The importance of thinking biblically about God and his worship is here shown in the care which the priests were to exercise in their charge and office.
1. The danger of familiarity, v1-3. 2. Sinful rebellion grieves the Spirit, v4-7. 3. The Lamb that was slain, v8,9. 4. Safeguards against erosion of the vision of God's holiness, v10-13. 5. Inadvertent contradiction of God's holiness, v14-16. 6. The perfection of Christ's self-offering, v17-26. 7. Christ's active obedience, v27,28. 8. Immediate forgiveness, v29,30. 9. Lessons in obedience, v31-33. Application: - God is not to be misrepresented. - We must maintain an awe of God |