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Sermon God of Truth Who Is Truth | Wayne Conrad
"Great Sermon!"
-36 hrs 
Sermon Steve Lawson. What happens if there is Repentance? | Dr. David Mackereth
NM from Fresno, CA
-41 hrs 
Sermon Evangelicals Excusing Foul Language - Why the... | Kevin Swanson
-51 hrs 
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News Item10/31/14 9:50 PM
Rosie | Houston  Find all comments by Rosie
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Interesting note. Third party from someone who works at city hall; confirmed hundreds of bibles received; however some old and worn out. Was curious and able to see one: large print, KJV, paperback, pages worn, torn, sections missing. Why would Pastors send such highly damaged Bibles to the Major?

News Item6/19/14 9:42 AM
rosie | Teas  Find all comments by rosie
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Acts 8:20. But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.

Sermon12/22/13 2:03 PM
Rosie | Houston  Find all comments by Rosie
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Four Comings of Christ
Frederick Serjeant
“ Great Sermon! ”
Totally scriptural and factual; yet never contemplated on more than two comings of Christ. How true it is we need to reprogram our minds. This sermon has caused me to think much about this fact which is not taught. Please do listen.

Sermon12/6/12 1:03 PM
Rosie | Houston, TX  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rosie
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The Two Kingdoms Distinguished
Frederick Serjeant
“ Great Sermon! ”
Jesus Christ said "My Kingdom is not of this world"; yet do we really believe this or are we looking to Him to fix all the problems in this present world. Do we have false/unrealistic/unbiblical expectations of God and become frustrated or worse. Pastor Sergeant presented a much needed and very sound sermon on the two kingdoms and exactly what Christ promised us. Please listen with prayer and you will be much encouraged and have your understanding expanded. The best sermon I've heard on this vital topic and has so changed my false expectations.

News Item11/25/12 3:18 PM
Rosie | Houston  Find all comments by Rosie
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We all can rejoice and give thanks God for the mighty work he has done in President Yoweri Museveni and pray for the President, the nation and people of Uganda. It's all of grace and so encouraging to see how God works as he wills and when. All praise, power and glory to our Father God and Jesus Christ.

Sermon11/21/12 9:28 AM
Rosie | Houston  Find all comments by Rosie
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How Well Do We Know God?
Frederick Serjeant
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very thought provoking. Left me speechless. How well do we really know God and how much do we love him? Are we able to say as did Job in Chapter 42:5 and what is eternal life in John 17:2 and 3 "that he should give eternal life to as many as though hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they may might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent"

Sermon8/7/12 10:52 AM
Rosie | Houston  Find all comments by Rosie
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Jacob's Fourth Pillar
Frederick Serjeant
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Serjeant’s insight to the life of Jacob and God’s progressive dealings with him is very impressive. Especially how it applies to all of us. I also learned (really never thought of this) Jacob and so many others did not have a Bible, nor did they have a computer, Bible software, Christian bookstores, cell phones to text and phone others for advice,. How often I don’t thank our Lord for all the resources He has given us today. Jacob didn’t have the electronics to phone or email Pastor Serjeant or other Pastors for scriptural assistance as do I. Thank you Pastor Serjeant for your diligent studies, your prayers and willingness to teach us the truth.

News Item2/1/11 6:59 PM
rosie  Find all comments by rosie
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How is sermon audio integrated with Kindle ebook reader?

Sermon11/1/10 6:16 PM
Rosie | TX  Find all comments by Rosie
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Dealing With the Abuser - Part 2
Pastor Jeff Crippen
“ Great Sermon! ”
A must to hear for all who have been severly abused or trying to help the abused. Biblical presentation of doctrine of divorce and when the Pastors/Elders in our churches should allow divorce. Highly recommend all sermons in this series on the psychology of sin. Much needed in our churches and homes.

News Item9/9/10 8:50 PM
Rosie | Houston  Find all comments by Rosie
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"The publicity seekers trying to build up a congregation, may do that, but they are tearing at the meaning of Christianity.
They have made themselves seen by men, they have their reward. "

Exactly, they are not concerned with glorifying our Father in heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ nor obeying His written word. Perhaps they are still spiritual dead and doing this in ignorance being led by their flesh and perhaps Satan but certainly not obeying the written word nor concerned with glorifying God in all their works which should be first in our lives I believe.
We really do need to pray for this Pastor and his church members for our God to not leave him to his own understanding and for our God to be glorified for His name's sake.

