After waiting many years for Nathan's prophecy to be fulfilled, fulfillment finally came, and when it did, it forced David to hit the road with his family and to run for his life. Absalom, whose name literally means, father of peace, turned out to be the son who would rise up against David from within his own home (2 Samuel 12:11). After spending several years operating a retail politics campaign out at the city gate, Absalom finally stole enough hearts (12:6) from David to make a claim upon his father's throne. Once David was informed of the coup, he made a decision to flee Jerusalem and to head for the hills. With just mere minutes to spare, he evacuated the royal city and set out for the lonely hillsides where he hoped to receive enough support from countryside supporters who would keep him alive until he could figure this thing out with Absalom. In the mean time, as David fled the city he was encountered by the priests and his friend Hushai and used these contacts to hastily set up a counter-intelligence network to keep him informed of Absalom's plans. So, once again, David is fleeing for his life out in the wilderness, but even as he flees in complete duress, he manages to express his profound faith in the Lord and in His sovereign guidance (15:25-26). |