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News Item11/11/11 2:22 PM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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Continued...my thoughts with much help and the desire for peace related to the subjects. The issue as I see it; is in relationship to faith. As regards the 2 sacraments of the NT baptism and the Lord's Supper, faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. So regarding baptism, It is by faith that covenant parent(s) present their God given heritage from God to God Ps. 127:3. I know of no true reformed Christian that believes the efficacy of either sacrament are inherent in the visible elements themselves and they believe that the work of the Spirit, is as Jesus himself said in John 3:8. The WCF agreeable to the Scripture says " the efficacy of baptism is not tied to the moment of time where in it is administered, yet not withstanding, with the proper use of this ordinance, the grace promised is not only offered Heb. 6:4 but really exhibited and conferred to such (whether of age or infants) as that grace belongeth unto, according to the counsel of God's will, in His appointed time." All the elect are baptized into Christ's visible body by water baptism and by faith into his invisible body of Christ by the Holy Spirit and the later only will persevere unto the end. Heb.6:9-20

News Item11/11/11 1:47 PM
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God's ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts, they are so much higher. We barely understand his revealed will, how much less can we perceive his secret counsels. I have observed that our gracious God gives us many, many opportunites to repent and believe the truth, so all men will be without the excuses sinful men always use, as to why they can't be blamed for their sin, its the other persons fault. Satan tempts us to blame and indwelling sin agrees, Ah, but God. He reveals sin. I see what the article speaks of as a second chance to right wrongs, and to make restitution as the 5th commandment is obeyed. God know how to press and when to lift up.

News Item11/11/11 12:54 PM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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Lurker wrote:
"Most Americans Own a Bible, So Why Aren't They Reading It?"
Why should they when their pastor spoon feeds them everything he thinks they need to know for the next week?
Why should they when the more zealous
Christians have confessions of faith which explains everything the church fathers thought the bible teaches?
Why should they when they have their systematic theologies which their favorite divines wrote?
Why should they when libraries of commentaries can be accessed in an instant on the internet which teach them what they thought God meant?
Why should they call on God to be their teacher by means of the words He inspired?
Because He is the only infallible teacher who will never lead them astray.
Oh, that God fearing men and women would set tradition aside, humble themselves before God and plead with Him to teach them, through His word, His will for their lives.
Because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Because without faith it is impossible to please God. Because at such a time as this we do not all have the same means available, but most still have their bibles and Christ is Lord of the means.

News Item11/11/11 12:07 PM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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Mike, I think that you will have to grant this a very inadequate way to dialog. I have struggled with this and other issues related that divide God's people. The Lord condescended to help me in the night watches and then in an amazing kindness sent me a brother of like mind to help me. He didn't know what he was helping me with, but what he was doing was being my brother and I was being his sister. The Lord helped us both. I now know what I didn't know before God used him as Christ's representative to assist a weaker vessel in distress. My afflictions of body and soul and Christ's upholding and humbling hand in my life gave him hope for both of us, who at this time are having our faith tried. God's causing his leadership skills, and his knowledge and understanding that now surpassed mine gave me great joy and hope. This is the unhindered unity of mind, will and affection we all desire as brethren; Psalm 133 doctrinal unity that makes
this possible is a worthy aim, but this context is sad at best. My point, I'd like to share my thoughts with a desire for the same to the best of my ability, next post.

News Item11/10/11 5:14 PM
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Romans 16:17 " Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them."
1 Cor.1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."
1 Cor.3:3 "For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?"
*1 Cor. 11:17-19*
Scripture doesn't seem to say agree to disagree. It also implies there is one truth to be known and believed amongst us. The WCF is only as good as the truth that it upholds. I believe it has done just that, uphold the truth. I say this with good will, and not for strife with sorrow.

News Item11/8/11 4:10 PM
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Angela Wittman wrote:
Just a reminder for Christians to pray. The latest polls indicate this will be a narrow vote.
Do ammendments to state constitutions pass by a popular vote, it would seem that more is required? So your request was pray folks will get out to the polls or that God would end the practice of abortion as seems good to Him, that which would be for His glory and the good of His church, with submission and faith to His will?

News Item11/7/11 10:42 AM
RP | PS  Find all comments by RP
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Berkeley wrote:
Albeit, the Theonomists, Christian Reconstructionists and self-proclaimed Covenanters of today are also men of their time and would likewise also consent to you being put to death. And folks wonder why there are sharp differences of opinion on this board?
This is a gross misrepresentation with several falsehoods. First, the two camps mentioned do not agree enough to join in unison for any such purpose. Second he confuses Church and State and who does what to who. I am not a magistrate but there is a chain of command Matt.18, in the Church and they deal with the visible body of believers, the magistrate in a settled state to my knowledge concerning a truly dangerous heretic would look at their level of influence. If no repentence from serious heresy, the individual has historically been banished to another nation usually heathen, worse case senerio. If their judgment was not sound they banish one of their best citizens and the gospel was spread. He is trying to stir up more division, as if there is not enough. I didn't see this until after I posted and it needed comment. There is no such Church or Magistrate until God acts to vindicate his own glory. Get real!

