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Sermon4/30/10 8:14 PM
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What is worldliness?
Rev David Silversides
“ Very Relevant Sermon! ”
This messages is a rebuke to modern Christianity, and relevant to late discussions about the New Calvinism and Worldliness, particularly addressed by Dr. Peter Masters in his excellent article: The Merger of Calivinism with Worldliness, and the upcoming Conference at the Spurgeon Tabernacle this July on similar subject. Many sound sermons are often directed against the "culture" of the world, while being stark blind that the Church has adopted the same licentious culture to itself, to where--except for outward church attendance, testimony of the mouth, use of silly symbols and messages--there is hardly a visible difference between the church and the world, and that only temporarily on Sundays. The modern taboos that attempt to hide under the slogan of "Christian liberty", like those of "lifestyle", "culture", Christian dress, music, money and material things, media interest, sports, language, etc...all could be suggested under this subject. This is still the age of McChristianity and Facebook Christianity, even among the "reformed", and the fruits of this worldly "christianity" are evident, "turning the Grace of God into Licentiousness".

News Item4/25/10 8:43 PM
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Why is this an issue on Sermonaudio? Military technology is a distraction from the Christian faith into an non-relevant issue, unless is relate to Christian doctrine about war, or "just war" tactics. (The use of remote drones to seek and kill--lacking credibility in target identification, and proving great in "collateral (civilian) damage"--is not justified, but contrary to the Bible).

Better to ask, to make relevant, if there was such an article (and there are, but never posted here): Are the present U.S. wars ("on terrorism"--Afghanistan, et al) consistent with the Christian doctrine of Just War? When did Afghanistan attack the U.S.? (And did "Al Qaeda", as alleged, really having anything to do with Sept. 11th, and by what proofs offered us, other than mere assertion?)

To justify the invasion and occupation of sovereign countries (as we would never tolerate ourselves) in order to "get terrorists") while actually seeking to overthrow and change governments, is both deceitful and outside those Christian principles, which only a bully nation or empire would arrogate its power to do (as the Roman empire did historically).

Christians should not be shills for the wars of empires and that of the Globalists, nor loyal to mere political parties over Christian principles.

Sermon4/25/10 8:01 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The ear-gate and eye-gate applications hit home. This message, while only suggested by implication, should make every professing Christian to consider "plucking out the right eye" and "cutting off the right hand", sacrificing anything even lawful that gives occasion to temptation, that cause our hearts to stray--i.e. banning the TV (even wicked ads appear frequently during "news"), setting strict controls on internet and computer usage (blocking evil or popular chat, video, movie, and online TV venues), even ad images. Proper use of the computer can be done in Filtering out almost anything wicked you should hate. Stamp out the sparks of temptation if you do not want the fires of sinful passions to consume you, or your children! Cell phones and computers if not restricted are a secret source of evil! "Bad company corrupts good morals", and youth should not be given instruments of temptation without restrictions. We must wage a holy war against temptation if we are to resist sin, for entertaining evil thoughts within the heart will give birth to actual sin. How aggressively wicked is this modern world! which infiltrates every home, if we keep the electronic doors open!! "Hate evil, you who love the Lord".

Sermon4/25/10 6:59 PM
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“ Searching Message ”
This message could also be titled, "Are you really a Christian?" for it leads directly to questioning the terms in which anyone has "believed" (merely, not savingly) in Jesus. The speaker references one verse from Luke 14:26-33 in which Jesus plainly gives the terms of being his disciple, and thins the crowd, without which no one may be saved. Modern Christianity does not mention these terms! Chances are that MOST have not come to these terms! Everyone wants to keep everything they have (lifestyle), and all their dear relations ("family values"), or they will NOT follow Christ. The rich young ruler was offended and left. So will many others who claim to be sincere Christians when presented with Jesus' terms of being his true disciples.

Sermon4/18/10 8:38 PM
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Spurgeon the Warrior
Phil Johnson
“ Great and Timely Sermon! ”
The part about saying that everyone admires Spurgeon, Luther, Calvin...in THEIR reformations within a corrupt church age "but nobody could bear with them now", is right on the mark. Dare anyone take modern, and especially "reformed" and orthodox churches to task, or question a pastor about such corruptions as outlined in 2 Tim. 3 (which this speaker specifically reads), and watch them gnash their teeth and cast you out. The only disturbing thing about this message is the frequent laughter, outbursts, or clapping of the pastoral audience, rather a mark of the party-spirit of the world (like in political parties) toward a very serious message, than of holy reverence, sober-mindedness, grave, etc. Herein lies the real problem of the modern church, as with Israel, it's with the shepherds...for which the sheep are scattered.

