1st Reformed Presbyterian Church Durham
Kent Butterfield | Durham, North Carolina
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Drew Poplin | Westminster Shorter Catechism
Drew Poplin | Westminster Shorter Catechism SUN 03/23/2025
Kent Butterfield | Psalms SUN 03/23/2025
Kent Butterfield | Psalms SUN 03/16/2025
Drew Poplin | Westminster Shorter Catechism SUN 03/16/2025
Kent Butterfield | Psalms SUN 03/09/2025
There are two more sermons on Hospitality that are titled "Biblical Hospitality" and have the dates 2/10/2013 and 2/17/2013 on...
Kent Butterfield
| Hospitality
Our heartfelt desire is to worship God according to His will, in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). We desire to glorify Him in our lives as individual Christians and as a body of believers united to Jesus Christ our Lord. If you live in the Triangle or are planning to move to or visit the area, we... ( more.. )
Morning Worship ... 10:30 a.m. Afternoon Class ... 1:30 p.m. Evening Bible Study and Prayer ... 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Study and Prayer ... 7:00 p.m.
1st Reformed Presbyterian Church 1316 Watts Street Durham, NC 27701