Just what we needed to hear ! Naomi and myself have been looking for a spiritual home,and attended two different local churches recently, where we thought we could belong- lovely saints,great preaching,etc. !
In both churches however,we were stunned to find at the prayer meetings that the sisters prayed audibly .
We thought this unscriptual,but maybe thought that we had it wrong and were too judgmental.
A dear brother (Tom) pointed out this sermon,and it proved ,in providence,the answer to our questions on this matter.
Thankyou Bro Silversides for faithful preaching. I met you once when you were at the T.B.S. i was the cleaner ther at the time , and i also have read your book on the free offer of the gospel,which was beneficial as well,as i am involved in street evangelism.
May the Lord bless your ministry brother Silversides.
Great Sermon! this topic of the so called "unpardonable sin" has come up in a thread. i thought i'd listen to this and thank you again for your clear and consistent teaching on it. its great to be able to access this resource on line.
Great Sermon! Good sermon! Gives very useful information concerning the DVC. Although the DVC is obviously fiction, it is good, nay vital, that Christians have answers to give to the scoffers (I Peter 3:15) in these days.
Outstanding Outstanding introduction to this important document - very informative. Combined with Pastor Ian Goligher's sermon on this topic, it makes a great primer. Highly recommended for people who want to study this historic document that establishes sound doctrine.
I am under 30 I am under 30, indeed before I was 19 I had never read a book the whole way through. When I came under conviction of sin at 19 I began to read the Bible, and it was the K.J.V. I do not say that I understood every word, I would not have understood every word of a children’s book; but I quickly felt at home with the language. I found that this language was majestic, it was reverential, yes it made me read slower than I would reading a newspaper but that taught me that this was no newspaper - it made me think about the word as I read. If it had read like a newspaper I would have read fast and wondered in my thoughts much more easily. Is it a problem of understanding? From my experience I would say no. Rather most young people don't want to put effort into reading; if this is pandered to in translations where will it stop? The Bible will soon have to read like a text message, but it is the word of God and accuracy is vital. If a teen was reading a text book for a Degree he would look up any words he didn't understand (Most Bibles have a glossary at the back of them) yet they will through down a Bible at the first sign of difficulty. When sinners become serious they will have little bother reading the most accurate translation in English; when they do, they will be confident of it.
Fascinating .... What I can't get over is that in all of the hours and hours of material about the KJV, no speaker ever deals with the main issue, that it's incomprehensible to modern English speakers. Can't they go out and get someone under 30 years of age, give them a KJV, and see if the person understands it? The KJV may be the perfect translation, but when people can't understand it, why insist on its use? Why not take the Received Text and create a modern translation that people can understand?
Great Sermon! This was an enlightening message. Rev. David appeared objective to me. I appreciate the love and passion to contend for the faith.
This sermon has confirmed my thoughts about the NIV.
Father, it is my prayer, that every listerner would be open to that which from your Spirit. And discard any or all that is not of you, but of the preacher.
Great Teaching! What does the book of Daniel teach us.? What does the very existance of prophecy teach the Church today. Why the very Sovereignty of God. In this series on Daniel Rev. Silversides opens Daniel and brings us to perceive the message of prophetic words in God and His omniscience
Great Sermon! A difficult passage well exegeted by David Silversides. Instead of playing about with all sorts of predictions and the like, David says "listen to what God says." and "Don't look at the news today, look at Scripture."
"Walk by Faith not by sight." This is a far better pragmatic approach and a good series on Daniel, by Rev. Silversides.
Excellent critique A good examination of the beliefs of the prosperity gospel and word-of-faith movement. Background info clearly shows this stuff is not Christian. Doctrines of the prosperity gospel are contrasted with true Christianity. Recommended for anyone who comes into contact with the prosperity gospel, tv evangelists, etc.
An Excellent Address Having once taken the Baptist view of the covenant, can I encourage those who still do to prayerfully listen to this address. The Scriptures clearly teach and warn against covenant breaking, both in the Old Testament and in the New - else how are we to understand the breaking off of the branches on the vine in John 15 and of the olive tree in Romans 11? Hebrews chapter 4 warns the New testament church of the same sin committed under the Old, namely that they should not 'fall after the same example of unbelief.' The unity of the Scriptures of truth are so gloriously set forth with this view and God's glory shines here. 'Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children.' Psalm 90:16
Light shed on dark topic! This is yet another excellent sermon by Rev. Silversides. The DaVinci Code is such a popular book that Christians must take notice of it's blatant heretical teachings. Despite it's being a novel, many are taking it for a fact based adventure story! Rev. Silversides clears up the fog surrounding such issues and applies the light of Scripture to enable the listener to make sound biblical life decisions. Thank you again Rev. Silversides!