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News Item1/13/19 5:52 PM
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Pastor Justin Hoke's prophetic sermon to churches today is online at Sermonaudio here!

Sermon12/31/18 4:25 AM
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“ Powerful, Courageous, Relevant Sermon! ”
This is a powerful, thoughtfully crafted and clear sermon about the real Jesus revealed in Scripture, by the eyewitness and apostle and "the disciple whom Jesus loved"--John, contrasted to the false Jesus of Thomas Jefferson (whom he exposes fully), Mormons, Muslims & JWs and modern liberalism. Also a complete contrast to a plastic misrepresentation and fake baby Jesus in a manger scene of superficial modern Christianity! Modern thoughts are low and blasphemous by contrast, his holy name taken in vain frequently without shame! After reading through the gospel of John this month this was personally timely and perfect.

Sermon12/24/18 2:20 AM
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“ Much recommended! ”
A very clear and easy to listen to podcast and message tracing the history among denominations from rejection to gradual acceptance of Christmas observance which interestingly parallels the progress of liberalism and apostasy from Gods laws to man's traditions and innovation in worship, contrary to the regulative principle and 2nd commandment.

Sermon12/23/18 8:15 PM
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Historical Overview of Christmas
Brian Schwertley
“ Historical Christianity vs. Modern Christianity ”
Note that Christmas has always been the mark of Antichrist, ie.false Christianity. Always. Which has always led to tyranny and persecution. The same will hold true in the U.S. since President Ulysses Grant declared Dec. 25th Christmas a national holy day (contrary to the 1st Amend.), after the South was brought back into captivity and the states made subject to the federal government. False Christianity always persecutes Christian liberty to make it conform. The churches are doing the same with flags on their pulpits demonstrating their allegiance while celebrating a man made ritual holiday.

Sermon12/3/18 1:02 AM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The habit of using images under the plea of tradition ought to be examined with the light of scripture, the only rule of faith and practice. The traditions of men are the corruption of the real Christian faith and become superstitious habits that become popular and taught to children who then pass them to the next generation. Nativity scenes, pictures and movies represent a false Jesus of an artist's imagination contrary to the 2nd commandment. Nor is worshipping Christ with a decorated tree permitted, which is a heathen custom. The 2nd commandment overrules pretended liberty of conscience in worship.

News Item11/18/18 1:43 AM
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Note those who said they are against organized religion want to just start a completely different organized one instead.

The same people that said you cannot legislate morality are in fact legislating their own immorality on all of us and calling us a immoral by law if we do not accept LBGTQ Etc. +W (its rampant among witches/wiccans).

Remember they were given national attention by the media and trying to cast spells on political figures and elections. Halloween is their favorite.

The people that once cried for tolerance now have become blatantly intolerant. They say "shame on you" but we cannot shame them. They judge us while saying we cannot judge them. Hypocrites!

Satan is the father of Lies and his children do likewise and they are the ones filled with hate and scheme to hold power. They actually believe their ritualism will help. This is really a religious, social, political movement.

News Item11/18/18 1:00 AM
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Yet in the Holy scriptures, which are inspired, the Apostle Paul in at least three different letters says something similar:
"Slaves, obey in all things your Masters according to the flesh...etc."
"Masters, give unto your servants that which is Just and equal...etc."

The Bible does not regulate sin. The master-servant relationship is mentioned in the same context as other family relations each time. The Bible clearly teaches that the relationship can be managed in a just and equal manner And that slaves are to obey, respect, and honor their masters especially if they are Christians.

Those who call for disrespecting slave masters and this relation according to the scriptures are disobeying the plain teaching of the Apostle Paul. the southern Baptists in Charleston (Richard Furman, et al) taught the relation according to scripture despite the abolitionists who departed from scripture who were teaching Insurrection and revolution.

The PC churches have departed from scripture in this matter as well as others and have increasingly accepted Democratic Socialist principles contrary to scripture in regard to all relations. Feminism and youth Revolution gradually followed after the abolition of slavery consistent with the other relations in the same passages. There is

News Item9/2/18 2:34 PM
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Zionist propaganda easily refuted.
1. The UN is the body that formed modern Israel.
2. the UN has no Bible theology of any kind.
3. The UN when helping to form Israel agreed to Legal limits and borders which modern Israel has violated.
4. Israel claims to be a democracy but it barely has a Jewish majority and does not represent Palestinians. It treats Palestinians as second-class Citizens.
5. See Jewsagainstzionism.Org for orthodox Jews who opposed Israel whom the national media ignores and never covers.

