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Ottawa Reformed Presbyterian Church
Andrew Quigley  |  Ottawa, Ontario
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Ottawa Reformed Presbyterian Church 466 Woodland Ave Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2B 5E4
Ottawa Reformed Presbyterian Church
P.O. Box 23139
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K2A 4E2
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"I appreciate this sermon very much"
Sandro from Switzerland
Here some thoughts which came up listening to your sermon. The fact that we died with Christ is of ‎greatest importance. In...
Kenneth Stewart | St. Lawrence Family Conference
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Sermon3/27/2024 7:34 PM
Sandro from Switzerland  
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The Reality of Life
Kenneth Stewart
“ I appreciate this sermon very much ”
Here some thoughts which came up listening to your sermon. The fact that we died with Christ is of ‎greatest importance. In Jesus' grave we lost our guilt. He prepared the grave for us by dying first. ‎Romans 6:11 is a key verse for our life with Christ. "So you also must (this is a command) consider ‎yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus". Why that? Because God himself saw us and ‎still sees us as dead in Christ. He now sees us alive in Christ as we rose with him. What God sees ‎must also be what we see. This is a great truth for our life long walk in the Spirit.‎

Sermon11/26/2023 7:41 PM
Chiva Granny from Colorado  Contact via emailFind all comments by Chiva Granny
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“ Thank You! ”
I So Needed this, Thank You!

Sermon9/18/2022 12:54 PM
Helen from Scotland  Find all comments by Helen
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“ Very Comforting! ”
This sermon is a must hear for anyone going through a grievous trial.

Sermon3/30/2021 9:20 AM
David Paul from Pittsburgh, PA, USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by David Paul
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“ Great Sermon! ”
As great as this sermon is, I would love to hear more on the topic of “how to”, as in how do we go about, tangibly, practically, controlling these wagging tongues of ours? What techniques work, what thoughts work, what prayers work in this constant personal endeavor of controlling the tongue. The sermon is brilliant in describing the problem and the urgency of the fix, but did not spend enough time and attention in sketching out the “solution”. How about a second part in which you shine your extremely perceptive light on that aspect?

Sermon3/30/2021 8:05 AM
David Paul from Pittsburgh, PA, USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by David Paul
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon is a never ending flow of powerful instruction and truth. Thank you God, for the truth of your word!!!

Sermon1/7/2021 6:10 AM
christine elliott from california  Contact via emailFind all comments by christine elliott
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you so much for your preaching of the gospel week after week. You are a blessing to me. I listen to you often and in the middle of the night when I cannot sleep. Hopefully I will get to meet you in person when we stand together befor the Lamb of God our good shepherd and everlasting God.

Sermon4/24/2020 9:46 AM
Diane from SouthernUSA  Find all comments by Diane
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Spiritual Threat of Covid-19
Andrew Quigley
“ ”
Why has the world come to a stop because of this virus? Deaths from it are a small fraction of the whole population of the world. Only 0.0026% so far. Every life is precious, but what is going on behind the scenes to bring the world economies to ruin? Praying if this is the birth pangs before the Antichrist is revealed, that Gods people will have discernment. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Sermon3/25/2020 9:39 PM
Kate from Australia  Find all comments by Kate
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Spiritual Threat of Covid-19
Andrew Quigley
“ Please listen to this ”
This is a "must hear" sermon.

Sermon3/25/2020 12:01 AM
Marsha Rennie from Peterborough  Contact via emailFind all comments by Marsha Rennie
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Spiritual Threat of Covid-19
Andrew Quigley
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this message. It is necessary to hear this . It will be shared with my friends and my daughters. We must seek wisdom in these times . People will ask of our faith...and it is true that we can say in response..’Nothing can happen to us without GOD giving permission.HE is sovereign.’ Your solemn words will make us go to our knees and spend time in prayer. Many of us are almost numb because of the rapidity of this pandemic upon us but now there is much work to be done . Thank you for your stern clear words.

Sermon3/1/2020 4:12 AM
judith m newman from Wynnum Qld.  Contact via emailFind all comments by judith m newman
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Experience Real Peace in Life!
Andrew Quigley
“ Beautiful ”
This sermon was God speaking directly to me exactly when I need it. Thank you Pastor and many blessings. I was without hope and now I have hope.

Sermon2/20/2020 6:43 AM
Dominique  Find all comments by Dominique
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Experience Real Peace in Life!
Andrew Quigley
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon has blessed and encouraged me how seek Christ for peace in my heart independent from my circumstances

Sermon9/14/19 12:16 AM
Benjamin Formerly Mephibosheth from The King's Table  Find all comments by Benjamin Formerly Mephibosheth
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“ The Title Says It All ”

Sermon4/13/19 10:02 AM
Mary R.  Find all comments by Mary R.
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“ Great Sermon! ”
what a blessing this sermon was to me. What God has been showing me He has been doing in my life without me being able to articulate it was described perfectly here. When we question why God takes away and when we are confused and things that were once easy are no longer so.

Sermon3/28/19 1:57 AM
Vanessa from London UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by Vanessa
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Very inspirational, I am grateful I listened to it and will do so again.

Sermon3/9/19 11:28 AM
Benjamin Formerly Mephibosheth from The King's Table  Find all comments by Benjamin Formerly Mephibosheth
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Living in the Love of Christ!
Andrew Quigley
“ No Finer Zip Code ! ”

Sermon12/30/18 2:10 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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Living in the Love of Christ!
Andrew Quigley
“ Great Sermon! ”
what a blessing for that church to have pastor Quigley serving there. This sermon, as they say, should go "viral" as we get ready to enter 2019. This is the message we should keep in mind throughout the coming year.

Sermon12/15/18 10:31 PM
Sandy  Find all comments by Sandy
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The Reality of Life
Kenneth Stewart
“ The file seems to have an error, can’t be played on sermon audio ”
Would it be possible to re upload the file please? Thank you

Sermon12/15/18 2:21 AM
Nita  Find all comments by Nita
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon11/25/18 6:58 AM
Marsha Rennie from Peterborough  Contact via emailFind all comments by Marsha Rennie
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Baptism - An Introduction
Andrew Quigley
“ Great Sermon! ”
Over the past two years I have listened to many of Andrew Quigley’s sermons and have been so very grateful for the .teaching and the authenticity of his faith .I have come through the Anglican church being both baptized and confirmed and having left that church after many years because scriptural truth made me question some of the beliefs and finally the position taken by the church I attended to welcome a new minister who came as a practicing homosexual with his partner. The church I finally was brought to after much searching was the Baptist church and I have become a member there. I have struggled with the concept of Believers baptism. In our congregation we have a vibrant Sunday Church school and the children brought into our church come from strong believing parents who have exhibited through the years their faith...and yet their children are not baptized as infants...they are welcomed and the church congregation continues to surround them with prayer . Now I am very grateful for this sermon. Dr.Quigley has addressed this issue with great respect for those who have different teachings about baptism . This has been very helpful and I look forward to the sermons which will follow about baptism . Sermon Audio is such a rich resource and there has been such a

Sermon9/1/17 1:57 PM
Rev. Joel Pankratz from Burlington, North Carolina  Protected NameFind all comments by Rev. Joel Pankratz
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The Heart of the Reformation
Dr. Richard Ganz
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Pastor Ganz. This is a great summary of Luther's struggle with Works righteousness and God's grace in giving him the understanding of righteousness by faith alone in Christ alone. Well worth listening to and as our brother says, of utmost importance to receive ourselves.

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