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Rev. Joseph Dunlap | Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland
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Rev David Silversides
3,585 sermons
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Zion's King is the King of Kings and the King of the Nations
Series:  Isaiah  · 150 of 172
11/1/2009 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Isaiah 60:10-12
        SUNDAY - PM
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The truth and extent of Christ's Kingship presides over all men and all nations. We are taught here that the civil realm is not religiously neutral, that every civil ruler should repent, acknowledge Christ and uphold his laws and rights in government, and that the advance of the gospel includes the conversion of rulers, which shall greatly contribute to the peace, stability and prosperity of the church.

1. The revival and enlargement of the church is ascribed to God's mercy v10,11.

2. When kings do what they ought v10,11.
Rulers are to exercise their authority in the interests of truth and godliness. The signing of the Solemn League and Covenant in 1643 a former mark of revival and God's distinguishing grace and mercy.

3. What does God do with those who don't do what they should v12.
God's judgment will fall upon nations that do not repent of their wickedness.
SERIES 150 OF 172
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Rev David Silversides
Zion's King is King of Kings

Sunday - PM
Loughbrickland Reformed
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Rev David Silversides
Zion's King is King of Kings

Loughbrickland Reformed
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David and Karen Biser (7/25/2021)
from Cumberland, MD
“ Outstanding sermon! ”
The teaching of Isaiah 60:10-12 can only be regarded as of critical importance for any nation to understand and obey. Sadly, it is believed by many to require support of the state of Israel, rather than of the true Christian church. May God raise up many ministers like Rev. Silversides who will faithfully herald God's truth to the nations!

Iain (8/28/2010)
“ Great Sermon!!!!! ”
Truly a word for our times!!!! Thank you, Rev. Silversides!!

Jason Robert SchuilingContact via email (11/5/2009)
from Pacific Northwest
“ A Christ Glorifying Word! ”
Thank you for another excellent Gospel message exalting Christ's triumph by His Word and Spirit. Would that this trumpet were sounded more clearly throughout Christ's Church, even to the ends of the earth! I have appreciated your criticism and address of the problems with the so-called "Theonomy" movement in the past. In light of the glorious truths that are heralded here and in your many other sermons, I would hope to see a direct and deliberate response by yourself, or another minister of your caliber, addressing the equally delirious and detrimental doctrines being proposed by authors Darryl Hart ("A Secular Faith), Jason J. Stellman ("Dual Citizens"), Drs. R. Scott Clark & Michael S. Horton (of Westminster Seminary California), Lee Irons, and the late Meredith Kline, who twisting and perverting Calvin's doctrine of the Two Kingdoms, assert a virtually absolute religious neutrality in the civil sphere. Thank you again for your ceaseless and faithful labors in the Word and among Christ's flock.

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