News Item8/12/18 3:41 PM
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Great comments by Adriel.

Now consider that this is exactly what the Social Justice movement is attempting to do in America the only difference being instead of Marxist Revenge for the indigenous people it is pretended reparations because of the former subjection of blacks in slavery, while slavery and the slave trade actually began in Africa.

News Item7/31/18 4:46 AM
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Great comment from G bird. Yes the BBC is not objective news but propaganda with a social agenda and is brazenly anti-christian. The BBC has become like George Orwell's Newspeak in 1984.

Sermon7/22/18 3:59 AM
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Christ And Slavery Part 2
Pastor John Ashwood
“ Modern social teaching proven false! ”
Refreshing, the plain words of Christ on slavery! The entire sermon is worth listening to as the pastor, like John the Baptist, lays the axe to the root of the tree of Democratic and Egalitarian philosophy which has supplanted the Holy Scriptures in regard to social order and teaching even in the most conservative churches. Not just teaching regarding slavery, but also modern family and feminism is exposed as well. The historical facts mentioned are very much appropriate because of the context from which Error has preceded. Scripture destroys Political Correct philosophy of this age by greater Authority. Warning: snowflake professing Christians may be triggered. This is about facts vs feelings.

Sermon6/10/18 8:54 PM
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Slaves & Masters
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Slaves Obey, no Abolition or Liberation theology ”
The sermon is helpful and relevant in light of the recent Southern Baptist and Gospel Coalition conferences, particularly MLK50, while some leaders and ministers call for a needed "racial reconciliation" because of their resentfulness of slavery in the past, particularly of historic Southern Baptists. Some of these have even praised James Cone, the author of Black Liberation Theology, at his recent passing away and become SJWs in activism raising much of a tumult insisting on "white repentance" in the churches and that social matters are even above doctrinal matters, setting MLK as a saint and above Scripture! But we see in this passage and sermon that slaves were to obey and respect, not resent, their masters, "both the just and the unjust" (implying the institution itself is not unjust) not calling for Abolitionism or revolutionary social upheaval and activism contrary to what is being advocated by some today within the church, who set black against white! Since respect and obedience were to be given to Masters, even as Christians, where is the place for resentfulness, or unjust relation requiring a pretended need for repentance or reconciliation which the scripture clearly does not teach or imply? The growing and harmful error of SJWs today is here clearly exposed.

Sermon6/10/18 5:09 PM
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“ Even more relevant today! ”
Powerful historical and biblical message that strongly demonstrates how Liberalism invades the churches over time from one generation to the other bringing apostasy through destructive heresies. Note the evil principle of Socinianism on which he justly dwells for considerable time to identify it. Now's the Time to strongly urge an application of this message to reviewing the decline and fall of Southern Baptists climaxing now in the SBC in 2018, how the churches departed from Revelation to Human Reason and socialist doctrine (i.e. first abolitionism, then feminism, egalitarianism, MLKism) Socinian thinking came in to be Politically Correct and relevant, condemning their godly fore-fathers and apologizing for slavery to appease the world, and now it's bearing its fruit & consequences and dividing and conquering the entire SBC into total social liberalism while pretending to be remain orthodox; Destructive heresies under pretense of love equality bringing revolutionary change as if the Bible is errant & wrong in its social instructions, as if God's law is not holy, Jesus & the Apostles teaching imperfect, and his Word can be set aside, in order to conform to Democratic expectations even for "conservatives". Now tumult and schism are evident and a Social Gospel rising up.

News Item6/10/18 3:28 PM
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Don't miss this article either at the Christian Post. The SBC is being divided and conquered quickly by opening up the door of socialist heresies years ago when they rejected and divorced themselves from there godly and orthodox Southern Baptist forefathers. Now it's overtaking them like a flood. This is the consequence of adopting Humanist Democratic standards instead of Biblical ones, and accepting the heresy of egalitarianism. Worldly and PC cultural standards are being adopted in the church as "christan" standards.

