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Sermon All Things New - 2 Cor. 5:17-21 | Ken Wimer
from Newberry, sc
"Holy Ghost Truth"
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Sermon An Invasion from Hell | Denis Lyle
Jennifer Mason from Memphis
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Sermon1/10/14 9:19 AM
Jim Spannagel | NEW HAMPTON, NEW YORK  Find all comments by Jim Spannagel
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Pastor Rebukes Coward Churches
Shane Idleman
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise the Lord there are still men "The knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him." Thanks for this warning to a sleeping church and cowardly men who stand in the pulpit. Reminds me of Numbers 32:6 "shall your brethren go to war, and shall you sit here." How many are just pastors are just sitting?

Sermon12/4/13 10:56 AM
Jim Spannagel | NEW HAMPTON, NEW YORK  Find all comments by Jim Spannagel
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Revival Stories: Rolfe Barnard
E. A. Johnston
“ Great Sermon! ”
I just finished reading God's Hitchhike Evangelist. Wonderful, Powerful book. I can say enough of how this book has spoken to me through Rolfe Barnard. Thank you Brother Johnson for directing me to this man.

Survey3/4/10 9:41 AM
Jim spannagel | New Hampton New York  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Jim spannagel
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Both bold and gracious. Bold, because anyone in the media today who speaks of their faith Christ is immediately
labeled a demagogue. Gracious,because he extended to Woods the redemption found in Christ alone.

Survey3/11/09 4:33 PM
Jim spannagel | New Hampton, New York  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Jim spannagel
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What is hard, is not finding a church I agree with, but one that holds true to the scripture.
One that has not bowed down to the latest Bible versions, contemporary music and worship.
One that stands firm in it's commitment to the "old paths" in God's wisdom and not mans'. Not the designer churches we see today, but one that preaches Hell and the blood of Christ without reservation!

Survey3/2/09 5:07 PM
Jim spannagel | New Hampton, NY  Go to homepageFind all comments by Jim spannagel
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Mike wrote:
I heard the Holy Spirit may have some input on biblical understanding. If so, should we suppose he's handicapped by versions?
Not at all, but let's not suppose we can't be deceived by "Yea, hath God said" Genesis 3:1

Survey3/2/09 2:23 PM
Jim spannagel | New Hampton, NY  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Jim spannagel
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Doesn't Liberalism and Bible versions go hand in hand?
How can you be anything but liberal with a dozen or more versions of the Bible.

Survey2/22/09 9:23 AM
Jim spannagel | New Hampton, New York  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Jim spannagel
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With so many "Versions" and the adding and subtracting of words and verses, I guess we should concede there can be versions of truth?
It seems we ignore Rev. 22:18,19 and then state we have an "inerrant word"
How foolish!
If the word "versions" or "translations" themselves, regarding the truth of scripture, isn't negative I don't know what is.

Survey2/21/09 10:11 AM
Jim Spannagel | New York  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jim Spannagel
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Why is it so many of the Reformed Faith have turned to the NIV when it is the KJV that is the foundation for their Confessions of Faith? An example would be 1 John 5:7 with regard to the Trinity. "These three are one" missing in the NIV, foundational to the Westminister Confession of Faith.
I think the answer is given in 2 Timonty 4:3.

Sermon12/21/08 7:19 PM
Jim spannagel | New Hampton, New York  Find all comments by Jim spannagel
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The Last Hour
David Cloud
“ Great Sermon! ”
I'm reminded of Elijah in 1 Kings who cryed to the Lord "and I even I only, am left" What Christian today who takes a stand for the Gospel doesn't at times feel lke Elijah. But I'm reminded that the Lords response was "Yet I have left me seven thousand who have not bowed unto Baal." Thank God for men like David Cloud who have not bowed unto Baal and continues to preach the truth of God's word. What a great and timely sermon.

