Great Sermon! Are you relying on anything at all besides the finished work of Jesus Christ for your salvation? Church membership, the sacraments, moral living and good works will not merit Heaven. Only a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will do. Life is short and uncertain - do not delay to put your trust in Him! "...behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." II Corinthians 6:2
Great Sermon! An outstanding sermon which shows the biblical basis for burial of the dead and the pagan roots of cremation. As Christians, we must seek to please the Lord in all things, even in our attitude towards our body and the arrangements made for the disposal of it after death. Our bodies will be raised from the dead at the Second Coming of Christ and by arranging for the burial rather than the cremation of our body we demonstrate that glorious truth to those we leave behind!
Great Sermon! An excellent sermon which examines the origins of theological liberalism and contrasts it with true, biblical Christianity. This sermon also demonstrates how liberalism buttresses the Roman Papacy, and warns against specific concessions to liberalism which must be avoided by true Christians. Very helpful!
Great Sermon! Have you ever wondered why some churches, which were once great Gospel lights, have apostatized from the truth? This sermon reveals the reason behind these sad occurrences, and is very instructive for those who desire to remain faithful to the Lord.
Great Sermon! Do you engage in vain speculations and quibblings about God and Christianity? If so, then lay them aside and ask the only question which matters: "How can I, a hell-deserving sinner, be saved?"
Great Sermon! We live in an age of a languishing church, but the Bible foretells a time of tremendous growth of the Kingdom of Christ. Do not live by sight, but live by faith in the Word of God!
The Deadly Idol of Prestige The pursuit of respectability and prestige is idolatry of the heart. That is why John Calvin warned that the human heart is a factory of idols. The idol of prestige ultimately destroys the lives of those who pursuit it.
Needed more now than ever! This is such a great message and so important. I'm concerned, however, as it seems in this generation, even Christian young men DO tend to choose the girls that dress immodestly and it seems the discouragement from that fact pushes these young women to adopt the culture's immodest dress.
Great Sermon! Never forget: Atheists do not have any real intellectual objections to the existence of God. They are not atheists because they are reasonable, but because they are sinful. It is their hearts which must be addressed, not their intellectual objections. This should come as a huge relief to the Christian because it's not necessary to learn how to counter every argument an atheist may have against Christianity. It is only necessary to know the Gospel, and to be willing to confront the atheist, in humility and meekness, with the truth about the condition of his heart, his destiny as an unbeliever, and the wonder of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Great Sermon! Following Jesus Christ may bring the enmity of loved ones, yet His love is more than ample compensation for the loss of all other loves!
Great Sermon! Where did man come from, what is his nature, and what is his future? In this sermon, Pastor Silversides gives the biblical answers to these questions in his characteristically clear and concise manner!
Great Sermon! What a fearful thing it is to sit under the ministry of the Word, perhaps even for years, and never come to a saving faith in Christ! How we need to examine ourselves and be sure that we have a true faith in the Lord Jesus!
Excellent Sermon! It is an indisputable fact that we must all leave this world and enter into eternity. Our departure from this world will be a moment of supreme importance, yet, if we fail to prepare for it, it will be the most disastrous moment of our lives, as we enter into an eternity of everlasting torment and regret. Do not fail to prepare for this great event! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of your soul, and live for Him, and you will be prepared for an eternity of everlasting joy in His presence!