A wide-ranging issue, this address does not seek to answer all the questions, but it does provide some biblical principles to guide Christian women with respect to their calling and Christian duty.
1. Overstatements to be avoided.
i) The regulative principle of worship not to be applied to women's role in general. ii) No biblical blanket ban on women being active outside the home. iii) It is not absolutely required for a woman to be under a father, brother or husband's jurisdiction at all times. iv) A woman is not subject to every man in any and every situation. Gender not the only factor in authoritative structures.
2. Not every woman's calling is to be a wife and mother.
3. Non-negotiable duties of a wife and mother.
i) Motherhood not a side-line ii) Schools not an off-loading service to free up time.
4. Not all occupations are equally suitable to men and women.