Survey6/29/08 10:12 AM
Jim spannagel | New Hampton, New York  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Jim spannagel
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All men are at enmity with God and the gospel.
"There is none that seeketh after God." Romans 2:10
It is only God's intervening grace that brings to us salvation.
"For by grace ye are saved through faITH and NOT OF YOURSELVES, it is a gift of God.
Not of works, lest any man should boast." Eph.2:8,9
Thinking we chose God brings in works, we did something.
I'm eternally glad HE chose me, My sin nature would not have chose him and except for His Grace I'd be on my way to hell.
Man always wants the credit, even when it come to salvation. "I made the move to God."
But as Jonah said "Salvation is of the Lord" Jonah 2:9

Survey12/11/07 6:25 PM
Jim spannagel | New Hampton, NY  Go to homepageFind all comments by Jim spannagel
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How about Alan Keyes? He might give you an opportunity the others can't. A chance to vote your conscience and not who might win.

Survey12/10/07 4:02 PM
Jim spannagel | New Hampton, New York  Go to homepageFind all comments by Jim spannagel
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Huckabee's political ads have dropped "Christian Leader" in favor of "Proven Leader"
I wonder, does that make him a true Christian or a true politician?

Survey12/5/07 9:51 AM
Jim spannagel | New Hampton, NY  Go to homepageFind all comments by Jim spannagel
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The guestions regarding Huckabee's faith remain to be seen under the fire of today's political environment. Can he be faithful? He has already waivered on creation!
Will he truly standup and "not be careful to answer thee in this matter" (Daniel 3:16) or will his political ambitions cause him to compromise and give answers that please men rather that God.
"Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?" Proverbs 6:27

Sermon8/21/07 7:58 PM
Jim spannagel  Find all comments by Jim spannagel
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr. Bob Jones can say in 14 min. more than most can say in an hour. His legacy reflected in his preaching and life stand as reminder of how far most have gone from true biblical preaching.One can only pray that BJU will continue to take the stand for Truth in the same way he did.

Survey8/21/07 7:48 PM
Jim spannagel | New Hampton, New York  Go to homepageFind all comments by Jim spannagel
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The daily reading God's Word and prayer are equally important. Through His word He speaks to us. Through prayer we speak to him. Without this in our lives, Church attendance only makes us "Sunday Christians"

Sermon8/12/07 9:55 AM
Jim spannagel  Find all comments by Jim spannagel
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The Bible's Proof
David Cloud
“ Great Sermon! ”
I've listened to this sermon several times. Thank God there are still men such as Brother Cloud (though few) who stand firm on God's Word. I think many forget Faith in God's Word is our guide and not man's opinion. Romans 4:3 "For what saith the scripture?"

Sermon8/11/07 8:23 PM
Jim spannagel  Find all comments by Jim spannagel
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The Bible's Proof
David Cloud
“ Great Sermon! ”
I've listen to this sermon several times, What a delight to know there are men like Brother Cloud who continually stand faithful to the Word of God. They may be few, but thank God for them.

Survey8/11/07 7:30 PM
Jim spannagel  Go to homepageFind all comments by Jim spannagel
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Survey5/21/07 9:19 AM
Jim spannagel | New Hampton, New York  Go to homepageFind all comments by Jim spannagel
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(This survey is no longer available)
Wayne M

I would guess the PM of Canada takes an oath to uphold the laws of Canada.
That would include Abortion, Gays Rights and many other abominations.
There is the compromise.
Shadrach, Meshack and Abed-Nego didn't bow down. Daniel didn't stop praying.
I'm afraid your PM has bowed down to the idols and unjust laws of the today.
It might be well to remember how Peter and John responded " "Whether it be right in the sight of God to harken unto you more than unto God, judge ye." Acts 4:19

Survey5/19/07 8:44 PM
Jim spannagel | New Hampton, New York  Go to homepageFind all comments by Jim spannagel
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(This survey is no longer available)
A Christian in our society today would never get elected to any substanital political office.
All he would need to do is to apply the Word of God to todays standards of morality and he or she would be gone.
Lets be real, in most states you wouldn't even be elected to your local school board.
Gays, evolution, spare the rod, the Biblical role of women, to name a few.
Once you got into the role of women today and gays you'd be buried if you took a proper Biblical stand.
The 88 votes on this survey are fooling themselves or have their head in the sand regarding todays government and the men who preside over it.
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