Idea: If you love me, you will keep my commandments.
Intro: John begins to address the main purpose of his letter, the purpose of assurance. To use John's language in vs. 3, believers sometimes wonder, “How can I know that I truly know God?”
John gives three answers to that question, answers that run through the rest of the letter in some shape or form. I'll list them this morning so you can be aware of them, but I'll only consider the first today. First, the test of righteousness. Second, the test of love. Third, the test of doctrine or truth. It is that first test, the test of righteousness, that I'll consider this morning. John's point is pretty simple. You know you know Christ by following after Him. It isn't natural for men and women who are born in sin to follow after Jesus. While we will always maintain that the basis of our salvation is faith in Jesus, not by works, we will also find assurance of salvation in the presence of good works in our lives. You cling to Christ and walk as He walks.
1. Salvation as knowledge of God
2. Two Types of men a. The one who says, "I know God," but doesn't obey b. The one who says, "I know God," and does obey
3. Exhortation - Walk as Jesus Walked! |