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News Item3/5/12 5:52 AM
A believer  Protected NameFind all comments by A believer
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No disagreement here. He's absolutely correct. Slavery, etc.

News Item2/29/12 5:21 AM
a Believer  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by a Believer
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True, but no true Christian would also not worship a man (the Pope), dead "saints" or receive biblical authority not from the bible but rather the writings of Rome

[AUTHOR]John Yurich USA[/AUTHOR]If I was Graham I would not have apologized for stating the fact that Obama is not a Christian. No Christian is for abortion, birth control, homosexuality and every other perversion under the sun.[/QUOTE]

News Item1/19/09 2:38 PM
a believer  Protected NameFind all comments by a believer
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Well put, Dan. And truth.

News Item1/19/09 12:13 PM
A believer  Protected NameFind all comments by A believer
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"God be with America"? I don't think so. He wasn't with us during 8 years of Bush. Why should it be any different under Mr. Obama.

News Item11/16/08 8:08 AM
A believer  Protected NameFind all comments by A believer
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In obedience to God, all true believers will pray for our new President. All the more so since the majority of "evangelicals" did not vote for him because of his social stances.

News Item11/1/08 8:03 PM
A believer  Protected NameFind all comments by A believer
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kenny wrote:
A believer wrote:
"Aren't there anything negative being written in the press about McCain/Palin?"
Aren't. It sounds better.

News Item11/1/08 5:25 PM
A believer  Protected NameFind all comments by A believer
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Jim, why are you so stuck on Israel, as if it enjoys some special relationship with the True kingdom of God. They are no more different than any of the Arab or other nations that reject the Christ.

Boy, I can't wait until Obama takes over. Might get so-called evangelicals spending more of their time praying instead of trying to transform America into something it isn't--a Christian nation.

News Item11/1/08 5:21 PM
A believer  Protected NameFind all comments by A believer
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Wow! These forums are as one sided as the reporting by FOX News. Aren't there anything negative being written in the press about McCain/Palin?

News Item11/1/08 5:18 PM
A Believer  Protected NameFind all comments by A Believer
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Good for her! This is the land of opportunity after all.

News Item10/22/08 5:20 AM
A believer  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by A believer
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I think that an Obama win is going to be the best thing that could happen to the nation. The Christian nation that is. Too many so-called evangelicals have been trying to advance the kingdom of God through political means. Maybe in their despair, they'll turn to God for strength, comfort, and hope.

Pray for Obama and our Government that God might move them to seek to do that which is biblically right. Certainly hasn't happened after 8 years of Republican rule.

News Item10/13/08 10:38 AM
A believer  Protected NameFind all comments by A believer
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Fred wrote:
I remember Billy Graham saying that if the Lord didn't judge America, He'd have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. And Rev. Graham attributed our escaping judgment to our support of Israel, for scripture promised Abraham: "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee" (Gen 12:3).
It isn't that the Lord has appointed anyone to lead America and the west. President Bush has bowed to the will of other western leaders, and betrayed Israel. The Lord said, "The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me" (Lev 25:23). President Bush decided the president is greater than God and chose to give away part of the Lord's land. The Lord has removed our protection, and it is all over for the current world order.
www.selah-tx.net (Best with Microsoft Internet Explorer)
Graham is the wrong person to cite as knowing the will and word of God. As for Israel, God is done with it as a nation. There is a remnant of Jews who according to the election of Grace, who will be present in heaven with gentiles, but the standing of thephysical nation is no different than the U.S., Russia,etc
God has one salvation plan and that is salvation through grace alone, thru faith in Christ.

News Item10/12/08 9:20 PM
A believer  Protected NameFind all comments by A believer
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Get with it people. Looks like God has raised up Obama to lead our nation. He, alone, knows why. No matter how I vote that seems to be the course God has chosen to take. If the country can survive George Bush, then it can and will survive Obama. What do you expect when the heathen rule (democrat or republican).

Survey10/12/08 9:13 AM
A believer  Protected NameFind all comments by A believer
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Mike wrote:
Paris Hilton has at least as much executive experience as B. Obama.
Maybe so. That's why I'm voting for her in November.

News Item10/12/08 9:11 AM
A believer | Lanham, Maryland  Protected NameFind all comments by A believer
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William wrote:
While I agree McCain/Palin is a better choice than the two Socialists, I disagree that our choices are limited to the two tickets presented by the ruling oligarchy.
Christians and lovers of liberty have a much better choice: CHUCK BALDWIN of the Constitution Party, the largest third party in America. Principle over politics!
It's time for Americans to resist the manipulation by the so-called two-party system and stand up for liberty before we lose it!
There is no liberty except in Christ.

News Item10/12/08 8:54 AM
A believer  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by A believer
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
One thing is for certain, when and if Obama wins there will be a lot of praying for him to become a Christian and to act like one, and just a lot praying for the country in general.
Tough times do make people seek God more. [URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?currSection=sermonssource&sermonID=11005171618]]]The Believer and Politics[/URL]
I take that to mean that to mean that your comments are applicable to McCain as well.

News Item9/20/08 3:14 PM
A Believer  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by A Believer
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Amen, Bob.

News Item9/15/08 7:53 PM
A believer  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by A believer
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Mike wrote:
While your bias seems to suggest one cannot be pentecostal and Christian.
No more than one could claim to be a member and adherent of the Church of Rome and still profess to know Christ. In that they both profess works and signs as the basis of your salvation or standing before God, they are both false gospels.

News Item9/15/08 4:37 PM
A believer  Protected NameFind all comments by A believer
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Engineer: What is keeping you from exposing the same thing truths or untruths about Sarah Palin and her pentacostal affiliation? I guess if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it must be?

I question whether a person who is an avowed pentacostalist is someone who is true to the biblical truths of the Bible.

Will she be receiving instruction from the Almighty via tongues or will it be some other equally deceptive sign and wonder.

Again, your bias is keeping you from being objective.

News Item9/15/08 11:35 AM
A believer  Protected NameFind all comments by A believer
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Mike wrote:
I'm an independent voter, too. Is there any other kind?
Sure there is. Anyone tied to a political party.

News Item9/15/08 10:02 AM
A believer  Protected NameFind all comments by A believer
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Sandie, please do a better job of getting the facts straight. Obama is no more of a muslim than either McCain or Palin, neighter of which appear to be true biblical believers.

It seems that many people will under no circumstances not vote for him are using that as a rationale to support their decision to not vote for him.

By the way, I'm an independent voter and Christian who will not vote for either of the presidential tickets.
I'm intelligent enough to recognize that both parties are flawed when it comes to doing God's will.

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