The prophetical parts of Scripture are commonly the most misunderstood, and the teaching concerning the second coming of Christ and the events which surround it are no exception. It is all too easy for us to imbibe thoughts and ideas which seem...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We tend to hear quite a lot these days of techniques in evangelism, but this is largely a modern concept. The apostles evangelised, but they didn't adopt or prescribe endless ways and techniques for doing so. Their zeal for God's honour and love...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What is it to believe on Jesus Christ, and what grounds have we as sinners to trust in him? Must we really know our election before we come to Christ for salvation? Do the doctrines of predestination, reprobation and limited atonement hinder the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
1. There are constant male references to God in the Scriptures. The masculine terms 'he', 'his' etc, are uniformly used of God in the original languages of the Old and New Testaments. This is not a mere 'accident' of grammar. I. All the human...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sometimes the apostle Paul, in his letters, gives an indication of the main concern of the letter in his introduction. It is so here. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he shows in these verses that he is writing about the necessity of the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What is our duty under ungodly rulers? When should Christians take up arms? When does the right of a ruler to govern end? Were the Covenanters right? These are some of the questions which this address seeks to answer.1. Biblical Principle of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Scriptural usage of the word hope differs from the more general which tends to express something we desire but are unsure as to its accomplishment. The biblical rendering of hope however, as descriptive of the grace of hope, is rather that of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As with all matters of faith and practice, we must turn to the Scriptures to determine our path, and this is certainly no less true than in the matter of worship. Has God left us to decide for ourselves what is acceptable to him in his own...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This sermon deals with the correct use of doctrinal creeds in the church. The overview of the sermon is as follows: Review of the need for creeds. Every Christian and every church has a creed, whether written down or not. Madness of pretending...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The term is a negative one and must refer to a wrong view of the Law of God or an abuse of its proper place in our lives.1. Sinful Misuses of the Term "Legalism". a) As an undefined condemnation of someone else's views or practice which we do not...[ abbreviated | read entire ]