As with all matters of faith and practice, we must turn to the Scriptures to determine our path, and this is certainly no less true than in the matter of worship. Has God left us to decide for ourselves what is acceptable to him in his own worship? Rather did not God charge Moses in the rearing of the tabernacle that he should do all according as he was shown and commanded in the mount? (Exodus 25:8, 9, 40). This sermon provides a solid biblical basis for every part of our worship, showing that nothing is left to man's ingenuity but all is to be governed by the rule of Holy Scripture. We further see where all unauthorised worship leads, and the folly of abandoning the preceptive rule for a subjective one. 'What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.' Deut 12:32