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Sermon All Things New - 2 Cor. 5:17-21 | Ken Wimer
from Newberry, sc
"Holy Ghost Truth"
-3 hrs 
Sermon Amos: God's Justice | Glen Currie -24 hrs 
Sermon An Invasion from Hell | Denis Lyle
Jennifer Mason from Memphis
-28 hrs 
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Sermon10/2/17 3:50 PM
Foster | NI  Find all comments by Foster
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Mr. Harry Mercer
“ Great Sermon! ”

News Item3/5/12 3:23 PM
Foster  Find all comments by Foster
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Non sequitur wrote:
If you're talking about the basket case known as the Church of England led by the reigning monarch, you're correct. Whereas, if you mean the the Church whose focus is Rome and keys are Peter's, you stand corrected.
Correction declined. You are being anachronistic.

There was no UK in the days of pre-reformation papal tyranny. And regarding that tyranny it was more the case that the countries of the isles were vassal states of a foreign religio-political potentate. None of this has anything to do with the church as Popery was and is of the very essence of antichrist.

News Item3/5/12 1:05 AM
Foster | Gloucester  Find all comments by Foster
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Albeit wrote:
But the founding documents were designed to not foster a particular religion. Otherwise we would have been the UK déjà vu.
There is no national church in the UK nor has there ever been.
The UK therefore cannot be said to foster a particular religion.

Survey3/5/10 11:27 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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If you lived in my part of the world you would be blessed to find a meeting house to go to, unless you like cups of tea served whilst the minister hands out the sermon, or a little bit of dancing, or a bit of shouting from the pulpit, or different versions of scripture

Survey3/5/10 11:25 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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Gaming is a game of chance. Christians should not gamble and encourage others to do so by doing so. God has a well ordered universe. Man creates chaos, and mystery, chance, that life is but a game of chance, wherein anything and just about anything can happen.


Survey3/5/10 11:23 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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Christ and the Mass do not go together except in apostate protestantism

Survey3/5/10 11:22 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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God requires a life for a life, regardless of the opinions of men.


Survey3/5/10 11:20 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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The commandments of God are good. Christians, as they live in them through the grace of God, being fulfilled by the Son of God, naturally uphold them, are living examples of them, and should be so to others. We cannot pick and choose, for we are brought with a price. If we break the sabbath what testimony does that give to those who look upon us as god-fearing people? We would rightly be called hypocrites. If we wish for a lawful society we had best show how just the law is by upholding it, not for justification, but for peace ands quite within a nation.

Survey3/5/10 11:16 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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The Church of Jesus Christ should continue to preach morality, single marriages, loving marriages, of morals and ethics, of law and grace. This would really annoy the sodomites. You do not have to protest so much about them as to attack them by moral preaching. You watch the fur fly when you preach that a man and a woman should love one another, bring up their children to fear God.

News Item3/5/10 11:12 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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Should that not be Mayress or is there just some confusion going on here? Sodomy is punishable by the divine hand and will end up in hell

News Item3/5/10 11:11 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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It is an offense, and the sodomites know it, against God and His order to do such things. But, then, God gave them over (Rom.1.18) to do such things as a judgement to them which they shall come to regret hereafter.

News Item3/5/10 11:01 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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Since when did teachers have the time to think for themselves and to debate such issues, seeing the amount of paperwork that the government foists upon them?

News Item3/5/10 10:59 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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Scotland is a strange, but beautiful country, in parts. I have no doubt that if life is discovered in this part of the world it will not be life as we know it. There is a move afoot, by the Scotish parliament to bankrupt the country by separating from England, so one can see why they would not mind taking up with new science.

News Item3/5/10 10:56 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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And I suppose Tescos was competing with Walmart, and that primitive man did not know which was the best and so went to Marks and Sparks.

News Item3/5/10 10:53 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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Ark where are the animals? Man is truly stupid, arrogant, blind, antagonistic when it comes to the word of God.

News Item3/5/10 10:51 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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Someone has been at the tipex and not just made a mistake with his life as to where it came from. As though mere mortals can define their own existance. How stupid can he get.

News Item3/5/10 10:40 AM
foster | England  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by foster
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The only word that remains the same is the word of God

Survey1/29/08 10:45 PM
Foster | Point Roberts, Wa.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Foster
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Should Christian nations sponsor
nations promoting Islam??? No!

News Item1/18/08 7:59 PM
Foster | Point Roberts, Wa.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Foster
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I recently saw a TV documentary about
a woman who complained about church
bells in her neighborhood Sunday
morning and the bells were silenced
to placate her. Too bad she wasn't
told to be more inclusive!

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