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What is faith?
Created: 7/23/2005 | Last Vote: 14 years ago | Comment: 14 years ago
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 •   Primary idea of trust.
  15% | 130 votes

 •   A degree of conviction less than knowledge but stronger than opinion.
  1% | 8 votes

 •   Conviction determined by the will.
  2% | 14 votes

 •   Conviction of the truth of things not seen.
  77% | 658 votes

 •   Conviction based on feeling or founded on testimony.
  0% | 4 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  5% | 44 votes


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Survey1/3/10 9:15 AM
Riaan Meyer | south africa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Riaan Meyer
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Faith is to beleive in Jesus Christ as the only saviour ; to beleive every word in the bible as the truth. To have a lifestyle of holiness as in 1 John , to beleive in the things you cannot see.

Survey12/9/09 5:11 PM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Just as I am, without one plea
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, tho' tossed about
With many many a conflict, many a doubt,
Fightings and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind:
Sight, riches, healing of the mind,
Yea, all I need in Thee to find,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am — Thy love unknown
Hath broken ev'ry barrier down;
Now to be Thine, yea, Thine alone,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Survey12/9/09 4:36 PM
Faith the Gift of God.  Find all comments by Faith the Gift of God.
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"Yet a beggar may darn his rags and wash his hands when he is to meet his sovereign. And this is right. But is it so with Christ? Does He ask the sinner to make himself better – less vile or less polluted – before he comes to Him? Can the sinner do this?

Christ does not ask it, nor can the sinner do it.

Just because the sinner is so vile and so polluted, Jesus says to him, Come unto Me; just because he is in such a pitiable condition and can never better himself, Jesus says, Come unto Me.
It is not you who are whole or who think that you can heal yourselves that Jesus invites, but you who are sick. It is not you who would first wash your souls somewhat clean with your own tears that Jesus invites so that He may wash you in His blood. And be assured of this: where there is faith, you will not wait till you have made preparation to go to Christ;

you will go to Him just as you are:

Lord, we are altogether vile, therefore we come to Thee to cleanse us; we are altogether naked, therefore we come to Thee to clothe us; we are altogether without strength and can of ourselves do nothing, therefore we come to Thee to do all for us.
This is ever the language of true faith."
(William Trail)

Survey6/30/09 2:05 PM
Keith Watson | Oregon, USA  Find all comments by Keith Watson
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Where is "Other"? "Conviction of the truth of things not seen" is real close for me.

Consider Abraham, the father of our faith. "And he [Abraham] believed in the LORD; and he [the LORD] counted it to him for righteousness." (Genesis 15:6) The context of this verse is, the LORD God spoke a promise to Abraham, and then Abraham believed the Words of God. Faith is believing what God says.

And faith is the gift of God.

Survey5/7/09 9:52 AM
Faith. The GIFT of God.  Find all comments by Faith. The GIFT of God.
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"Faith is the principal work of the Holy Spirit (Institutes 3.1.4).
Faith is the proper and entire work of the Holy Spirit (Institutes 3.1.4).
We cannot quicken faith in ourselves or predispose ourselves for it in any way. There is not in us any commencement of faith or any preparation of it."
(John Calvin Commentary John 6:45)

"Is faith a gift?
Jesus declares, "No one can come to Me unless it is granted him by the Father" (John 6:65). In the same passage Jesus declares, "All that the Father gives to Me will come to Me" (John 6:37). In both verses the phrase "come to Me" simply means "believe in Me" and so taken together Jesus is stating that no one can believe in Him unless God grants it, and all to whom God grants it will believe" According to this passage, then, God grants faith, a faith that will infallibly arise in the heart of those He has given His Son." (monergism)

Survey5/3/09 3:51 PM
Faith. The GIFT of God  Find all comments by Faith. The GIFT of God
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R2D2 wrote:
How is it that God can require NOTHING of man per your doctrinal interpretations, but YOU can require that man HAND OVER ALL AUTHORITY and CONTROL to the Lord??????? So that he may RECEIVE the teaching of Total Depravity?????
You are one mixed up bag of contradictions!
"hand over"????????

Clearly you don't understand Total Depravity.
That means "SIN" BTW

Try and Remember that SIN actually does have some influence over the sinner.

Get it? Sinner.

Boy it sometimes gets very difficult around here.

Survey5/3/09 1:37 PM
R2D2  Find all comments by R2D2
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Faith. The GIFT of God. wrote:
The theory that God requires the sinner to participate or contribute in
some way by retained "human faculty" is essentially the alternative to a

The sinner absolutely hates to hand over all authority and control to
the Lord. That is why many cannot receive the teaching of Total

How is it that God can require NOTHING of man per your doctrinal interpretations, but YOU can require that man HAND OVER ALL AUTHORITY and CONTROL to the Lord??????? So that he may RECEIVE the teaching of Total Depravity?????

You are one mixed up bag of contradictions!

Survey5/3/09 1:20 PM
Faith. The GIFT of God.  Find all comments by Faith. The GIFT of God.
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Saving faith, the GIFT of God, provided for our justification and
salvation, is COMPLETE trust in God and Jesus for salvation.
The ability to COMPLETELY trust God regardless of self is a fruit of
true saving faith.

