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Rev. Joseph Dunlap | Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland
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Rev David Silversides
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Dawkins' Delusion
Series:  Fellowship Meeting  · 100 of 179
12/31/2006 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Psalm 53
        SUNDAY - PM
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1. Dawkins makes an irrational assumption throughout about human reason. He assumes that human reason is reliable, indeed ultimate, without rational grounds for doing so.

2. Dawkins' professed objectivity is a pretence. He begins his second chapter, before he has tried to prove anything, with a most unscientific tirade against God. He flatters those who agree with him and constantly insults those who do not.

3. Dawkins does not understand biblical Christianity. He hardly ever interacts with Biblical Christianity known as Calvinism. Most examples used are from Roman Catholicism, Islam or Prosperity Gospel charlatans.

4. Dawkins continues to use terms that his atheistic presuppositions have rendered meaningless. He uses terms like 'beauty' or 'happiness' as if they still have meaning. Above all, he pretends that his thought allows real meaning to the idea of 'good' and 'evil'.

5. Dawkins' pretence that something can come from nothing is dishonest.. He assumes evolution though he has publicly admitted he cannot prove its truth. The origin of the universe is unknowable by investigation since no man was there to observe. Divine revelation is needed (Job 38:1-4).

6. Dawkins is an atheist because he wants to be one. He has nothing to offer anyone except the idea that their life is a meaningless interruption of non-existence. Genesis 3 fully accounts for people like Richard Dawkins.
(For fuller notes see blog)
SERIES 100 OF 179
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Rev David Silversides
Dawkins' Delusion

Fellowship Meeting
Sunday - PM
Loughbrickland Reformed
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Rev David Silversides
Dawkins' Delusion

Fellowship Meeting
Loughbrickland Reformed
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  If you were blessed by this message, please add your comment ...
David and Karen Biser (5/29/2018)
from Cumberland, MD
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dawkin's Deceitful Delusion Debunked and Destroyed!

Keith White (8/4/2013)
from England
“ Great Sermon! ”
Good to hear a message applied to a relevant issue, though I would have preferred some exegesis of the Psalm first as it's unclear whether the "children of men" of v2 includes Israel of v6. Also why is this an elohistic virtual copy of Ps 14 with a difference only in v5?

Bro (4/28/2007)
from Belfast
“ Great Sermon! ”
Unfortunately Dawkins (I wouldn't want to besmirch the offices of any real professors)is a product of the 60's "anything but truth" generation. What I mean is that if you can't touch it or experience it then it must be false. He is basically not as important as he thinks he is. Yes he has sold a lot of books but this is simply because too many in society today like a good bit of fiction. The faith has nothing to fear from him. The biggest threat to the world today is apathy and the rise of corruption in western Governments who think the end justifies the means. You are quite right in saying that he doesn't go after the obvious pagan or fundamentalist faiths. That is because it is easier to target the true faith which doesn't rely on material manifestations or idolatry. Instead the true faith is about the heart and soul within. Anyone like him who only see God through being able to touch a statue is to be pitied and prayed for that they will find the true path. Thanks for bringing the word to a greater audience.

Romayne WrightContact via email (4/8/2007)
from Belfast N. Ireland UK
“ Great Sermon! ”
I always marvel that such people as RD don't go after Islam or Hinduism or any of the other false religions - it shows that out of all, Christianity is indeed the only TRUE path to God, because that's sadly what Mr. Dawkins fears the most - that the teachings of Christianity could possibly be true in any way - for if so, he then is responsible for his actions and choices more than currently. Just as Paul stated - the gospel is indeed an offence to those who hear it, because it heightens the conscience and reveals the darkness of the soul, necessitating a choice to be made. Dawkins would have fared much better had he not determined to make his views not just known but practically into a religion on their own! We can but pray for him to discover the truth before it is too late - God has blessed many former atheists in His Grace, and RD may become another one yet - wouldn't THAT be some testimony!!

Scott McMahan (1/3/2007)
from Internet
“ Detailed and well-done critique ”
I haven't read this specific book (there seems to be a new one all the time), but Rev. Silversides does an outstanding job pinpointing the assumptions made by naturalists who want to deny religion, and how they are either begging the question or saying things that don't make sense under their own world view. The latter is one of the largest problems with the naturalistic philosophy - mainly that they must live on borrowed capital (usually Christian) to even discuss their positions. They don't want to live with the truth about an evolutionary world, because it's too frightening. I wonder if Dawkins (is he a trained philosopher?) has read Nietzsche, because that's the point Nietzsche makes - if you're going to throw away Christianity and revealed knowledge, you have to live with the consequences. You can't reject Christianity and keep Christian morality - one of the things mentioned in this critique, that Dawkins wants to have morality without God but can find no reason to do so. Finally, Dawkins' book is apparently popular, and almost every popular book on religion is not worth reading.

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