He is the propitiation for all sins FOREVER, AMEN and AMEN When Jesus came into the world, he was met with the Pharisees who thought they found a way to not sin which was not true. They added their traditions and/or "fence laws" to the law of Moses making the word of God of no effect. (Mark 7). Christ came into the world to offer life to the world because he would take away all sins forever. (John 6:51; Heb 10:11-12; 1 John 2:2) If Christ had not taken away all sins for the ungodly for example, he would not have been able to offer them LIFE. No one is saved by the death of Christ, but only by the life of Christ. (John 3:15, 36; 5:21-25)
Romans 5:10: “For if while we were enemies were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.”
Paul knows the good news! Paul’s gospel emphasizes the spiritual death of humanity or the life lost in Adam (1 Cor 15:45-46) with Christ being the solution. Genesis 2 is noted by Paul as the “breath of life” being the Holy Spirit that God breathed into them. Man was created in God’s image by way of the indwelling presence of his spirit making them spiritually alive. They were a reflection of God’s character in this way. When the devil told Adam and Eve that they could obtain a righteousness through the law or by the knowledge of good and evil, they sinned by eating from the wrong tree proving that this could never happen. The devil cast doubt on God’s word that they would surely die in the day that they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Gen 3:1-5) The devil used the law of sin and death to basically murder our first parents. They were to believe God and live which is the gospel. But when they sinned by eating, the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from within them and the absence of life is death.
Paul's Gospel Paul’s Gospel has to do with SIN-DEATH-FORGIVENESS-RESURRECTION. The power of Christ’s resurrected life was to restore his Spirit which was lost in Adam. God created humanity to have his Holy Spirit or the breath of life within us (Genesis 2). Mankind was spiritually alive to God until we sinned causing the life to depart from within us. The absence of life is death. No one is in God’s image after the fall, but in the image of unbelieving Adam. All are spiritually dead. Christ came and died for the sins of the world in order to offer his salvation to the world. If Christ would not have died for all sins as the scriptures clearly proclaim, there would be no salvation to offer or give anyone. And even though the world was reconciled by the death of Christ, we are saved by the life of Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:22: For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. 1 Corinthians 15:56: “The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.” This is why Paul says he is now “dead to the law” so he could walk in the newness of the Spirit. Christ is the life-giving Spirit which is our salvation. Christ in you, the hope of glory.
God is true and we are all liars I think what we miss here when Paul says we have died to sin, he is really talking about the law here. He is talking about dying to the law which stirs up sin in our lives. Paul just said the law came in to INCREASE sin, not reduce it. The law does not show us how to obey God. The law shows that we CAN NOT OBEY God. Are you God manifested in the flesh? And if you say you have no sin you are a liar and the truth is not in you.
What is helpful for us to understand is that the law of Moses was NEVER given to gentiles, but only to the Israelites. It defined them as a nation and also gave references to the foreshadowing’s and prophetic inferences of the coming Messiah. The old covenant remained in effect until the death and resurrection of Christ. Christ was teaching a people who thought they had no sin to forgive. He was encouraging the law so people would come to the end of themselves and embrace the new covenant. If you will not surrender to the new covenant, you cannot be saved. You cannot live by law and grace simultaneously.
Worthy Sermon! The Psalms move us toward the heart of God. Renewal, regeneration, repentance, and all of the promises in Christ are found in them. Our confidence is restored. We discover that new songs are placed in our spirit in such a humbling manner. We are brought to worship
Yes the Psalms speak of this One God has set on his high and holy hill. They produce spiritual and melodic symphonies for us. We join in praise of all nature; finding our treasures in the God’s King.
Praise God for giving this pastor an understanding of RPW.
A God Approved Sermon! God approves this sermon. Our God will bless us. Yeah. Our God will bless us.
To God be all the glory for reviving my spirit.
May he enlarge your coast pastor Reese. I shall live by this word, which is of God, today and through my walk with him.
Great Sermon! Your sermons are my most listened to on sermon audio. Thanks for faithfully preaching the Christ-centred Word. May the Lord continue to bless you in your labors.
Excellent Sermon! Wonderful sermon - very deep, thought-provoking, challenging. May the Lord help each one of us who listens to this to apply it to our life.
Help for the unloving!!! The hardest thing for me, is to truly practice Jesus' pattern of love on those who are so unlikeable and have personalities that grind on me, irregardless to how thy act. This message is all about the 'fresh' love Jesus taught us to have! What a blessing!
Great Sermon! Good word brother! Thank you for preaching the truth and for dividing the Word with diligence.If you are ever in the OKC area let me know. Praying for you and yours right now.
Great Sermon! We listened to your two-part series today on the Regulative Principle of Worship and really appreciated and were blessed by this teaching. We have also really benefitted from your teaching on Psalmody acapella and miss our RPCNA church in Pittsburgh.
Great Sermon! This is an excellent treatment of an incredibly important passage. The focus is off of the speaker and on his God. This is as it should be.