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Sermon6/6/2024 12:55 PM
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What Shall We Say Then?
Edwin Blackwood
“ God is true and we are all liars ”
I think what we miss here when Paul says we have died to sin, he is really talking about the law here. He is talking about dying to the law which stirs up sin in our lives. Paul just said the law came in to INCREASE sin, not reduce it. The law does not show us how to obey God. The law shows that we CAN NOT OBEY God. Are you God manifested in the flesh? And if you say you have no sin you are a liar and the truth is not in you. What is helpful for us to understand is that the law of Moses was NEVER given to gentiles, but only to the Israelites. It defined them as a nation and also gave references to the foreshadowing’s and prophetic inferences of the coming Messiah. The old covenant remained in effect until the death and resurrection of Christ. Christ was teaching a people who thought they had no sin to forgive. He was encouraging the law so people would come to the end of themselves and embrace the new covenant. If you will not surrender to the new covenant, you cannot be saved. You cannot live by law and grace simultaneously.

Sermon4/20/2024 4:54 PM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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“ Did not the devil say if only... ”
When God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he was basically saying that if you try to live by the law or knowledge of good and evil, you will become dead to me and I will become dead to you. But you will become alive to the world. We can see from the very beginning of creation that mankind was always meant to LIVE or be alive by God’s Spirit dwelling within man which was the “breath of life”. And when mankind sinned by violating God’s law by “doing” what they were told not to “do”, that is, they ate from the wrong tree, the breath of life or Holy Spirit withdrew himself from within them. The absence of life is death. Galatians 3:10-14: 10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.12 And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them.13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree

Sermon3/28/2023 3:05 PM
rp | FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by rp
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Search Me Only In Christ
Gabe Stalnaker
“ Great Sermon! ”
When you see how Christ sees his children in his darling SON the Lord Jesus Christ. it is the only way to have FULL assurance of faith. Clear Christ uplifting and man decreasing. LOVED IT!

Sermon11/7/2022 6:09 AM
RP | FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by RP
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The Saints of God
Frank Tate
“ Great Sermon! ”
MUST MUST MUST LISTEN!!! There is a HUGE difference between preaching a correct doctrine and preaching a person.

Sermon3/7/2021 8:37 AM
RP | FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by RP
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God's Eternal Mercy
Frank Tate
“ Great Sermon! ”
Without exaggeration one of the greatest sermons I have ever heard and spoke to my heart. For God saints in trial this is a sermon to not be missed!!!!!!

Sermon4/8/2020 11:27 PM
RP | Orlando. Fl  Find all comments by RP
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I just wanted to say how wonderful the psalm 119 series has been. Many years ago in religion psalm 119 would always be legalistic moral sermons. You have preached Christ and him crucified in every psalm 119 sermon. Thank you!

Sermon4/29/16 3:07 PM
RP | Florida  Find all comments by RP
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Turn Thee unto Me
Clay Curtis
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very honest sermon on our own sin, our own inability and Christ's sovereign mercy. MUST LISTEN.

Sermon5/1/13 2:23 AM
rp  Find all comments by rp
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“ Great Sermon! ”
A great sermon Jake, filled with great hope in faith, through Jesus!

News Item1/6/12 9:13 PM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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Are 'these people' really Christian? Strong accusation Wow or whoever you are.
You don't know 'these people' do you? You have gone of course to 'these people' first with your concern for their violation of the 8th Commandment following Matthew 18. Oh, I forgot these people aren't Christian because you 'suspect' they violated a commandment. Would that be all 'these people'? For the record regarding your 9th Commandment violation at the least, Can you define for me 'these people' lest someone think you guilty of a violation of a second table command and believe you're not a Christian. Thank you.

News Item1/6/12 7:55 PM
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Piqued my interest wrote:
...This led to a period of intense persecution of the Covenanters and I suspect that RP is referring to this.
Yes, that was what I was refering to. I stand corrected I confuse Indepedents with Anabaptists because of Reformed Baptists. Very confusing, I have had a very difficult day. I checked in on this whatever you call it, here and reacted to a day of false accusations, after reading he posts. Then made my own. I will replace Independent for Anabaptist in my reference.

The man was an Independent and Malignant to the Covenants?

News Item1/6/12 4:53 PM
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John UK wrote:
You left out part of his sentence by mistake? Probably not. "who have not been excommunicated from the visible Church" There are obvious qualifications to these few sentences posted in defense of truth and to make a point.

News Item1/6/12 4:23 PM
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"Baptism is the sign and seal of the covenant. It is not the sign and seal of eternal election, for God alone looks at the heart. (John UK's elders must have had the miraculous gift of discernment of spirits if after some classes & interview they knew conclusively that he would persevere to the end) Man looks at the outward appearance, and we as Christians need to know whom we are to count as and treat as fellow Christians. Do we count as Christians those who have a flaming testimonny? Or only those who speak speak in tongues? Or only those who talk about spiritual things the way we do, whom we feel at home with? The answer of the Bible, and of the Church of all ages is this: We count as Christians those to whom God has given the visible sign of baptism, provided the have not been excommunicated from the visible Church." J. Jordon

Presby, I would go as far as to say we must count in serious error all Anabaptists in practise especially in any nation that has been blessed with the true reformed religion. You and I both know that history which is so foundational to continuity can be manipulated. Who suffered for truth? Anabaptists or the Scottish Church under the English forces led by an Anabaptist? God knows the sufferers for truth, aye?

News Item1/4/12 7:10 PM
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By whose authority are the different interpretations of the Scripture resolved you ask?

