Christ, the exact imprint of the image of the invisible God. The Hebrew author writing in Genesis used the plural form of God “our” as to not define God by any single attribute alone. When God breathed life into Adam in Gen. 2 that was a reference to the Holy Spirit. That is what it was to be in God’s “image” or “reflection” in that way. Humanity had the indwelling presence of God’s spirit and were to walk by the spirit and not by the flesh or the law. But by believing the devil that we could have a righteousness apart from faith in God, that is, by the knowledge of good and evil or the law, they lost that life by eating from the wrong tree causing the Spirit to depart from within them. The absence of life is death. Christ died for the sins of the world so he could offer the free gift of the Holy Spirit to the world. (Gal 3, 5: Rom 8 among many others.) For freedom Christ has set us free, but not to sin, but to be free from sin. God writes the law of faith or the law of the Spirit of life on our hearts, not any law of works. AMEN!
Inward Outward Causes If we look inward at Self we will only find Despair and Depression. If we look outward at the World we will only find Despair and Depression. If we look outward at the Church we will only find Despair and Depression. But if we look upward to Christ we will find love, peace and joy. Kinda like King Nebechenazar then I lifted my eyes towards Heaven and my sanity was restored.
Great Sermon! There is so much practical, godly wisdom in this message. Dr. Murray offers many helpful suggestions to aid in battling depression, and does so in such an encouraging manner.
Great Sermon! I appreciate the holistic approach to the causes of depression. Very helpful explanation of the connections between mind, body, and spirit.
Very well presented Hi Kyle. Thanks for the very clear teaching and gentle approach to those that differ.
Does God accept the worship of those that do not do only what He has commanded?
Helpful Sermon! In Christ we must resist our natural reflex (the weak to judge and the strong to dismiss) but instead love, welcome, and "mind our own business". Thank you!