An increasingly predominant expression of the prevailing atheism of our day is the clamour for each individual's 'right to die'. It is clearly an act of rebellion against God who alone determines the bounds of each man's habitation, and in whom all live and move and have their being, Acts 17:24-28. Man is not the independent, autonomous being he likes to think he is. The following is a brief outline of the address above.
1. The claim of human rights. Human autonomy, independence and self-determination is being argued as a human right by proponents of assisted suicide. The position of 'Dignitas' as outlined by their General Secretary. The Presbyterian minister, Samuel Miller (1769-1850), denounced the right of suicide as atheistic.
2. The truth of God's rights. The so-called 'right to die' an act of rebellion against God and his authority. The only permissible instances of taking human life.* The godly example of Job; sinful suicide seen in Ahitophel, Judas - an act of anger against God and his providence.
3. Current encouragements to favour a right of suicide. The assumption that anything after death must be good - contributing factors to this. A faithful declaration of true deliverance from death and its fear to be maintained.
*(Explanatory note: In saying, in this address, that capital punishment and just war are the only situations where the taking of life can be initiated legitimately by man, it is also true that necessary self-defence can provide just cause to take life, albeit reactively. DS.)