Sermon1/10/10 6:24 PM
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The Faith that Saves
Rev. Jan Neels
“ Needed Sermon! ”
Thank you. Not much is taught today about what faith that saves is, beyond mental assent, or a presumptuous "assurance" based upon "I believe", i.e. because I say so, instead of Christ, as you clarified. Profession and saving faith are not necessarily the same. People think it is easy to believe when their definition of true belief is false, or mere knowledge. If it is a "gift of God, not of works", then why do so many claim they have it so easily, especially when they have no marks of conversion, or conviction? The natural or religious man cannot repent or believe, truly, apart from the gracious operations of the Holy Spirit enabling them to do so, and "make them willing in the day of his power." But let a man be slain by the law of God, and convicted as Guilty, and he can hardly look up without the promises of "whosoever may come" and "in no wise cast out". Here in saving faith the troubled soul comes for relief, trusting and seizing Christ by the garment, in godly sorrow, clinging to him for salvation upon his bloody redemption for poor sinners, as both a Prince and Savior. Only the sick need a physician and will believe on him alone to help.

Sermon12/26/09 11:05 PM
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The English Standard Version
Rev. John Thackway
“ Summary: ESV is RSV 2.0 ”
Behind all the marketing and glowing orthodox statements, and all the endorsements of modern "celebrity christianity"--yes, even among the most orthodox, "reformed", and "true church" experts, and even the Puritan scholar J.I. Packer--the speaker discloses that only 10 percent of the text of ESV is different than the RSV! Essentially the ESV is a revision of RSV to appear more "conservative" than NIV and more current than NKJV. A criticism can be made of the speaker referring to "God's providence" in translations, for God works by "means", and it is "our responsibility" not to just "believe" in what we have, but to seek to preserve the word by all means possible, instead of fatalistically accepting "what is given us" by others. For this the Roman church does too. "Examine everything" we are commanded. Scripture MUST be updated to the "vulgar" present language (for common understanding to successive generations), but only without compromise. For neither is the KJV infallible. The subjective arguments of the speaker leans heavily on sentimentalism and Elizabethan-ism.

Sermon12/20/09 6:18 PM
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“ Important Sermon! ”
What more is needed to prove that modern church is apostate because it does not recognize the truth of this psalm--"The godly man now ceases", where modern Christianity thinks there is a giant multitude of real Christians! "Speaking idly with their neighbor, flattering lips and double hearts" speak, every professor is called "brother", shaking hands to welcome to fellowship every visitor. "Many will come in my name claiming to be 'Christ-ian'", Christ warned of such. Bare profession, flattering fellowship are the rule of the day...but the "faithful disappear from the sons of men".

Sermon12/20/09 5:49 PM
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“ Important Sermon! ”
The message is another proof that something HUGE is wrong with the modern church. What is the cause? How has modern Christianity come to such a wrong conclusion, such bad theology that actually condemns the Justice of God? The answer can be found partially in what the church sings....instead of singing the holy inspired Psalms of God! Singing is to be with "psalms, hymns and songs--all spiritual (prophetic)", which are mean to "speak to one another with". 18th century hymns and latter all Omit Impreccatory singing for "sentimentalism" that has swept all into another gospel (Arminian), and another theology--one actually opposed to the Justice of God. Psalm-singing is necessary to bust the false church and revive the genuine.

Sermon12/15/09 7:28 AM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
While the pastors presently, of the most "conservative" and even "reformed" traditions, are justly condemning Ecumenical worship and Ecumenical Statements (e.g. Manhatten Declaration) "because they confuse the true gospel", THEY PERSIST AND CLOSE THEIR EARS, EVEN GNASH THEIR TEETH, AT THOSE WHO CRY OUT AGAINST THE ECUMENICAL RELIGION OF XMAS! What is more Ecumenical than this unholy day? Does this not "confuse the gospel" too? What hypocrisy not to be consistent in condemnations against Ecumenicalism. What blindness not to see this is plainly the case.

Sermon12/1/09 12:17 AM
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Thoughts on Rebellion - Pt 2
David Dykstra
“ A Historic Reformed Baptist View ”
Finally, the proper view point is established contrary to what most modern churches teach. The only surprise in this is the speaker's admission of being a Yankee and taking sides against the South, even though most of the Calvinistic churches were in the South and Christian leaders like Dabney, Thornwell, and the Southern Baptists like the Furmans taught precisely the same principles, and applied them against the North! The South seceded and resisted the Federal (Centralized, usurping) government and on precisely on the same grounds as that of the American Revolution against England, as their documents prove.

Sermon9/13/09 4:35 PM
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“ interesting ”
Was Wilberforce contrary to scripture, the apostle Paul in Colossians and Ephesians, the teaching and works of Jesus, and even the 10th commandment by wanting to separate and revolutionize the "master-servant" relations, largely under the basis of humanist philosophy but with the quoting of disjointed scriptures? Examine everything we are told, and it's worth another look, for abolitionism led to the same principles of feminism, overthrowing historic Christian order of society.

Sermon9/5/09 10:33 PM
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That R Word
Pastor Jeff Black
“ Convincing Sermon, the Necessity of Repentance! ”
This message is like John's axe "laid to the root of the (corrupt fruitless) tree", exposes modern False Christianity, the new repentless Anti-Christianity, which presumes to present salvation by mere "profession of faith" and baptism (biblically tied to repentance) and church membership, as if there were no such gospel commandment taught by John, Jesus, and the apostles from the beginning. This proves that the truncated gospel of "just believe" (made popular by Spurgeon unfortunately) is an Error and not the full scope of the gospel message and commandment. Is it any wonder modern Christianity is such in name but not fruit? This one word of Scripture, set right by Luther, led to an entire Reformation, nay, a Revolution and Revival of true Christian doctrine and Babylon was exposed along with her priestcraft, and many awakened and obeyed, "flee out of the midst of Babylon, be not partaker in her sins that ye receive none of her plagues".