SBC Says Women Not Barred From Presidency, Pastor Dwight McKissic Suggests Beth Moore


News Item6/7/18 7:06 AM
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Flee out of the midst of the SBC Evangelical Babylon!

"Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Rev. 18:4

Their apostasy which began years ago has now become more evident. The social justice movement and Liberation theology is nothing less then the continual, consistent error and movement which began with their public apology, denouncement and divorce over a decade ago from their godly and orthodox Southern Baptist forefathers over the subject of slavery, who held to scripture alone. (Heresies are deeds of the flesh and political correctness is Never Satisfied and always requires more).

Recently at MLK50 they praised and worshipped the heretic and false prophet MLK above scripture (like a cult does) and above the teachings of the Ten Commandments, the apostles Paul and Peter, and Jesus himself (all of whom upheld and defended and instructed Masters and slaves as a just social institution of God). They are condemning the Bible and beginning to interpret it like the Socialists do, revising it to Humanistic standards to become politically correct. It's heresy plain and simple and is becoming a social gospel. While there are conservatives and liberals divided, like the Pharisees and the Sadducees, they bo

Sermon5/20/18 7:15 PM
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“ Relevant, needed Sermon! ”
Lately the subject of slavery has brought much commotion and controversy within the SBC churches at a MLK50 Conference. Some prominant pastors and leaders are asserting that there should be a historic racial resentfulness because of slavery even within the church, calling all white Christians to repent for the past, and is even distorting gospel theology! The Devil is at work dividing because the Scripture is being ignored as the Only rule of faith and obedience instead of men's philosophies. Here is straightforward exposition on how among Christians the master-slave relationship was not abolished nor was resentfulness or rebellion to be tolerated or encouraged by Christian slaves for their masters. Yet today a movement is growing that encourages resentful strife from blacks toward whites because of past slavery, within the church, contrary to this very scripture! The sermon also speaks to how Marxist class warfare philosophy is influencing the church from culture.

News Item5/20/18 3:19 PM
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The Bishop wearing his costume preached a social gospel and is a supporter of gay rights and Black Liberation Theology. Of course he quoted MLK and abused scripture. This was a false teacher in action and the media loved it.

The New SBC probably loved it too since they like anything where MLK is mentioned. They recognize him contrary to and above Scripture.

More at this article, "Royal Wedding emblematic of the decline of the Church of England".


Sermon5/20/18 3:51 AM
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“ Needs to be heard! ”
People need to hear this. It's true this will be a landmark year with a new controversy which is redefining Churches and the gospel. The only correction I would suggest is that this is not Law vs. Grace, for their Justice so-called is from Democratic political-correctness and contrary to the Theocratic perfect law of God in the Ten Commandments, because even the 4th and 10th Commandments support and regulate slavery and don't condemn it. The authority of scripture is at stake. Only what the Bible teaches as Sin is Sin, not the "traditions of men". They have a gospel according to Marx which they are preaching, demanding a false repentance and prostrated servitude! Liberalism has infiltrated SBC to the full and it's time for their heresy to be marked out and for the "independent churches" to fully secede to maintain their integrity. They are not advocating reconciliation but revolution toward a new Orthodoxy and will brand dissenters from their social gospel as Heretics, for which the media and world will applaud them, showing whose children they really are. To honor and to attribute prophetic Authority to a heretic like MLK, over and contrary to Scripture, is the definition of a Cult.

Sermon5/6/18 5:41 PM
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“ Slavery is the real issue ”
Behind all this talk about racial reconciliation is the real cause which has caused the controversy and which is constantly raised by those requiring a change in others. The cause of offense is slavery. But the only reconciliation that needs to take place is to return to the scriptures and for professing Christians to be reconciled back to what scripture teaches about slavery and the verses that nobody ever talks about, even though they are absolutely clear. Social and spiritual conflict will continue until people are reconciled to what scripture teaches. Highly recommend Derek Carson's forthright sermon called Considering Slavery which has 2 parts. That is one step instead of 14 steps.

Sermon5/6/18 5:21 PM
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Derek Carlsen
“ True Zionism: Spiritual, not Israel ”
The scriptures regarding Zion in both Old and New Testaments are seldom ever heard about at length or taught about in today's churches. Instead today Zionism is only brought up regarding an articially created political state in the Middle East. The sermon proves that this is not what's Zion refers to in Scripture.
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