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2,549 total votes have been cast on this survey | 149 user comments  ( edit survey )

In the light of the onslaught of the homosexual agenda, how should the church react?
Created: 11/22/2003 | Last Vote: 14 years ago | Comment: 14 years ago
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 •   Continue to strongly teach that this is an abomination to God and against nature,
  83% | 2,121 votes

 •   Not allow practicing unrepentant homosexuals in the congregation.
  9% | 220 votes

 •   Remain silent and only preach the gospel.
  3% | 72 votes

 •   Consider this just another social ill among many in an evil society.
  3% | 88 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  2% | 48 votes


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Survey3/5/10 11:16 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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The Church of Jesus Christ should continue to preach morality, single marriages, loving marriages, of morals and ethics, of law and grace. This would really annoy the sodomites. You do not have to protest so much about them as to attack them by moral preaching. You watch the fur fly when you preach that a man and a woman should love one another, bring up their children to fear God.

Survey11/18/09 1:37 PM
CSH | MI  Find all comments by CSH
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"Why would any one, heterosexual or homosexual want to go to a church that is going to make them feel worst when they leave than when they arrived at church? "

If we are not reminded of our sin, then we might "forget" how much we need Jesus. I think the reason so many liberal/mainstream Churches have lost so many people, is that they stopped preaching against Sin.

Which leads to the following logic: If we aren't bad - then why do we need Jesus?

If we recognize our sin, we can see how amazing God's Grace is. That he would send his son to die for us poor miserable despicable worthless sinners is Amazing. If we are pretty good and the only reason we sin most of the time is because God made us that way - well his Grace isn't quite so Amazing is it?

Yes Christians need to show Love - and many times we fail to do what we should. We need to reach out to everyone - we have all sinned and fallen short of God's Glory. But just because many have failed to do what God commanded is no excuse to make some sins OK.

Survey11/15/09 8:33 PM
Rosie  Find all comments by Rosie
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[AUTHOR]drlbrennan[/AUTHOR]Just as God Created my son with Autism, He created homosexuals.

Dear drlbrennan:

Please show me where in the Bible it is written "God created homosexuals".
Since when is God the creator/author of sin?

Jesus Christ came to die for sinners (that includes me); however one needs to know one is a sinner in order to have a need for Jesus Christ. Joh 15:22 "If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin."

If all we show is acceptance and worldly love regardless of their behaviour and sinful deeds then we are not acting in Christian love,we really hate them (just as parents who refuse to punish their children), we are allowing them to remain dead and blind in their sins and helping them to go to hell for eternity. Yes, we will be like by the world if all say is "Jesus Christ is Love, God is Love, all is well".

Isn't the Bible: "Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

Thank you.

Survey11/15/09 11:02 AM
drlbrennan | Taylors SC  Contact via emailFind all comments by drlbrennan
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This question is onesided. There is no fair way to answer it. I personally believe that God created all of us and created each of us as we are. Just as God Created my son with Autism, He created homosexuals. Church should be more supportive and less condemning. Across this country, since I was young, church attendance has dropped off drasticly. People have grown They spend time at work with the bos on their case. Issues with family, financies, and day to day life is more than most can handle. Why would any one, heterosexual or homosexual want to go to a church that is going to make them feel worst when they leave than when they arrived at church? Churches have lost the meaning of Gods word. Jesus gave love, and emotional support to everyone who had been condemned by the church.

Survey3/5/07 9:14 PM
wits07 | Puyallup, WA  Contact via emailFind all comments by wits07
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If everyone is on board lets go.

1st read up on this issue/hate crime blll here

2nd pray now that you understand the issue. Pray of course as the spirit leads you. I am praying that the bill comes to vote and is vetoed to get rid of it instead of letting fester for the next congress.

3rd pass the link to this forum to other believers. this is a very very important discussion.

4th share other resources we can all use to make a stand for the glory of God.

thanks CBC

Survey3/5/07 9:05 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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This really belongs in the other thread, but I was the last one to post there, so I'll do it here. If you read my post there, wits07, I hit on this subject in my sermon yesterday. So I guess I'm already doing what you are asking. I encouraged my folks to speak out against the hate crime bill. I told them I don't hate homos or drug addicts or any of those people, but that they must hear the gospel truth. So I am making a difference through the preaching of the Word and encouraging people to pray, get politically active, and present the gospel (not necessarily in that order).

Survey3/5/07 8:52 PM
wits07 | Puyallup, WA  Contact via emailFind all comments by wits07
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Only through the strength of God are all my actions/word driven by LOVE. to answer your question...

John 1:1-4
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.

2Ti 3:16-17
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

1 Corinthians 13:8 and 13
8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.
13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love

Survey3/5/07 8:23 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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wits07, again, is it anything goes, or do we use the Book as our only rule and standard of faith and practice. I want to know what you believe before I decide to join hands with you.

Survey3/5/07 8:15 PM
wits07 | Puyallup, WA  Contact via emailFind all comments by wits07
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Again CBC,
stop complaining and offer some resources to get involved. We need action not words. Get up and in the saddle and stop talking and start walking. were hungry and frankly i'm tired of hearing christians who have a passion for righteousness talk my ear off. hint, do we need coordinated prayer effort, how about political action, maybe a concerted effort to cry out to God to unleash the holy spirit on this land. Please put your salvation where your mouth is and help mobilize the church!
God Bless

Survey3/5/07 7:55 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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I know I will always get a laugh when I read some of your comments.

