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Sermon All Things New - 2 Cor. 5:17-21 | Ken Wimer
from Newberry, sc
"Holy Ghost Truth"
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Sermon An Invasion from Hell | Denis Lyle
Jennifer Mason from Memphis
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Survey11/2/09 11:32 AM
Beth Oleander | Canada  Go to homepageFind all comments by Beth Oleander
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I think a certain amount of debt is unavoidable - unless you are a person of unlimited means. I hate it and try hard to stay debt free, but... it isn't easy.

However, I do believe this little booklet will not only ensure that I stay out of debt, but it has already taught me how to half my living expenses!

I'll happily share the link with you.


The book is inspiring, loaded with good, money-saving ideas, and in short, couldn't have come at a better time. I do believe it'll help a LOT of people. Let me know what you think?



Survey10/27/09 7:40 AM
Beth Oleander | Canada  Go to homepageFind all comments by Beth Oleander
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San Jose John, every world power that has ever existed began its fall by the breakdown of the family - nuff said!

OTOH, YHVH Himself endorses birth control in the form of *self control* 'For a time' and with mutual consent between partners, usually for the purpose of devoting more time to prayer and intensifying one's relationship with YHVH.

Many Christians are unaware that the pill (no exceptions) is triphasic, with one of those phases acting as an abortifacient, meaning that the pill makes the womb 'hostile' to embryos since it is not thick enough to allow them to implant - so they are aborted. Most women on the pill abort between 2 and 6 babies a year (in addition to those that abort spontaneously due to malformation).

My husband and I had eight children, with four still living, and we brought them up in the LORD, and home schooled them, and raised them in the missionary field with us, but they have all seen fit to reduce His Commandments to suggestions and summarily dismiss them the moment it is inconvenient to follow them....

We pray for them - we pray for them all (and our three grandchildren), but ultimately all my prayers nowadays boil down to 'Thy Kindgom Come.'

Survey10/27/09 7:04 AM
Beth Oleander | Canada  Go to homepageFind all comments by Beth Oleander
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If GOD'S Will and Purpose for us could be summed up in 1300 characters, YHVH would hardly have authored 66+ books!

Essentially, I agree with Dale, but would add that James 1:27; Matthew 25:40; and 1st Corinthians 15 will give a babe in Christ a good start.

We are here to LIVE the Gospel and not simple to preach it. I like St. Francis of Assisi's comment 'Preach the Gospel daily. If necessary, use words.' Amen!

The end point of everyone's journey is to 'Be transformed into the Image of Christ.' We must be leaning in that direction now, every moment, and not imagine that translation will do the job on some mystical future day.

Watchman Nee counseled that at no time should we see ourselves as separate from Christ, but rather IN HIM and SURRENDERED TO HIM completely. Amen!

The purpose of the ecclesia (called out ones)or 'Church' is to love God with everything in us and our neighbor as ourselves. These two commandments cover all that a Christian should do and be.

Shalom Aleichem.

Survey10/27/09 6:28 AM
Beth Oleander | Canada  Go to homepageFind all comments by Beth Oleander
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Sin is ANY act in opposition to YHVH including disobedience, meant or accidental.

OTOH, what is sin to one may not be sin to another for 'By our conscience we are excused and by our conscience we are condemned.' One would presuppose a 'trained' conscience on the part of a Christian, and GOD did write His Laws on the hearts of ALL men, thus even those of different faiths, including atheism, inherently know when they are in opposition to YHVH, which is why GOD says 'By their deeds they will be judged.'

Ultimately, all people know YHVH if not by name then by the finger of Love with which He wrote His Laws on EVERY heart.

Survey10/27/09 6:18 AM
Beth Oleander | Canada  Go to homepageFind all comments by Beth Oleander
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I use many Bibles, some centuries old, as I find the different translations round out Scripture and are an invaluable aid, along with interlinear translations, in shedding light and thus granting us a comprehensive overview of any passage or verse.

I believe that no Bible is inerrant, but that the TRUTH and the MESSAGE The Holy Spirit inspired men to write has been preserved inviolate, so that the TRUTH and the Gospel of Christ can be found in any Bible.

This has been my experience thus far on my spiritual journey.

Survey10/27/09 5:43 AM
Beth Oleander | Canada  Go to homepageFind all comments by Beth Oleander
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Terrorism has been with us since Cain slew Abel - IOW it's nothing new, we've simply invented more creative and powerfully destructive ways of slaughtering one another - unfortunately.

I live in a *very* remote location in the mountains and it's peaceful here, idyllic, irenic, and spectacularly beautiful, and while we do have our share of forest fires, nature's violence is not nearly as disturbing as that which proceeds from humankind.

It's sad to contemplate that a virtue as simple as LOVE would solve all of the problems between us, and it is so easy to love - so why do you think we don't do it? It is the second commandment Christ gave us, after all....

Survey10/27/09 5:25 AM
Beth Oleander | Canada  Go to homepageFind all comments by Beth Oleander
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I find the results of this poll interesting since every poll conducted in the last decade or so (Barna, Gallup etc.)shows that 95% of Chrisitians have NEVER shared the Gospel with anyone. The above poll tells us that 95% of Chrisitians believe it is a Chrisitian responsibility. Looks like somebody somewhere's not walking their talk!

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