News Item11/7/11 9:06 AM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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Replying Lurker to your statement to John regarding what 'Presbys' believe is a very assuming position to take, you do not speak for me. Here is part of the problem-pluralism. As I have said in the past presbyterianism is Church rule by a plurality of elders, under Christ's Headship and for the good of His members who are brethren. Their Head confers to them the keys of the Kingdom with which they are to rule in Christ's Church on His behalf for the good of his church in every nation as a nation, but at the same time acknowledging their brethren in other nations. This is as it should be, not as it is at the present time. As for paedobaptists they differ greatly as has been evidenced by your link.
I no longer am granted use of the laptop it has been decided I have important things closer to home to spend my time on. The gospel of John tell us that if we want to know a doctrine because we want to obey it, God will teach us.

News Item11/6/11 6:58 PM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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Lurker wrote:
Once again, I ask my paedobaptist brothers and sisters:
Whom will you believe; Paul (Gal 5:1-6) or Calvin?
I not sure it is necessary to put them in opposition if rightly understood. I read from a former teacher this Lord's day and I marveled at all that the Lord has taught me since I read the book so many years ago now, I sent the original to a brother in Africa, and finally found another in print. Doubt it is any more. I found something key to understanding, that I did and didn't understand myself until he put it so clearly. But I'm tired, because I too was up in the night watches. Its too long for ipad punching. If its the Lord's will my son will figure out the compter soon.

News Item11/6/11 6:42 PM
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Angela Wittman wrote:
Dear RP,
Hopefully someday you and I will become great friends as you are a sincere sister in the Lord... you.
Mrs. Wittman, we are not very well known to one another via these post it notes, but yes we have somethings in common that would draw to a friendship. The response I made was to the comment and i did not see your post until after I posted. The LORD has richly blest my day two psalms I sang this day sensibly Psalm 92 and 16.
"It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto thy name,O most high: to show forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night. " to this I say Amen for I appreciate the sense of His faithfulness and desire it to continue but sing I must. I can sing his praise because it is true even through tears of sorrow and because I know it sensibly by faith.

News Item11/6/11 4:55 PM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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One of Samuel Rutherford's letter that I 've read, I found very helpful. He was asked for counsel by members of a local assembly quite distant from his own, he advised them to look always to the Lord as their Shepherd/Teacher and he would use the man as His messenger to bring them what they looked to the Lord for. Not his exact words but what I heard, when I read his letter. That is what I have done for many years.
I could look for some of the teachers GOD used to help me, on this topic under discussion, but I believe it very unlikely that is what you want from me. I am thankful to the Lord for what he continues to teach me and how he has protected me. I've always appreciated the WCF SC that as my King he subdued me to himself, rules over and defends me and restrains and conquers all his and my enemies. This I made personal, but anyone who He has subdued to Himself can take the same comfort in this office of their exalted King of kings and Lord of lords.

News Item11/6/11 2:45 PM
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Priestess wrote:
God established the priesthood of all believers. Beware of clericalism.
If God calls you to pray and fast and exhort others to do so then do.
I am aware of the dangers of separating brethren into catagories of clergy and laity. I am aware of what Peter taught in his epistle. But that is not to be divorced from what Paul taught in Ephes. 4. It is my understanding that the Spirit through the Scripture may lead an indvidual to fast and pray and possibly two or three others in unsettled times, but the normal call corporately comes from the elders in a settled state of he Church. It is my hope to see a more settled state of the visible Church in the not too distant future.

News Item11/6/11 2:09 PM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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Thank you Scott, I was concerned with where this was heading. I was not familiar with the author from Lurker's link by name but I found things for concern enough on the site and Mr. Sandlin's style. He paraphrased Mr.Calvin and then gave his interpretation of what he was saying. That partculiar Sandlin interpreted
was misunderstood and led to a twist. Now Mr.Calvin was questioned for his understanding when it as actually the author of this piece. I am familiar with Mr. James Jordon's influence on a local assembly, after being away from the area, and visiting with a family friend at their Christian School, it appeared they were more in line with the Anglican Church then what I recognized as paedobaptists.

News Item11/5/11 4:11 PM
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I am not a Christian Re-constructionist/Theonomist and the last I knew neither were the RPCNA. They did believe in the Mediatorial Dominion of Chirst as Head of His Church and as Creator God believe He's the right to expect subjection from all His creature which will be for the good of the whole world. What I'm referring to will be a move of the Spirit of God to settle the state of His Church, as seems good to Him; indicated by the prophetic Scripture. He will do so in time, before the end of the 6th trumpet which is related to the spread of Islam in the East, as a judgment on tyrannical leaders, opening gospel liberty in the East. At the close of this trumpet and in the relatively short period of time before the 7th trumpet begins to sound, judgment will return to the West. This did not come from my own interpretation, it is an historicist interpretation of prophecy. I know when praying by the Spirit of grace and supplication, that if I ask anything according to His will, for the good of His Church, with submission and faith; I will have my petition for the merits of Christ alone. For the record, I am not a Papist, a Jesuit, a Freemason, et. al. I am a Christian, who Protests against the errors of the Roman Church and Presbyterian in my judgment.

