College Hill is a fellowship of people loved, called, and changed by Christ who delight in the worship of God and yearn for the building up of the kingdom through the gospel of Jesus Christ. We strive to have a God centered, gospel centered, and worship centered life, which leads us to seek first the kingdom, make disciples, and send workers into the world wherever the Lord calls. We are a congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America (RPCNA) and are committed to its standards, government, and ministry.
Service Times
Sunday @10:45am & 6:00pm
Primary Speaker: George Gregory
-- sermons by speaker -- Adeyemi, Seni 3 Akrie, Gerald 1 Anderson, Shawn 1 B., Andrew 2 Backensto, Bruce 2 Bacote, Vincent 3 Baker, William 4 Barker, David 1 Bever, Ryan 1 Blackwood, Ed 7 Blackwood, Edwin 6 Blocki, Martin 1 Bloedow, Tim 1 Brown, Charles A. 3 Byham, Brendan 1 Carson, James 24 Comin, Doug 1 Copeland, Robert 26 Curtis, Byron 7 Dennis, Kevin 1 Dewell, Keith 1 Dharan, Jay 1 Dinsmore, David 10 Donnelly, Edward 2 Dyck, Matt 3 Edgar, Bill 3 Edgar, John 3 Etheridge, Rut 7 Etheridge, Rutledge 16 Evans, Keith 10 Feagley, Jordan 16 Filbert, Matt 1 Finley, Luke 6 Frazier, Bob 44 Friedly, Joseph 2 Gamble, Richard 83 Ganz, Richard 6 Gerwig, John 5 Gillies, Ian 2 Gregory, George 96 Haney, Jonathan 1 Hanna, Lucas 4 Hanson, David 5 Hart, Joel 3 Helton, Shane 1 Hemphill, Bob 1 Hemphill, Bruce 4 Hemphill, Margaret 1 Holdeman, Richard 2 Jackson, Hunter 1 Kail, Zack 5 Kuiken, Matthew 1 LeFebvre, Michael 2 Lillback, Peter A 1 Liu, Joey 3 Lowe, Duncan 6 Lu, Hao 100 Martin, Paul 5 Martin, Titus 639 Mastris, Tony 1 Matthes, William 6 McCollum, Stephen 1 McCracken, Andy 2 McCracken, H. P. 17 McCracken, H.P 1 McCracken, Sam 4 McCracken, Timothy 2 McMahan, Morgan 2 McNamee, Gary 1 Metzger, Harry 3 Miller IV, A. Boyd 1 Miller, Courtney 22 Monteith, Martin 7 Mulder, Stephen 1 Murray, Aaron 1 Niess, Adam 4 O'Neill, Jerry 9 Parnell, Bruce 2 Prakashpalan, Romesh 2 Prutow, Dennis 28 Quigley, Andrew 11 Ramsey, Micah 6 Rosenberger, Laverne 1 Sapp, Shane 1 Schep, Andrew 1 Schneider, Bryan 2 Scipione, George 1 Selvaggio, Anthony 1 Shidemantle, Scott 1 Sims, Kyle 1 Smith, Dean 154 Smith, Graham 1 Smith, Ken 1 Smith, Peter 6 Smith, Zach 1 Spear, Wayne 2 Steele, Stephen 2 Sterrett, Bill 10 Stiner, Greg 5 Stivason, Jeffrey A. 7 Sturm, Jonathan 1 Tabaka, Alex 4 Thoman, Jason 100 Trueman, Carl R. 1 VanDoodewaard, William 1 Various Speakers 1 Villi, Chris 16 Ward, Joel 20 Warren, Russell 31 Watt, Jonathan 11 White, John H. 7 Whitla, David 10 Williams, C. J. 3 Williams, C.J. 2 Williams, CJ 1 Willmer, Mike 1 Wing, Keith 4 Wise, Ian 1 Work, Cody 3 Wright, Brian S. 1 York, Barry 136 Zozzaro, James A. 2
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December 2007