Very Relevant Sermon! This messages is a rebuke to modern Christianity, and relevant to late discussions about the New Calvinism and Worldliness, particularly addressed by Dr. Peter Masters in his excellent article: The Merger of Calivinism with Worldliness, and the upcoming Conference at the Spurgeon Tabernacle this July on similar subject.
Many sound sermons are often directed against the "culture" of the world, while being stark blind that the Church has adopted the same licentious culture to itself, to where--except for outward church attendance, testimony of the mouth, use of silly symbols and messages--there is hardly a visible difference between the church and the world, and that only temporarily on Sundays.
The modern taboos that attempt to hide under the slogan of "Christian liberty", like those of "lifestyle", "culture", Christian dress, music, money and material things, media interest, sports, language, etc...all could be suggested under this subject.
This is still the age of McChristianity and Facebook Christianity, even among the "reformed", and the fruits of this worldly "christianity" are evident, "turning the Grace of God into Licentiousness". |