News Item11/5/11 12:17 PM
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Angela Wittman wrote:
So, I will defer to my pastor on this matter if he corrects me tomorrow; but so far he hasn't corrected me on similar requests. I appreciate your concern and thank you for it.
Thank you for your thoughtful response. We are both from Churches that make similar claims. I tried to write you in an e-mail, but for some reason all my attempts to e-mail which are few have given the same message imlying the address I have used is wrong, which I do not believe to be so. Our family computer is now not allowing me access to SA, even after my son fixed it. Interestingly my google resolve is now being put to the test. I only have access to an android. I would appreciate prayer for a fruitful God honoring Christian Sabbath, fighting the good fight of the faith of Christ Jesus whose faith it is, against the hinderences of the world, the flesh and the devil. We will communicate again Lord willing. Good Sabbath over which Christ is Lord. I will pray for you and yours as well.

News Item11/5/11 11:10 AM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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Is it not the God ordained office of the Presbytery to give a call to the Church as a separate institution as to their duty as concerns a time of prayer and fasting with thanksgiving?
I referred to you as Mrs. Wittman because that is what my brethren have always done to maintain decorum as an example to our younger listeners. But yes, I am a woman like yourself and I did not address you in that manner to confuse you, I am sorry if that was the cause. I did aim to receive and give information in this context, computers are useful to that end Please, do not divert to whether abortion is a great evil, on that we agree. But I am asking the question because of what I believe. Would or could you heed such a call from SBC as those who will give an account for your soul to Christ?

News Item11/5/11 9:16 AM
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Lurker wrote:
I was not asking. I asked one question and answered it. I can lead you to water but I can't make you drink.
Btw, where doescripture teach that Christ was the cloud that followed Israel in the wilderness? Book chapter and verse will suffice.
. . .dd dd
Exodus 13:21

News Item11/5/11 8:43 AM
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Arira Hall[/AUTHOR
a woman is allowed one husband, see to it you do not try to rule over another man's wife or any woman who is not your own wife for in doing so you seek to rule over her husband and assert yourself do not submit to Christ.
The Church in Scripture is female, Christ's bride to be, awaiting his coming at the appointed time when all things shall be fulfilled. I am my Beloved's and he is mine. The woman is not without the man in the Lord nor the man without the woman. This is a dialog between who knows who with any certainty. It's draw is related to the unsettled state of the Church at this time. Neil, I believe a nation is a moral person as such as Matt.25:32 states. That means individual gospel ministers first, their membership as individuals, the individuals in government from the top down, and everyone that is not applicable to these catagories, but gave heard/seen the heavens declare the glory of God or the firmament showeth forth his handy work. We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ of which Matthew here addresses.

News Item11/4/11 7:30 PM
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A little American History well searched out will prove that Mr.(s) Washington, Jefferson and Franklin were well aware of the position I take. I'm not the first to have taken it in this nation or across the sea. And I differ with our NZ guest because there was a nation that was recognized as a Christian nation, by their vows to God and one another, they were brave suffers, in the face of much ignorance and fear from their own country men and others. God has not forgotten his witnesses, though men may forget. These brethren gave themselves first to the Lord and then to one another. 2 Cor. 8:5 "And this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God," This they did to preserve Christ's Headship in the Church & they vowed their allegiance to the Magistrate according as he upheld Christ's Kingship in His Church and His Glory as Creator over all men. These men Franklin et. al. were well aware of the Covenanter position, though more for taking what they liked and dis-guarding the rest. Some of Scotland's best citizens came to this nation on slave ships, though not all lived to tell about it. Others sought refuge in Ireland, England and the Netherlands. These were those of whom the world was not worthy.

News Item11/4/11 4:40 PM
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Political dissent means no vote given in favor of either party. Choosing rather not to vote and not to ask anyone to foreswear by taking an oath that denies Jesus Christ by acknowledging a Constitution that never mentions His name or defines the God in whom thy Trust. This leaves us, as a nation, wide open so that any man of any mind set, if he is so inclined may deny Christ in one form or other and still lead this people as a nation. Yes, look at the one mindedness in professing Christiandom alone and now say 'We the people' will do what? in unison? This nation has been privileged with the true gospel, and to whom much has been given much is required. That may even require humbling ourselves and praying and seeking God's face and turning from our wicked ways, before a heart searching God, who certainly knows what spirit we are of. 1 John 4:1-4 It is before Him I will stand one day.
Matthew 10:32-33 "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven."
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