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Loughbrickland Reformed Presbyterian
Rev. Joseph Dunlap  |  Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland
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Loughbrickland Reformed Presbyterian
22 Main Street
Loughbrickland, Co. Down
Northern Ireland
BT32 3NQ
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"Great Sermon!"
Adriel from UK
Excellent teaching of this very important doctrine of truth. The Lord wrote His Book of Praise in the Book of Psalms. Why would...
Rev David Silversides | Topical
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Sermon10/13/17 12:17 PM
David and Karen Biser from Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Why we should use the Scottish Psalter
Rev David Silversides
“ Important Message! ”
Pastor Silversides does a wonderful job of showing the superiority of the Scottish Psalter to all other English metrical translations of the Psalms. Our Psalter is a true gem of exceeding excellence! It is also true that in a time such as our own, when the church is so weak and fragmented, we should cleave to the good things we have received from the times when the church was stronger and more unified, such as the Authorized Version of the Bible and the Scottish Psalter, not to mention faithful church standards such as those produced by the Westminster Assembly. Now is not the time for novelty and innovation, but rather for walking in the old paths!

Sermon10/12/17 9:10 PM
David and Karen Biser from Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Case For Total Psalmody
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent introduction to exclusive psalmody! In addition to the irrefutable argument Pastor Silversides makes for the exclusive use of the inspired Psalter in worship, we would like to add that singing the Psalms has been of tremendous spiritual benefit to us. We've been singing the Psalms for about eighteen years, and as our knowledge and understanding of the Psalms has grown, we've found them to be a means of increasing our understanding of the rest of the Bible, as well. Our faith in and love for the Saviour has deepened so much as a result. We can't imagine ever going back to man-made hymns again!

Sermon10/11/17 8:05 PM
David and Karen Biser from Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Who Saves - God or Man?
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Preaching! ”
This is gospel preaching at its finest! Thank God for His free and sovereign grace!

Sermon10/10/17 3:53 PM
David and Karen Biser from Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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How should we worship God?
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
The Bible teaches the Regulative Principle of Worship, which can be summarized as requiring scriptural warrant for every element of worship. Even what is not forbidden in scripture must be omitted if not commanded. God has revealed how he desires us to worship Him in scripture, and if we love Him we will want to worship Him in the way which pleases Him, not in the way which pleases us. Also, our understanding of who God is and what He is like is shaped by our worship of Him, so it is of utmost importance to follow His instructions in order to avoid slipping into subtle forms of idolatry as we form false conceptions of God through false, man-made worship practices. Pastor Silversides vigorously and plainly sets forth this Regulative Principle of Worship as it is revealed in the Bible. Must listening for any Christian who wishes to worship God in Spirit and in truth!

Sermon10/9/17 4:24 PM
David and Karen Biser from Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Our Westminster Confession of Faith
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Silversides presents in this sermon a well reasoned defense of the necessity of creeds and confessions, and also holds forth the excellency of the Westminster Confession of Faith. For a church to state that it believes the Bible or believes in Jesus is too ambiguous, as even many of the cults will say as much. It is necessary to clearly state what a church believes the Bible teaches, which is one of the purposes fulfilled by the Westminster Confession. Pastor Silversides urges everyone to read the Westminster Confession, and we agree! If you've never read it, you'll be amazed at what a helpful guide it is to understanding biblical teaching!

Sermon10/7/17 12:38 PM
David and Karen Biser from Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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What is the Reformed Faith?
Rev David Silversides
“ Classic! ”
We first heard this sermon about fifteen years ago when we were new to the Reformed faith. A friend who had recently visited in the Loughbrickland congregation gave it to us on cassette tape! We have listened to this sermon many times since, and always find it to be not only profitable, but thrilling! Thank you, Pastor Silversides, and much thanksgiving also to our Sovereign Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

Sermon10/4/17 8:41 PM
David and Karen Biser from Cumberland, MD  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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A Biblical Assessment of Halloween
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
A forthright assessment of the popular but wicked holiday, Halloween. If you're uncertain of what the Lord would have you do in regard to this holiday, be sure to listen to this sermon!

Sermon1/11/17 3:26 AM
Marek Novotny from Czechia  Find all comments by Marek Novotny
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Our Keeper
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
My wife and I, both, found this sermon very helpful and encouraging.

Sermon12/25/16 7:56 AM
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The Lord Cementing The Walls Of His Church
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon12/18/16 8:15 PM
David Biser from Oldtown, MD  Find all comments by David Biser
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Our Attitude To The Truth
Rev David Silversides
“ All those with doubts should hear this sermon! ”
Praise the Lord for this sermon! There is no neutrality when it comes to the truth of God. Pastor Silversides brings home a vital point to all those in the world who claim to be neutral to the truth as it is found in the Word of God. You are not neutral, you are the enemy of the truth. Your heart is your enemy and it is your heart that must be brought unto God through Jesus Christ. Our prayers are with you Pastor Silversides, keep preaching these precious truths!

