Godliness The Apostle Paul was not afraid to encourage people to live in the way he lived. His concern was not that they emulate the physical attributes of his life but his godliness. That term has been elongated by some to indicate its meaning in this way—God-like-ness. In fact, we were created in God’s own image but marred this image by our sin. Instead of being holy we became sinners from the heart. Instead of being righteous we did evil. And we became darkened in our understanding. But by the grace of God He has delivered His people from the power of sin through the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. So when Paul told Timothy to follow his example or said to King Agrippa that he wanted all who heard him to become like him, he was speaking of the grace of God that worked in him to be holy and righteous and to understand life clearly. It is in this manner that your life should be an example to those around you. It will be that when you trust in Jesus Christ. Although you will still be a sinner, you will know what to do about your sin – to repent of it, turning to the Lord. By the enlightenment of Christ you will see more clearly and you will be regarded as holy in God’s sight. We invite you to speak with Pastor Martin or another Christian toward being a godly example through faith in Jesus Christ.