicts? If God speaks out against drinking wine, which He does repeatedly, for example, Isaiah 5:22, "Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine, and champions at mixing drinks", then how could He possibly ever condone it?
enough already
May I ask a question? Are fornication and pornography wrong? evil? Are you absolutely sure?....Okay, I agree they are.

Now let me ask another question? Is marital intimacy in marriage right? holy? a great blessing of God? Are you absolutely sure?....I think you probably already know what I am getting at that even as eating a piece of broiled fish is in itself not a sin, it could be if it was stolen, or the umpteenth piece in a gluttonous binge.

Perhaps there is more to consider Biblically before we can have a clear Biblical understanding....for those who think even wine in moderation is sin please do not drink against your conscience.

Survey5/26/08 8:59 AM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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Derek wrote:
I gaurantee it's not the Holy Spirit telling you to give in to the appearance of evil and buy poison (because that is really what it is - poison)
Wine is the symbol of joy in the O.T. The fact that there were 6 empty water pots at the marriage feast was indicative that Judaism's teaching "according to the flesh" was void of "Joy". 6 is the number of man or "according to the flesh" Wine is not evil, it was created for man by God to experience joy. Who are you oh man to call that what is good, evil???

Psalm 105:13 He watereth the hills from his chambers: the earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works. He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth; And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man's heart.

Judges 9:11 Then said the trees unto the vine, Come thou, and reign over us. And the vine said unto them, Should I leave my wine, which cheereth God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees?

Grape juice does not maketh glad the heart, and does not cheereth God and man!

Survey5/26/08 8:56 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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enough already wrote:
Friend, to your comment, I say AMEN.
This verse is of importance, "For I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes" Luke 22:18
This is a reference to offspring, what was brought forth on the vine, the fruit, thus, it's juice. This obviously was not fermented drink. Why do so many insist the bible contradicts? If God speaks out against drinking wine, which He does repeatedly, for example, Isaiah 5:22, "Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine, and champions at mixing drinks", then how could He possibly ever condone it?
Your reference to Lk 22:18 says nothing against drinking wine, rather, it is Jesus saying that this wine was the last that He'd drink because He was about to go to His death. And if you think that the Jews drank grape juice at their Passovers, then ... what can I say.
And what do you think that "heroes at drinking wine, and champions at mixing drinks" means? Doesn't this remind you of guys who bragged on how much they could drink?
And what do you do with a verse of Scripture that literally TELLS the people that they should go out and buy strong drink if they should so choose? [See Deut Deu 14:26]
If you wish to abstain from any alcohol, fine.
But it's NOT forbidden.

Survey5/26/08 12:08 AM
enough already  Find all comments by enough already
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Friend, to your comment, I say AMEN.

This verse is of importance, "For I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes" Luke 22:18
This is a reference to offspring, what was brought forth on the vine, the fruit, thus, it's juice. This obviously was not fermented drink. Why do so many insist the bible contradicts? If God speaks out against drinking wine, which He does repeatedly, for example, Isaiah 5:22, "Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine, and champions at mixing drinks", then how could He possibly ever condone it?

Survey5/25/08 11:52 PM
Friend | America  Find all comments by Friend
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DJC49 wrote:
I don't think so, Derek.
Mat 13:33 "Another parable spake he unto them; The KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS LIKE UNTO LEAVEN, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened."
Also, Derek, remember that Jesus Himself made wine for the wedding feast at Cana. And please don't try telling me that this wine was unfermented grape juice. Not for a WEDDING FEAST, it wasn't.
Ecc 10:19 "A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry ..."
The governor of the feast declared that the wine which Jesus made was good -- actually better than the wine served at the first. Perhaps this governor didn't know the difference between wine and grape juice? Or perhaps this governor was a "grape juice connoisseur."
The one thing that everyone always omits is the fact that Jesus made "new wine" and yes, "new wine" was condoned, but that is obviously a NEW wine, that is not yet fermented...thus, juice. The water in that geography was not good for the stomach (think of timothy). Besides, God tells us not even to LOOK at the wine after it has turned colour (Prov 23:31) and tells us it is a mocker in Proverbs 20:1. and in Ezekiel 44:21 God instructs the priests not to drink wine. So I think, JUICE is FINE.

Survey4/14/08 11:15 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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Derek wrote:
And leven (yeast) in the Bible was ALWAYS a type of sin, ...

I don't think so, Derek.

Mat 13:33 "Another parable spake he unto them; The KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS LIKE UNTO LEAVEN, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened."


Also, Derek, remember that Jesus Himself made wine for the wedding feast at Cana. And please don't try telling me that this wine was unfermented grape juice. Not for a WEDDING FEAST, it wasn't.

Ecc 10:19 "A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry ..."

The governor of the feast declared that the wine which Jesus made was good -- actually better than the wine served at the first. Perhaps this governor didn't know the difference between wine and grape juice? Or perhaps this governor was a "grape juice connoisseur."

Survey4/14/08 9:40 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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What Paul told Timothy to take could not have been alcoholic wine. Most doctors will tell you that if one takes alcohol with stomach problems it will give you dipsia. And, search it out, fresh grape juice has MORE antioxidents that fermented wine. So the health advantage for wine is moot! What Timothy would have taken would most likely been a "wine paste", made from grapes.

Remember, the Bible talks about wine in the cluster. So wine doesn't always refer to a liquid, or fermented.

And leven (yeast) in the Bible was always a type of sin, which is why it was not allowed in offerings and sacrifices. We are all (if we're saved) priests and kings unto God...so I wonder what restrictions we should put on ourselves. I gaurantee it's not the Holy Spirit telling you to give in to the appearance of evil and buy poison (because that is really what it is - poison)

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