Sermon10/4/16 12:05 AM
Greatful in Portland from Portland, OR  Find all comments by Greatful in Portland
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The Lord Delivers From Superstition
Rev David Silversides
“ A Blessing! ”
Beautiful sermon, with such helpful explanations. Really bolstered my faith, especially the part about when the church is brought low. So grateful to have heard this, thank you!

Sermon4/17/16 12:38 AM
Pastor Vertner from Atlanta Ga  Contact via emailFind all comments by Pastor Vertner
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A Biblical Response To British Israelism
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
You gave me a lot of good chapters to teach from concerning this subject thank you and Great Sermon

Sermon3/29/16 3:47 PM
Joe b from Armagh  Find all comments by Joe b
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Light In A Dark World
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Really enjoyed your sermon I've found your sermons really helpful. God bless you and the work you are doing

Sermon3/5/16 3:24 AM
Michael Larkin from Ballybrack, Co. Dublin.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Larkin
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Numbering Our Days
Rev David Silversides
“ Most welcomed Ministry on the subject ”
Thank you brother for this ministry on the Proverb, I have been reading these for about 25 years each day. what a blessing they are to God's people. Your ministry on this subject served to remind me of all my inabilities in applying God's word. I must confess that I tried to implement this practice in the lives of my own children only to fail. the reason was at the time I was preaching one thing to them and living my own life another way. it was sin and my sin which was the cause, of which I have repented of before my God. I am so thankful that you have brought this to my attention, for it reminds me even when I am unfaithful, He remains faithful. Blessing to you and all of yours. May He continue to use you and your ministry as a blessing to His people. Michael.

Sermon8/27/15 4:16 PM
Alexander Young from Goodyear, Arizona  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Alexander Young
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Postmillennialism and Revelation 20
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is by far the best sermon on eschatology that I have ever heard. It expounds the biblical and puritan truth of Historic Postmill.

Sermon7/12/15 9:28 PM
David Biser from Oldtown, MD  Find all comments by David Biser
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God's Rights Over The Family
Rev David Silversides
“ A great exposition of basic truth ”
"All rights among men must being with God." Anything else is a random and arbitrary invention of men. How important is this truth to the world today? Thank you Pastor Silversides for expanding upon these truths. May the Lord have mercy on the nations of the earth who are in rebellion against Him and His Son!

Sermon5/21/15 3:12 PM
Judy from Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Judy
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A word about women from the King of the...
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Rev Silversides, Having written here two years ago, I must re-iterate that the result of female silence and submission in the churches today has resulted in gross sin on the part of men. Absolute power on the part of certain men has given them an evil sense of entitlement, arrogance and foolish belief that they must not listen to women. This has brought down a number of men and churches and the fact remains that men cannot handle the complete power you infer for them...I am therefore convinced that 1 Cor 14:34-35 is the word of the Judaizers: a question referred to in 1 Cor 7:1 that Paul is strongly rebuking in verse 36 'WHAT! CAME THE WORD OF GOD TO YOU ONLY?"...As I said before women have ALWAYS been independently approached by God and His angels from the beginning of the Bible, NEVER THROUGH any man...father, brother or husband. He knows no mediator but Christ. You can search the whole Bible to find such a woman and such a God...they never existed. It is high time the church let her women be free to serve God as He has called them to do...lest they seek to serve Him outside the camp, as Jesus also had to do. John 15:11-21 sets all believers free... "Ye have not chosen me, but I HAVE chosen you, and ORDAINED YOU...go and bring forth fruit”

Sermon5/17/15 9:08 PM
David Biser from Maryland, USA  Find all comments by David Biser
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Hope For Christians Who Fail
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise God for His mercy is new every morning! A sermon for believers who have sinned and now despair of God's love and grace. We are welcomed back to a loving and merciful God, if we come in true repentance and through faith in Jesus Christ. Praise God for such a timely and tender reminder of God's patience with fallen sinners.

Sermon4/26/15 8:39 PM
David Biser from Oldtown, MD  Find all comments by David Biser
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The Natural Made Glorious By Grace
Rev David Silversides
“ Jesus Christ our Lord exalted! ”
A wonderful exposition of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Pastor Silversides deals with numerous issues in this sermon and does a wonderful job of pointing the listener to Jesus Christ! How blessed we are to live in the day of a complete Bible!

Sermon4/8/15 4:50 PM
Rev Scott Wilkinson from Kitchener, Ontario, Canada  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Rev Scott Wilkinson
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“ An Excellent Message! ”
This is an excellent message explaining the Westminster Confession's exposition of the Bible concerning the status of covenant children. It will be particularly helpful for some Dutch Reformed Christians who believe what the Westminster Confession teaches, but have been somewhat confused, because the Three Forms of Unity do not present this doctrine as clearly as the Westminster Standards. It will also be helpful for anyone who has been tossed about by the so called "Federal Vision" theology (which unnecessarily attempted to re-explain the Westminster Standards in new terms and categories which has resulted schism and confusion). Thank you Rev Silversides for this message.

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