Idea: Self-righteousness separates you from God as clearly as prodigal living. Learn to recognize it, and repent of it, and rejoice in Jesus' grace.
1. The Older Brother 2. The Sin of Self-righteousness 3. How the Self-righteous Reject Sinners 4. Joy When Sinners Repent
Conclusion – I asked last week if you were in the pig pen. I urged you to come to Jesus who is willing to forgive. Today I'll ask if you are the older brother. Have you clothed yourself in self-righteous robes and think that you have no need to repent? You, too, need to come to your senses. In fact, the father graciously came out to the older brother and pled with him to come in. Will you not forsake your self-righteousness and come in? Will you not put off your plan of salvation by your own goodness and accept God offer of forgiveness? Will you not lay down your offense and differences and instead rejoice with God when sinners repent? I pray that you will understand the message of the two lost sons, and find forgiveness in Jesus. |