I answer. Not by the pope, nor lordly prelates, nor an Erastian throne who usurps Christ's headship over his Church. Not by malignants or those who act contrary to the Word in continuing the divisions, which are the result of false teachers. Canticles tells us to wait by the shepherds tents, there we wait. Which ones? The last faithful contenders for truth who've reached the highest attainments in Reformation of doctrine, worship discipline and government. I believe that was the Church of Scotland. Her ministers that were faithful unto death. Presecution ended in1688 a great mercy (that's the17th century for my false accuser's info), but the goodness of God is to
lead us to repentance. It hasn't yet become 'obvious' what God will do for his glory, that he is so jealous of. It will, but only to those who
have saving faith. And what of the rest? see Rev.11:7-14

News Item1/4/12 6:31 PM
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What happened 12/25/11 on SA's News Site is the Scripture was read. Commendable, it was the Lord's, a good way to spend it, in the word. However it was also Christ-Mass.

But what happened 1/1/12 on SA's 'News Site.' News was reported. Why was Scripture not read as it was on Christ-Mass? Both dates were the Christian Sabbath or Lord's Day but only 12/25/11 did SA and friends give the News a rest. I am trying to explain, that I could see from Scripture this disagrees with the 4th commandment see also Isa. 58:13-14. I was wrong to be reading News on the Lord's Day. I did this the other 6 days. Which of the 10 Commandments are ok to violate any day? NONE I'm aware of. But the 4th pertains to the first day of the week. I wanted fellowship on the Lord's Day. This has not resulted in it on that day or any other, for that matter. 1John 1:6,7 To violate this command by choosing fellowship (?) with those who say they love the Lord Jesus Christ but neither keep his commands nor love the brethren, only demonstrates a lack of love to God. I repented and this Lord's Day and every day this week my communion with Christ by His word and Spirit was restored. He used SA for my good as Romans 8:28-29 promised. 1John 5:21 Nothing beside Him, i.e. computer addiction

News Item1/4/12 12:18 AM
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Yoke remover wrote:
You Pharisee! How is posting scripture on the Lord's day and especially verses that announce the coming of the Savior a "work"?!
If Scripture was posted, 1/1/12 like 12/25/11 instead of News it wouldn't have got my attention. My conscience in this matter is best known to me. And to my own Master I stand or fall. This is not legalism. 1 John 2:4 "He that saith I know him and keepth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him." All saved sinners know God expects a God-rightousness that ONLY Jesus Christ can give, even our justification. Our sanctification or the good works prepared in advance for me to walk in is the fruit of the mortifying work of the Spirit and the measure of Christ's obedience that is my portion, his work in me. This is a matter between me and my Master. For sometime now I have struggled with my motives of partication especially on the Lord's Day and the Lord used SA's holding one day above God's appointed day to get my attention.

NYP, I believe that just as in the case of Aaron's 2 sons, Nadab and Abihu, God's glory was at issue and that is more important to God then even the salvation of sinners, and we know how impotant that is, by the unfathomable price paid for the elect.

News Item1/3/12 8:42 PM
RP  Find all comments by RP
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Well, I have my answer from SA by observation. They, like the Mega Churches closed the News on 'Christ Mass' but not for the Christian Sabbath. It was necessary for me to see this so I understood why I could no longer justfy my participation on the Lord's day, for that reason alone, though there are others. John 7:17 "If any man will do his will, he shall know of the
doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself." Jesus Christ is the Mediator of the New Covenant which includes ALL 10 Commandments that he lived to keep and died to propitiate God's just wrath for their violation. News is not a work of necessity or mercy on the Sabbath. Debate is a work of the flesh, on any day. Of Scriptural argument I fall short. If I am guilty of one violation I am guilty of all. "For whosoever shall keep the whole Law and yet offend at one point is guilty of all." James 2:10 "Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man
availeth much." James 5:16

News Item12/7/11 5:12 PM
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The most dangerous enemy we can have is the enemy that we trust. The enemy we recognize, while dangerous, cannot possibly cause us as much harm as the one who has gained our trust and confidence.

Romans 16:17-18 "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

News Item12/7/11 4:07 PM
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Presby wrote:
By their action ecclesiastical history found out that this was not the way God chose.
I would appreciate clarification here or should I say, You have clarified your position. Certainly wherein they confessed their sins, because all sin, the Lord was faithful and just to forgive them their sins and cleanse them from all unrighteousness. But the remnant of the United Societies took up the same Covenants again in the Auchensaugh Deed, the best pattern for a renovation. They left out the civil portion other then for confession of national sin. As a small remnant they bound their souls to God to continue their ecclesiastic duties to Him and their brethren. No Covenanter believes the covenants a mute point or that these brave men and women died Heb. 12:4 for a way other than God's. No they were/are Christians "men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof." Where ever they have been scattered in this dark day Isa.26:20

News Item12/7/11 3:05 PM
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Isaiah 40:10-12 "Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.
He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young. Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?

There are those who fear an oath and others like Mr.Rutherford that fear not to keep it. The then Scottish Church was constantly examining themselves as to their faithfulness 1 Cor.11:31-32 to the Covenant of Redemption as regarded their loving obedience to Christ; keeping his commandments and loving the brethren. His reference "we were more to set up a state opposite to a state; more upon forms, citations, leading of witnesses, suspensions from benefices, than spiritually to persuade and work upon the conscience," what Presby eluded to. These Covenanters were Noblemen, Barons, Knights,Gentlemen, Citizens, Burgesses, Ministers of the Gospel and Commons of all sorts in the three kingdoms. They acted as one people in their place, calling and station Ps.79:9

News Item12/7/11 1:42 PM
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