Since June Loughbrickland congregation has had the ministry of Mr Joey Dunlap, a licentiate of the RPCNA. It has been a particularly enriching time in which we have rejoiced together in the riches of God's grace, both in hearing the tidings of the everlasting gospel preached to us and in fellowship of the same with new friends and old of 'like precious faith with us.' We have so much appreciated the Dunlap family sharing their summer with us - they have had to endure our hottest summer in decades too without air conditioning!!
Joey Dunlap is currently under call from Loughbrickland congregation as he returns with his family to the US at the end of August. We plan to broadcast the sermons over these last few months in the order they were preached and trust they will be a blessing to our listeners.
As a congregation we presently mourn the loss of our dear former minister, Rev. David Silversides. He passed into glory on the evening of the 12th of December 2019, whilst being cared for at home by his wife and family. After his serving our...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In the run-up to the British referendum at the end of June concerning Britain’s exit or inclusion within the European Union, one hears little if anything by anyone of a moral nature. Most of the debate centres around the economy, with...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The love of God is the cause of the atonement. But why did the love of God take this way of realizing its end? This is the question of the reason as distinguished from the cause. Notable theologians in the history of the church have taken the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Uma Visão Puritana INTRODUÇÃO (O que se segue é a substância de um discurso profe rido pelo Rev. David Silversides numa conferência da Igreja Reformada de Templepatrick, n a Irlanda do Norte, que foi...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The church of God currently faces a rising tide of immorality within an increasingly godless culture. This address focuses mainly on the issue of homosexuality and the church's response to it, but other matters also come within its scope.Sermon...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sermon Outline: 1. What Is It?It claims to be a return to a federal or covenant vision held by the early Reformers, but it winds up to a serious distortion of the biblical teaching of the church and serves to corrupt several foundational...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A wide-ranging issue, this address does not seek to answer all the questions, but it does provide some biblical principles to guide Christian women with respect to their calling and Christian duty. 1. Overstatements to be avoided.i) The regulative...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This year sees the 400th anniversary of the Authorised Version of the Bible in English. Many singular and remarkable instances have marked its rise, progress, completion and proclammation. Such attendant blessings and favours ought to be...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This address examines the nature of social networking, some particular dangers posed by such sites and pitfalls to avoid in their use. Whilst there are some parallels with the address on 'Web blogging' also included in this series which deals...[ abbreviated | read entire ]