The theory that God requires the sinner to participate or contribute in
some way by retained "human faculty" is essentially the alternative to a

Thus it is a "partial" trust in divine grace - whilst seeking to add the vain hope that the sinner = NOT quite Totally Depraved = NOT quite dead in sin - can retain an active response towards his own salvation.
Satanically subtle!!

The sinner absolutely hates to hand over all authority and control to
the Lord. That is why many cannot receive the teaching of Total
Depravity, which is the very basis of Limited Atonement and Perseverance.

Thus is Election completely Unconditional.
The Calvinist can declare
I trust in God ALONE
I trust in Christ ALONE
I trust in the Holy Spirit ALONE
I trust in Grace ALONE
For *ALL* my salvation.

*ALL* the glory to GOD alone.
Zero to me!

Survey3/9/09 7:39 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Faith. The GIFT of God. wrote:
"How many rest on their sound doctrinal views of Christ. They believe firmly in His Deity, His holy humanity, His perfect life, His vicarious death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to God’s right hand, His present intercession on high, and His second advent. So too did many of those to whom James addressed his epistle, but he reminded them that the "demons also believe and tremble" (James 2:19). O my reader, saving faith in Christ is very much more than assenting to the teachings of Scripture concerning Him; it is the giving up of the soul unto Him to be saved, to renounce all else, to yield fully unto Him.(A.W Pink. 'Studies on saving faith')
Ah yes, Faith
This is good stuff!

When I posted similar things to that quote I was accused of all sorts of things, including lordship salvation, works-salvation, RCC Arminian Jesuit free willer, blah blah....

But yes, the quickening of the Spirit does influence the will into a new way of thinking, with a desire that Jesus be Lord of my life, with a hatred of my own sins and a desire to turn from them to serve the living and true God. In my case, I hardly knew any 'doctrine' at the time of my conversion. But I knew it was ALL or NOTHING.

Survey3/9/09 4:32 PM
Faith. The GIFT of God.  Find all comments by Faith. The GIFT of God.
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"How many rest on their sound doctrinal views of Christ. They believe firmly in His Deity, His holy humanity, His perfect life, His vicarious death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to God’s right hand, His present intercession on high, and His second advent. So too did many of those to whom James addressed his epistle, but he reminded them that the "demons also believe and tremble" (James 2:19). O my reader, saving faith in Christ is very much more than assenting to the teachings of Scripture concerning Him; it is the giving up of the soul unto Him to be saved, to renounce all else, to yield fully unto Him.(A.W Pink. 'Studies on saving faith')

Survey3/7/09 4:19 PM
Candle lit  Find all comments by Candle lit
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Permit me wrote:
[URL=http://www.dod.org/Products/DOD1982.aspx]]]Day of Discovery- Drs Paul and Margaret Brand[/URL]
And I'm not young
Ahhh. . .but one would never know given your computer skills. Thanks.

Survey3/7/09 3:52 PM
Permit me  Find all comments by Permit me
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[URL=http://www.dod.org/Products/DOD1982.aspx]]]Day of Discovery- Drs Paul and Margaret Brand[/URL]

And I'm not young

Survey3/7/09 3:20 PM
Candle lit  Find all comments by Candle lit
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Since I had mentioned Dr. Paul Brand's work as an orthopedic surgeon to leprosy patients in India, in an earlier post, I found this link:


It is a short video production by "Day of Discovery" on the lives of Drs. Paul and Margaret Brand, who were medical missonaries to leprosy patients in India.

Hope the link works. I am soooo non-tech! Where are the young people when you need them??????

I can see you'll have to cut and paste. Oh, well.....

Survey3/7/09 1:44 PM
Candle lit  Find all comments by Candle lit
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Takeheed wrote:
good perspective on pain can be found in a book by Dr. Paul Brand & Philip Yancey called "Pain, The Gift Nobody Wants."
It pays to make sure what the author believes and what he doesn't believe, though Yancey might say much that is good consider Cecil Andrews article
Take heed that no man deceive you
Forget Yancey, in terms of the content. He co-authored the book. The substance of the book is on the life work of an orthopedic surgeon who made astonishing strides in the treatment of leprosy patients. You may criticize Yancey's writing style, but he is not the subject of the book, nor is his theology.

Google Dr. Paul Brand. His obituary alone would inspire one to awe.

Dr. Robert Bork, Surgeon General of the U.S. said if he could be anyone other than himself, he would have been Dr. Brand. I couldn't agree more.

Better yet, read his books. They are EXCELLENT!

BTW, Philip Yancey's style of style of writing is excellent, making these books even more pleasurable to read.

Survey3/7/09 1:14 PM
Takeheed  Find all comments by Takeheed
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good perspective on pain can be found in a book by Dr. Paul Brand & Philip Yancey called "Pain, The Gift Nobody Wants."

