Rightful Division There is only one way of salvation for the believer and that is by faith in Jesus Christ and that is for ALL ages. The speaker is saying that the dispensations of the plan of God revealed in His Written Word are harmful to that doctrine. I understand by faith I am saved and so does the non dispensationalist. The doctrine of dispensationalism does not interfere with that; the divisions are built into the text. Rightly dividing the seemingly contradictory statements found in different books of Scripture (which I have struggled to sort out for years) fall into perfect alignment by rightly dividing His Word. I am a King James Bible advocate and have been born again for many years and in just the last 4 years I have learned how to rightly divide God's Word and it comes together so very clearly if we realize that God's Word is written FOR everyone but not TO everyone. Sometimes (as in Matthew 24) the words are written TO someone else and although I can benefit from them, they aren't addressing ME just as the Jewish law to not eat shellfish isn't addressing me. The dispensations were always there it's just that many don't RECOGNIZE them. That's as simply as I can put it.
The Elect Who are Begotten again of God 1.The elect are not superior to others. They are called elect because God has set His love upon them for He says I will have mercy on whom I will. 2.Obedience follows after receiving of faith when we are born again. 3.People disobey because of unbelief.4.Give up proud, arrogant, foolish, ungodly, delusive confidences and trust in Jesus. What an unspeakable gift of God to those who are made to be born again. Thank you pastor for i learnt much through this sermon though i don't agree with the baptism of infants.
Not Attributing God the Due Glory! Wonderful sermon teaching from the word of God how to mortify the habitual sin of anxiety. Anxiety is a response that fails to acknowledge that God is in control. It is losing patience with divine providence. A God who did not spare His son for His children, will he not meet all their needs?
Hear this sermon to learn to reckon His omnipotence and His faithfulness. Thank you Lord for convicting me of this habitual sin.
Preaching the Pure water of The Gospel I learnt many truths through this God-exalting sermon.Hear what the growing knowledge of God's elective Sovereign love do to those who are made to born from above. Some of the truths that i had learned are the fruits that we bring forth as a result of remaining in Him; nothing of me made Him choose me; Prayer is not an arrogant demand and esteeming the brethern more than myself. Thank you for this wonderful sermon. All Glory be to God.
Awesome God! Thank you very much pastor for this sermon on the truths of atonement. I came to know more of Him - my God and my savior Lord Jesus Christ through this wonderful study on atonement. Hearing this sermon increased my love for God. May God bless you with more spiritual blessings to accurately proclaim more of Him. Thank you Lord for this unspeakable gift of your salvation.
re 'Preaching with Integrity' Only thing worse than contemporary pagan feminism is infernal, emasculating pagan patriarchy that came in with Rome, clung to Calvin, and has spawned feminism by it's gross worldliness and sinfulness!
Paul was right when he said grievous wolves would enter the church not sparing the flock and they hit on the most tender vessels that few have cared to defend since....women.
Don't you get it that the patriarchal culture that extends over all the globe is the REAL "contemporary worldly culture" that currently smothers the church? The wolves are running the church.
Incorrect audio? The audio file on this page does not appear to be correct. It seems that the audio for the morning message was posted twice, once for the AM sermon and again for this one.
Reconsidering Lewis. From the time I wrote my first comment to this message I reconsidered CS Lewis and saw that he was influenced by Liberal teaching, evolutionism, Catholicism, that he was not an evangelical.
Never Deny Christ Evelyn, 1 Cor 14:35 refers to a husband within the Church of Christ. Though submitting to him in things that are lawful, the believing wife must never deny Christ at the behest of an unbelieving husband, but seek his conversion to Christ (1 Peter 3:1-2, 1 Cor 7:13). Submission to God-ordained authority never extends to doing what is sinful (Acts 4:19 & 5:29). If you deny Christ by returning to Islam.you are personally fully responsible before God and you cannot excuse it on the grounds of submission to your husband. "But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in Heaven" (Matt 10:33).
Great Sermon! So glad that God has spoken to me through you...I have decided to ask my husband at home as God says in 1 Corinthians 14 and my husband has wisely told me to return to Islam. I am so much happier now that we both are back in the faith of my childhood!
This is true wisdom from God and so thank you for this! We now get along much better...So this is a good scripture for me...
Best I've heard so far on this topic Clearly addresses competing interpretations but argues for a more allegorical interpretation. Also discusses how not to abuse the allegory. Lots of scripture is brought in to support. I also didn't know that Jonathan Edwards not only supported this view but attempted to give scriptural proofs.
Great Sermon! I really enjoyed this sermon. I recognize a great weakness in my prayer life and this has encouraged me. I look forward to that future time of great gospel blessing on the church and I love to hear sermons about it. may God bless you and continue to use you mightily for his glory.
Great Sermon! Good to hear a message applied to a relevant issue, though I would have preferred some exegesis of the Psalm first as it's unclear whether the "children of men" of v2 includes Israel of v6. Also why is this an elohistic virtual copy of Ps 14 with a difference only in v5?
to Rev. Silversides What use is theological understanding when half the church thinks they must refuse to listen? Hannah and Mary, Miriam and Huldah, and others preach to men daily out of the Bible. God has given them a pulpit in His Word. Surely then, God has not changed and as you say, God does not contradict Himself. Jesus knowingly sent the Samaritan woman as an apostle (one who is sent) to her people when He could have chosen a man and He chose Mary Magdalene to teach his disciples about the Resurrection. You cannot suggest that they were his second choice. Jesus went out of His way to meet the woman at the well. God's word does not CLEARLY prohibit women from preaching. That is the point. Jesus never silenced women nor instructed them to subject themselves to men in matters of the Holy Spirit. They belong to Him, bought with a price and He is their only Mediator. Paul admitted "not that we have dominion over your faith" and Peter said "not as being lords over God's heritage". They bowed to the greater authority of Jesus.
Response To Judie Judie - I think I said that a woman may be theologically gifted but that does not mean she is called to preach. Theological understanding has far more uses than publicly preaching to others. Our asessment of another's gifts is fallible and God does not call anyone contrary to His infallible Word which clearly prohibits women from preaching. The Scriptural use of her talents must lie in a different direction since God does not contradict Himself. The final authority must be the Scriptures. David.
Interesting and inventive Rev. Silversides,
I am a bit confused by your admission that God has gifted women both as preachers and theologically and nevertheless requires their absolute silence in the church.
Why do you think God has given women these gifts? It just seems to fly in the face of Jesus command in the parable of the talents and leaves women completely flummoxed wondering how to deal with the dichotomy that they are condemned by God for not using their talents and condemned by you for using them.
Oh but you also said I am also not permitted to ask questions and my husband does not attend church...what to do!
What is your solution?