BTW, where have you been lately?

Survey3/5/07 7:20 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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I see most of the voters chose the option that we must continue to speak out against it. I agree completely! However, the time is now because it won't be long before, just like Canada and Australia,it will be a hate crime to do so. I preached on this yesterday and told my people that maybe a year from now I could be heavily fined and/or go to jail for preaching such a message. Are we ready to pay that price to stand for the truth? I HOPE SO!

Survey3/4/07 4:31 AM
Tansy | Ulster  Find all comments by Tansy
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If Tv was to show the act of homosexuals and the after math as much as they promote the gay rights it might not be as glamorous and quote figures of diseases ect. This they will never do there would be an out cry of disgust. Only the rights are pushed forward not the act. God Help us all.

Survey2/4/07 3:25 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " TRUTH " ???

This warped and adulterous generation doesn't want " TRUTH " and that's the bottom line ----- they have NO Heart for IT --- they will not HEAR...

These are perilous times in which we do now live.

When people turn their ears away from *HEARING* GOD'S WORD and WILL NOT Set their Hearts upon HIS PRECEPTS...

Well, what do you think will come of a stupid people such as this ???

Just search GOD'S WORD ---
IT tells us what happens to all those who *REFUSE* TO " REPENT " !!!

To: Those With Ears To HEAR !!!

With Love *IN* Christ, KK

Survey2/4/07 2:22 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Marsha from Ak

The problem is that there is a "SHORT" between the pews and the Bible in the pulpit...

This "SHORT CIRCUIT" can only be attributed to the "Heart Problem" that exists in the pulpit and in the pew...

There is NO CALL To the people To Flee From fornication, adultrery, divorce, pornography, homosexuality, greedy gain, covetousness...

Men have reduced THE POWER Of GOD'S WORD (The Convicting REPROOF Of SOUND DOCTRINE) to sloppy psychobabble filled with "GOD IS LOVE" and there is nothing you can do to move out of HIS LOVE --- so hey, I'm OK and you're OK and everything is A OK... A-men.

Why do you think GOD told Noah to build that ark ???

***It was because the people WOULD NOT **HEAR** SOUND REPROOF ---
they had left their FIRST LOVE (GOD And HIS WORD) and had moved into their own form of worship (self and the love of that present age and the world and their lustful wantonness for MORE...). They hardened their Hearts toward GOD because they DIDN'T want to be told HOW TO LIVE.

You Know --- GOD is Good and God is Great I DON'T Have Time For HIM Now but tell HIM To Put Some More On MY Plate...

Sounds kinda familiar DOESN'T IT ???

Face it --- we, as a people, have become a toxicly warped and twisted *stinch* in The Nostrils Of GOD...


Survey2/4/07 2:10 PM
Number Six | The village  Find all comments by Number Six
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Have a peak at the above site and download the books by Dr Rob Martyn and come back please with your further comments.

God bless you

"The free eBook is not just for Christians. It is for all people who have not been brainwashed by lying, deceiving, violent, gay propaganda."

Survey2/4/07 1:13 PM
Marsha | Ak  Find all comments by Marsha
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why is it the churches are so militant about the "abomination" of homosexuality? Sin is an abomination period, funny how divorce, fornication, adultrery, and all the rest are hardly preached at all! Could it be they hit a little too close to home, so it is safe to go after the gays? We are to be loving AND forgiving of others, and use the pattern Christ set.

Survey5/17/06 6:53 AM
Tony Byer | Germany  
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We as christians have long lost our will to stand up for the Gospel of Jesus. We have allowed politicians and the liberal left to force the gay lifetstyle on us. In fact we voted for most of these liberals who claim that anyone who opposes such decadence is prejudiced. We cannot allow pornography while condemning homosexuality, because all is sin. How can the church take a stand when many churches refuse to stand against such a lifestyle. The church has long lost its moral authority! Perhaps our only stand is now to let our light so shine before men that they may see our good work and glorify our Father which is in Heaven.

Survey4/17/06 3:17 PM
Kate Galliher  
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I believe that we need to rebuke brothers of their sin, but do it in a loving way. I think that the gospel of Jesus Christ's blood needs to be layed out to homosexuals in their sin. When I am in sin I need the hope of the gospel.

In church all sin needs to be called out and the gospel proclaimed because church is a place to worship God with all that we are.

Survey1/31/06 12:15 PM
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My view is that churches should not be a once a week thing, but that every day there should be open forum times when any unbeliever may enter and take part in an open Bible study type of group Monday to Friday.

Perhaps one for women and one for men as well.

Every day of the week except on Sabbath or Sunday whenever the normal worship service is at such church.

Then the worship service shall be different and shall not be the same format.

Also I think this should be the format for any person before they visit worship services or become baptised no matter what sin or background or beliefs they have.......

Survey1/31/06 12:14 PM
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They should visit the bible studies for as long as they wish to, and as long as they show themselves in support of the official Bible teacher and Pastor. Then after that period of time spent only in the bible studies, they may ask to be baptised and join the worship service times with the acnoledgement that they will not disrupt or seek to undermine the teaching from that point on.

But before then during the M-F bible studies that are open to the public they may generally rail and pose as many questions as they like within reason.

Churches should be open more of the time, kind of like how a music school conducts itself in a worldly sense. Its not a once a week thing, but every day there are classes of some kind open to all to learn either in a private or group setting.

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