News Item9/9/10 12:49 PM
Rosie | Houston  Find all comments by Rosie
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Would it not be best if we all prayed for this Pastor?

Sermon6/26/10 8:41 PM
Rosie | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rosie
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“ Great Sermon! Needed ”
I needed to hear the Word of God rather than what is so often preached on forgiveness. Yes we are commanded to forgive, but not indulge their sins. If no repentence but we believe we have to forgive and restore full fellowship, then we are indulging in their sins rather than obeying God. I've been struggling with this with a close family member for a long time and all the family members are telling me to indulge, to phone, to restore fellowship when the other person says she have done no wrong. The other family members are terrified of this person's anger and rages; yet a relationship is more important than a confrontation of true love and concern for this woman. Pastor Kelly explains this so well using only scripture. Highly recommend this sermon for others who are struggling with and want only God's truth and His ways rather than what the world and our own flesh is saying.

Sermon1/10/10 2:59 PM
Rosie  Find all comments by Rosie
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The Lion In Winter
Dominic Smart
“ Great Sermon! ”
Correct file now uploaded.

Survey11/15/09 8:33 PM
Rosie  Find all comments by Rosie
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[AUTHOR]drlbrennan[/AUTHOR]Just as God Created my son with Autism, He created homosexuals.

Dear drlbrennan:

Please show me where in the Bible it is written "God created homosexuals".
Since when is God the creator/author of sin?

Jesus Christ came to die for sinners (that includes me); however one needs to know one is a sinner in order to have a need for Jesus Christ. Joh 15:22 "If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin."

If all we show is acceptance and worldly love regardless of their behaviour and sinful deeds then we are not acting in Christian love,we really hate them (just as parents who refuse to punish their children), we are allowing them to remain dead and blind in their sins and helping them to go to hell for eternity. Yes, we will be like by the world if all say is "Jesus Christ is Love, God is Love, all is well".

Isn't the Bible: "Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

Thank you.

Survey11/10/09 11:01 AM
Rosie  Find all comments by Rosie
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Lately I've been hearing from non-Christians and professing Christians they no longer believe in the inspired word of God because there are so many translations available and they have heard none of the versions are accurate. This troubles me greatly.

The more versions the more doubts and the Bible is no longer a closed book but as I've read with modern technology it is easier and more efficient to produce newer and more accurate versions.

How do I respond to these people? If we doubt the Bible, then what do we have?


Sermon9/12/09 11:45 PM
Rosie | USA  Find all comments by Rosie
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Robert W. Reed
“ Great Sermon! ”
A must for every Christian and parents to hear. Thank you Pastor Reed for having the courage to preach the truth concerning so much we are exposed to and never consider how occult it is; our children are being entertained and indoctrinated into the occult and we bring it in our home for them to watch and then wonder what happened to them. How I pray more Pastors would see tis truth and start warning their members rather than advocating watching of these movies.

News Item8/30/08 2:38 AM
Rosie | Fresno County  Find all comments by Rosie
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He's really deceived or he's never read the Bible through. He'll never convince me he's a christian. Actions speak louder than words. Did'nt Jesus say, "By their fruit you shall know them." His fruit looks pretty rotten to me. He's on the wrong side of every issue. We need to pray he truly comes in contact with real salvation.

News Item8/30/08 2:08 AM
Rosie | Fresno County  Find all comments by Rosie
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Iam encouraged with McCain's choice. I like what I've heard about Sarah Palin. I attend an Assembly of God church myself. I don't care what her church affiliation is if she stands for the truth proclaimed in the Bible. Christians need to stand together in this election and quit knocking one another. My Bible says we're to love and pray for one another. There are some christians in Assembly of God churches. Let's let God do the judging and we'll do what we're suppose to do. Let's pray for our nation,our fellow-christians and make a difference in the world for God.

Sermon9/17/07 7:56 PM
Rosie  Find all comments by Rosie
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Surely He Carried Our Sorrows
Pastor Alfred J. Chompff
“ Powerful Sermon ”
Very edifying and encouraging sermon. Second half of the sermon discusses what the Bible tell us is the "true identity of one born from above by the will of God". Are we only sinners saved by the grace of God or...? Listen, find out what is the truth and then rejoice in His work.

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