Sermon5/11/09 2:04 AM
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God's Word on Mixed Marriages
Pastor Jeff Black
“ Relevant Sermon! ”
Important message on the necessity of christian exclusive marriage. To be fair, however, other renowned commentators have different views on the passages. While the Puritan John Owen describes Gen 6 "sons of God, daughters of men" as this exposition, the American Puritan Cotton Mather had the (literal) "giant" and "fallen angel" view. Matthew Henry interprets Moses marriage as to an Arabian, not an African, which Mariam scorned and "called an Ethiopian" (a culumny). Evidence shows the land of Cush is more likely Egypt or Arabia more than Ethiopia (further south in the "land of Ham"). In application, R.L. Dabney would likely disagree, even after abolitionism, even if the African was a Christian, due to difference of social status, which is also legitimate consideration. PC philosophy is usually unbiblical.

Sermon5/10/09 10:15 PM
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“ Relevant and Needed Sermon! ”
This subject has become virtually taboo in the church and christian discussion, being defended against under pleas or charges of "legalism", "christian liberty", and especially "culture" (differences between today and the 19th century or earlier). While men are often charged with immoral advances in society by women, their own immodesty of dress waves a green light or provokes it. Mass media (TV, movies, advertisements, etc) and its acceptance in Christian homes cannot be overlooked as the principle indoctrination and cause for the acceptance of immodest "modern fashion". It is impossible to have different values from what we willing watch and expose ourselves too. Immodest fashionableness by christians then is a mere symptom of larger worldly conformity, which includes music, gender roles, and family relations. Gender dress should also be addressed. Satan began this major assault against Christian Culture during the "roaring 20s" and "sexual revolution" of the 60s and 70s, introducing a Revolutionary Anti-Christian Culture.

Sermon4/5/09 5:51 PM
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When God Gives Up A People
Robert W. Reed
“ Important Sermon! ”
Like incorrigible children who can no longer be reproved, corrected, even by chastening, being given up is the final sentence. This should cause us to tremble and be reflective to our own course, even among churches, for it certainly follows that if churches follow their own course of innovations, new methods and abandoning of sound doctrine, the true gospel, and purity of manners they are "on their own". Being "independent" of biblical doctrine and manners is like a rebellious child refusing instruction. So churches can be given up by God to their own way while they believe themselves justified and sound, by their own standards. "Rebellious children" are about impossible to recover unless awakened as the prodigal from the error of their ways and "disobedient children" are the sign of the times, that no longer follow their parent's and grandparent's ways.

Sermon3/29/09 2:50 PM
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Right reaction to departure from God
Rev. Andrew Foster
“ Hear this! ”
"Be astonished, oh ye heavens"! Is this not where the saying, "Good heavens!" comes from? It is a lost phrase of public pronouncement to awaken the sleepy to astonishment, calling heaven itself to witness what is presently transpiring, and considered acceptable in society, particularly among Christian professors. Good heavens--it is time for Christians to examine themselves, and wake up to their "departure from God". Israel was asleep in sin and corruption, yea, "the pastors also transgressed against me", says this text.

News Item2/23/09 3:02 AM
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Great Britain is just begging for a revolution. And the people there are drinking enough at the pubs, frustrated, that they just might empty into the streets soon, empty bottles in hand.

Sermon2/8/09 10:03 PM
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The Great Supreme
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Relevant Doctrine ”
The doctrine taught, as hinted at by the sermon title, refutes the false and anti-Christian doctrine of the "Supreme Being" that was commonly taught by Unitarians and Deists which sprang up in the last 18th century (including Thomas Paine) and were the principle beliefs of America's founders (e.g. Washington, Franklin, Madison, Jefferson). Churches should mark this sharp distinguishment between true Christian doctrine and heresy and stop falsely "ascribing greatness" to America's deistic founders instead of "ascribing greatness to our God", and the doctrine of his Trinity.

Sermon1/25/09 3:10 PM
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Judah's Rejection of the Law-Word of God
William O. Einwechter
“ Important Message ”
One application that came speedily to mind is the vanity of alliances with political Egypt by Christians, mixed alliances by professing Christians to gain political salvation by joining political candidates, all of whom claim to be Christian, but who reject God's laws. This was the great mistake of the "religious right" (the three dominant leaders of which who are now deceased) who led many evangelicals toward a *nominal* religious and political salvation, but which ended in "shame"--unrighteous Presidents, more loss of freedom. Their alliances were all ecumenical (including Roman Catholics--ECT, Mormons, and Masons) and ill-founded. This course of political alliances with 'Egypt' (our former bondage under a false, ecumenical, national Christianity--England, Rome, etc.) should not be continued, for it is a rejection of true righteousness and God's law, and will end badly. But will modern Christians heed this?
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