Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church(NI)
Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland
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Rev Harry Coulter | 1 John 2:1-14
Rev Harry Coulter | 1 John 2:1-14 SUN 03/23/2025
Rev Harry Coulter | 1 John 2:28-3:10 SUN 03/23/2025
Prof. Robert McCollum | Isaiah 19:1-16 SUN 03/16/2025
Prof. Robert McCollum | Revelation 5 SUN 03/16/2025
Rev. John Watterson | Psalm 119:145-152; Acts 9:1-9 SUN 03/09/2025
Aileen Willoughby from Bradenton Fl
We are either believers in Jesus Christ or we aren’t - it’s one or the other in this life and the next - the most important thing...
Pastor Edward Donnelly
| Gospel
Here you will find sermons preached on at Lord's Day worship services by both our former pastor, visiting preachers and conference speakers. ( more.. )
Lord's Day Services Morning Worship: 11:30 am Evening Worship: 6:30 pm Sabbath School: 10:30am Bible Class: 10:30am Prayer Meeting: 6.00pm Youth Meetings: 6.00pm
560 Doagh Road Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim Northern Ireland BT36 5BU