It pays to make sure what the author believes and what he doesn't believe, though Yancey might say much that is good consider Cecil Andrews article


Take heed that no man deceive you

'don't know if was the same organisation, but thirteen years before my conversion I somehow turned up at a Navigators meeting in a church'
John uk

There is an excellent book by a Navigator which is like a modern day Pink 'Sovereignty of God' but applied to life's hurts and pain. Should be in our Christian Library

Have you read:

Trusting God Even When Life Hurts by Jerry Bridges

[URL=http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_w_h_?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=trusting+god+bridges&x=17&y=24]]]Jerry Bridges Trusting God When Life Hurts[/URL]

[URL=http://www.amazon.com/Trusting-God-Even-When-Hurts/dp/1600063055/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1236449250&sr=1-1]]]see reviews[/URL]

Survey3/7/09 6:24 AM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Candle lit wrote:
I know that there is distinct reference to two covenants in Scripture, the old being under the law, and the new being of Grace. The new covenant is far superior to the old, as dealt with in Hebrews.
What I meant was that I believe the OT saints were saved exactly as the NT saints are saved and that is through the atoning work of Christ on the Cross, His substitionary death satisfying the demands of the Father as payment for sin. All of Grace.
I'm sure that it's not something that you dwelt on, but, my answer bothered me.
Good morning CandleLit,
Yes I believe too that there is effectively one covenant of grace throughout the history of the world, with every saved soul rejoicing in Jesus Christ the Redeemer; yet in time, God has chosen to begin with a shadow type (old covenant) fulfilled in time by the substance antitype (new covenant). Both covenants dealt with the sin problem by substitutionary sacrifice, with the animal sacrifices in the old prefiguring the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.

Apparently there is a third covenant as well, which is between the Father and the Son, a covenant of redemption, but that one is more for theologians than me.

A busy day today, but I'll keep dipping in.

Survey3/6/09 8:16 PM
Candle lit  Find all comments by Candle lit
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Good night, John, sleep well.

You won't read this until the morning, but I need to correct something that I said in a previous post where you asked whether I believed in one or two covenants. I mis-spoke, and said one, and for no other reason than conscience, I need to correct myself.

I know that there is distinct reference to two covenants in Scripture, the old being under the law, and the new being of Grace. The new covenant is far superior to the old, as dealt with in Hebrews.

What I meant was that I believe the OT saints were saved exactly as the NT saints are saved and that is through the atoning work of Christ on the Cross, His substitionary death satisfying the demands of the Father as payment for sin. All of Grace.

I'm sure that it's not something that you dwelt on, but, my answer bothered me.

Another clarification needs to be made about my times listening to John MacArthur. Yes, I have listened to him since college days, but my post sounded like I was travelling in sales for 30 yrs. Not so! Not important, but misleading, and I have a super-sensitive conscience.

Whew! Clear conscience . . . I can sleep well.

Survey3/6/09 7:29 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Candle lit wrote:
Thanks, John. I was not aware of either of the devotionals that you mentioned, but I will keep them in mind when browsing for books.
I only discovered J.C. Ryle when I read his book "Holiness" last year. I didn't want it to end, it was so good - but, alas, I stretched my reading of it as long as I could.
Yes, the long-bearded former Bishop of Liverpool, England, was surely gifted by God to be a real heart-warmer and encourager to saints, and a very gracious preacher of the gospel to sinners. He is also very suitable to those like me who prefer not to go too deep into an intellectual theology, but rather see the practical consequences and application of the theology in my life.

One thing is for sure, love for Christ always increases while reading Ryle.

Now it is time for retirement, so a goodnight to all, and may the Lord Jehovah Jesus help us all to set our 'affection on things above, not on things on the earth'.

Survey3/6/09 7:12 PM
Candle lit  Find all comments by Candle lit
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John UK wrote:
The best books I've seen recently are the daily readings from the gospels by JC Ryle, and a daily devotional by James Smith. I never tire of reading Ryle.
Thanks, John. I was not aware of either of the devotionals that you mentioned, but I will keep them in mind when browsing for books.

I only discovered J.C. Ryle when I read his book "Holiness" last year. I didn't want it to end, it was so good - but, alas, I stretched my reading of it as long as I could.

Survey3/6/09 6:31 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Candle lit wrote:
That verse captivated me even as child, though it seems strange. I wouldn't know much of trial, suffering, pain, and death as a child. Yet, I remember that verse piercing my heart as a pre-teen.
Mercifully, God has spared me much, until recent years, but my trials, pains, and sufferings have been suffered vicariously through others. The human condition is a source of pain for me. I long for an end to that.
Well Candle Lit, there is no telling what scriptures the Lord will use to 'captivate us'.

And yes, the longer I live in this world, the more I understand the most awful effects of The Fall, with its resultant mess all over the world. I am very thankful that I do not have the knowledge of all events in the world simultaneously like the Lord does. What a dreadful sight.

Dr Brand sounds an interesting character, I'll remember his name and look out for his books. Thank you.

The best books I've seen recently are the daily readings from the gospels by JC Ryle, and a daily devotional by James Smith. I never tire of reading Ryle.

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